Forever Alone

Lonely, Heartbroken Cheese



I lay on the coffee table, alone and bored. Beside me was a rotting apple. Ugh… don’t even think about me talking to that thing. He was such a bore. On the other side of me was a cupcake. That thing never stopped talking, and he’s always getting replaced with something new. Damn people for liking cupcakes. What about cheese? Yep, that was me. A piece of cheddar cheese. I thought I was pretty hot compared to all those other cheeses like pepper jack, blue cheese, et cetera. The list goes on, but for the past few weeks, I’ve been neglected.  It’s all those obese junkies that come to the restaurants like the one I’m in. Always craving for the dessert first. And if they can pick themselves up, they’ll order a couple plates of steak. They disgusted me.

The coffee table I sat on was made of cedar wood that smelled as if I were in a forest. I loved this smell. I’d love it more if someone ate me. Then I wouldn’t have to be next to this apple…

I was a thick piece of cheddar, just waiting. When was someone going to finally eat me? Lonely cheese… lonely, lonely, lonely cheese. If I had arms I would have hugged myself. I stared out of the glass container that contained me, and sighed.

That girl was here again. The doorbell rung as she entered and I couldn’t help but stare. I’ve had a crush on that ten year old ever since I was born. (That was quite a while ago… but I hear old cheese is the best!) Her golden long pigtails bounced along with her as she held onto her father’s hand. I stared at those intertwined fingers jealously. I wish I was one of those hands.

The two ordered their usual. “Chicken noodle soup please. And could you get a sugar cookie for my daughter?” the father asked the cashier.

The lady only nodded as she punched the numbers into to cash register, “Five dollars and sixty five cents, please.”

He handed her the money. “Your order will come out soon, sir. Please take a seat.”

The girl was already sitting on a stool. Her father placed himself beside her and they began to talk cheerfully. She pointed to the counter where I lay. Inside, I was totally buzzing. My “cheese heart” raced in happiness and I felt the urge to smile. Was she going to buy me?

After a few minutes arguing with her father, she bounced back to the kitchen counter and pointed to something. Was I going to be chosen? Her fingers left a mark on the glass as she placed her hand and face onto it. Oh goodness! I think she’s looking at me! Her eyes bulged with excitement.

I see the cashier smile as she opens the counter up and takes…. The cupcake??? My “cheese heart” sunk and I felt like I’d been cheated on. I hate cupcakes.

The father and girl left a half hour later, leaving me alone to my thoughts. I was once again a lonely, lonely, lonely piece of cheese.


Thank you ebbichan, for giving me the chance to write this. Yes, even if I don't win, I'll hope for the best ^ ^

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this is brilliant.
cheese is amazing.
'nough said :D
luhans-vaqina #2
LOL, awn.
It's so funny and cute. ^^
Lol, nice <3
omg. What is this doing on here? xD
luhans-vaqina #5
LOOOOL. I'll read this once it's done. ^^