This needs to stop seriously.


I don't know what's going on but please stop all this toxicity.


What's happening to this roleplay community? I've been in instagram roleplays since October 2017 and I swear this year is already by far the worst year of Instagram roleplays it's becoming such a toxic place now.

Firstly, we just have people fighting for face claims, I get that you want to be a face claim that you are comfortable with, but is it so important for you to unnecessarily fight for that face claim? I mean seriously, there was two times that I wanted to try and roleplay as Blackpink Rose, I had this inkling of roleplaying Rose back in 2020, but I could never reserve her on time when roleplays open or even in the roleplay when a Rose roleplayer would leave or CC and someone else asked first, but I never once complained about that. However, I started to have an issue with these so-called-reservations, when a Rose left the roleplay I messaged the admins and asked if I could CC to Rose, but they told me that another roleplayer in the roleplay had reserved to be Rose months in advance, can you imagine how dumbfounded I was? And that's not the first time I heard that roleplays do that. Is that some sort of new thing that's happening around roleplays? But you know what I did? I just left it alone, like ok whatever than, I didn't even ask if I could "reserve" Rose in any case that person left of CC'd, because to me that's so unfair to do. FYI, my comfort faceclaim is Taeyong, but I don't go around fighting to be him, if he's available then cool I'll grab him, if not then I'll chose another face. I honestly can't understand this, can someone explain it to me because I seriously don't get it, back then this was not an issue, people just got over it if someone asked first before they did and then they'd moved on, but now it's like starting drama and pressuring the admins the give you the face.

Secondly, why do you think a roleplay is copying another roleplay? Before I came to Instagram I was in Facebook roleplay, and to be honest a lot of everything each roleplay did was the same thing, or slightly different or they all had a similar concept? These story games or whatever shouldn't be anything new, there are tons of Instagram accounts that have story rp games or get to know me, question games ect, so how is that any different from roleplays doing the same thing just slightly different? And don't they all use the same apps to create their stuff for roleplay? Like Canvas? Surely that's a popular app. I've been in a situation where I've see a few roleplays have a similar concept so it's confusing to me as to why this is a big issue, sure someone well come along and explain everything to me, but it's literally going to be what I just said, it's just slightly different but the same.

Thirdly, what the actual hell is going on? All these ranting about they did this, they did that, we have evidence, they're spying on each other. What is this? Twitter drama? Because it sure isn't justice when someone tries to put a stop on their life. Instagram used to be a homebase and I loved it there from the moment I first joined and now it's just a toxic waste that I don't feel comfortable being in this community any more and I'm pretty sure a lot of other people are feeling the same way after reading some of these threads that have been popping up. Everyone says, act like an adult, we're all adults here, but are we really? Because all I see is petty drama being publicize and calling it justice, and then toxic people thinking they're doing right by the community by driving someone to a corner. I'm sorry but that aint right.

To the person or people involved in the recent events from the thread's I've read, I'm sorry for what you're all going through because of this person or people, but I don't believe that it's fair to roleplayers that weren't involved whatsoever, to be stating such things out like this publicly because then you're just involving them all into this drama (sure they're the ones clicking the threads and reading them but still..). Of course we feel upset and hurt by what's going on, but is that really something you all should be doing to the entire community who's just trying to go on their merry way? And what about that person, are you sure they want what they did to be out in the public like this?

To all those that are causing drama, and trying to call out people: Ok, what do you get out of pushing a person into a corner? Do you let them have a say? Do you think it's ok to go around and post in public and ruin their fun or life even? Did they do more then just "copy" another roleplay that you had to go this hard for? What did that said roleplay have to say about the "copy" roleplay? Anything? No? From a thread that I ready it clearly just stated how a roleplay copied another roleplay? Was it necessary for you to take it this far? Are you the admins of that said roleplay?

You're not even involved in this, stay out of it.: No, I'm not involved in this, in any kind of way, and no, I can't stay out of it because ya'll are posting it in public for everyone to get involve in and see who sides with who...And you know what, maybe I'm no different posting this here either...who knows.

All this just needs to stop. Just stop it...please. 

comments are disabled. if you have something to say to me, by all means dm me because no one else needs to see more publicized drama. but tough luck tryna get me to respond.


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