You Forgot Something

You Forgot Something

He asked me “What’s wrong? Did you hurt?”

But is shook my head and keep crying. This is horrible. I cried like a baby in front of him.

“Then tell me why are you crying?” he raised my chin, smile and say “I will wait for you, _______. I won’t leave until you tell me.”

I kept silent for a while then I started telling him.

“I just feel like my life is always, always miserable. My family never put their attention to me. They do give me money or clothes, but they never give me love. I always feel alone at home until I decide to work in a café so I won’t feel ignored in my house. I’ve been hiding this feeling alone for 5 years and the girls started to bully me because you became my biology partner, Donghae. They locked me in the class until the janitor found me. And today, they broke my locker until I couldn’t use it anymore. I know it’s a small problem, but I couldn’t handle it anymore.” I told him and started to cry.

“I don’t think it’s a small problem, _______-ah. You’re very good at hiding your feeling. You must’ve felt tired. And I’m sorry. For the girls. I will talk to them tomorrow.” Donghae stared at me with his eyes.

And I’m good at hiding my feeling for you, Donghae.“No. You don’t need to tell them. I will ask Kim sunsaengnim to change my biology partner, Donghae.” I said.

“Oh wae? Andweyo, _______-ah. Jebal.” Donghae said nervously and pleadly. “I promise the girls won’t bully you again. Trust me.”


“_______-ah, if you feel alone, tell me. I will be there for you. Just imagine that I’m your brother. I don’t want you to feel alone anymore. Promise me?” Donghae raised his pinky.

I smiled, no one has ever been this good to me. “Promise.” We did pinky swear.

Then he suddenly hugged me. It felt warm and nice. I feel being protected. And my heart beating fast.

“You can call me oppa if you want to.” He said after I broke the hug. “Let me take you home. It’s almost night and I don’t want you to walk alone.”

Without hearing _______’s answer, he grabs her arm and walk together to _______’s house.

_______ opened the door and before she came in, she said to her oppa, “Donghae oppa, thankyou for what you’ve done today. And for being there for me.”

“My pleasure. Text me, will ya?”

She nodded. When she wanted to close the door, Donghae stopped it and said, “You forgot something.”

_______ was confused then suddenly Donghae kissed him. “Saranghae, _______-ah. I promise I will be there for you.” and he looked at her and smiled.

“, Donghae oppa. Thank you.” she was stuttered and closed the door. She felt relieved in sigh.

She quickly came to her room. Her family is having dinner. But she knew that she won’t be welcome to join the dinner. Isn’t it weird that parents don’t like their daughter to have dinner time with her? Well, that’s the truth. _______ took a bath and sat on her bed. She couldn’t express her feeling. She was sad because of her problem, and she was shocked because Donghae was with her. Especially when he kissed her. Ah, I think he just think that I’m her dongsaeng. There’s no way he has feeling for me, babo.

And she was curious when Donghae said “You forgot something.” to _______. She grabbed her phone and text to her new oppa.


To Donghae Oppa:

Donghae oppa, I know I already said this for times, but I really, really want to say thank you for today. No one ever did this to me.


From Donghae Oppa:

Gwenchana, _______-ah. I feel that I have to protect you and be there for you. Because I don’t want to see you cry anymore. Uljima, nae dongsaeng ^^


To Donghae Oppa:

Can I ask you something, oppa? Actually, there are 2 things I want to ask.


From Donghae Oppa:

Yeah, sure. Take your time.


To Donghae Oppa:

What do you mean when you said, “You forgot something”, oppa? Did I forget something?


From Donghae Oppa:

Uhm, pass.


To Donghae Oppa:

You can’t do that, oppa. -___-


From Donghae Oppa:

Can you tell me the next question? I promise I will tell you later.


To Donghae Oppa:

Arasso. Why do you want to protect me, oppa? I mean, we’re only classmate. We’re not very close, right? We barely talk each other.


From Donghae Oppa:

Hey, I always want to talk to you. But you’re the one that’s always busy reading :p Look, if you want to know the answers for your questions, come to the Tom & Tom’s Coffee Shop. Arasso?


To Donghae Oppa:

Neh. I will wait inside, oppa.


Then, _______put her jacket on and walk to the coffee shop. After she ordered hot Green Tea Latte, she sat down and enjoy her drink. 10 minutes after that, Donghae came and order a Frapuccino.

“Mianhae. I was helping Eunhyuk with his homework.”

“That’s okay, oppa. So, tell me.”

“Tell you what?”

“The answers of course.”

“Ah, that.” He looked confused and sighed.

“To be honest, _______-ah, I’ve been crushing on you. And that’s why I want to be there for you.”

_______looks shocked and she could feel her heart’s beating so fast.

“I’m sorry if I kissed you before. I just, couldn’t handle myself. I really love you, _______-ah. Jinjja saranghae.”

“I..i.. that’s okay, oppa.”

Donghae held her hand. _______told herself, said it! Now!

“I like you, oppa. I’ve been hiding my feeling to you since we became classmate. But I was afraid to tell you because of the girls and I’m afraid if you won’t like me too.”

Donghae’s eyes were widened. “Mwo?! You like me too? Jinjja?” and he’s smiling like a little kid who just got an ice cream. And the entire customers are looking at them. Before _______could reply Donghae, he grabbed her arm and ran out from the coffee shop.

“Jakkaman, Donghae oppa.” She said

And they stopped at the park where they met today. _______ is smiling.

“Gomawo,  _______-ah. Saranghae.. Yeongwonhi”

Again, _______haven’t replied him, but Donghae kissed her and took her for a walk at night under the full moon and full of stars.


The End

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Chapter 1: I read this fic again!!! It's so romantic!!!! Thanks for the fic!!! Fighting with the next!!! ^_^
carolina #2
very very beautiful and nice story.
Very beautiful and so sweet fic!!! Thank you ^_^
Joyvin #4
Soo sweet <3
angelinaxton #5
:> so sweet! sequel! sequel! :D
so sweet~
Like this story so much! ^^
imaginary-aria #8
thanks all ^^ yeah i'll make a sequel for this as soon as possible :D
make a sequel for this! so sweet. ^^
Nelly_Za #10
Caring fishy Donghae^^