

It has been two years since they graduated from magic academy. Now, the girls are working members of society, whether it be as adventurers or knights.

Due to dire circumstances, the 12 people unite to fight. Of course, not everyone is on the same side this time around.

[Fairy Tail-ish IZ*ONE AU]




It has been two years since they graduated from magic academy. Now, the girls are working members of society, whether it be as adventurers or knights.

Due to dire circumstances, the 12 people unite to fight. Of course, not everyone is on the same side this time around.

[Fairy Tail-ish IZ*ONE AU]


I've been working on this for a while. I've always wanted to write a pure fantasy AU for IZ*ONE but I am bad at world-building and tend to stray off the magic concept. But now I think I did something! Hope you all enjoy the journey!


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