The Flower That Bloom's In You: Final Part

The Flower That Bloom's In You




" No one was at fault."

" I know that in my mind..." Nichkhun said in a shaking voice.

" Even though I know that, I still can't forgive her." Nichkhun explained.

" Today at the hospital the Doctor told me its hard to find a cornea donor."

" Maybe I'll have to stay like this for the rest of my life."

" If it comes to that, I'll forever hold a grudge on Victoria."

" Even though I'm sure she's also suffering right now..."

" I can't stop this feeling of hatred..." Nichkhun continued.

Victoria looked at Nichkhun in tear's.

" I'm sorry she's your little sister, yet I.."

" No, It's alright..." Victoria replied.

" It's fine..."


I'm ashamed of myself for getting my hopes up, even just a little bit.

I thought just may, just maybe he'd already forgiven me already.

But that's only because the one he is smiling at to is Yoona.

If it was me, the real Victoria, he would never smile at me again.


In Nichkhun's Room....

" Nichkhun!!!" yelled Nichkhun's Mom.

Me and Nichkhun looked at her as she rushed into his room.

" There was a phone call from the hospital." She said panting.

" They said that they found a donor for you!" She said in tears.

Both me and Nichkhun were shocked upon the news.

I turned to look at him as he stayed silent.

" Hurry go! Hurry and change!" I started pushing him to go and change.

" It'll be alright. Nichkhun." I said as I was hugged him from the back in tears.

" Take care on your own." I said before I leaned in to kissing him.

" Yoona, let's get married."

" After the surgery is over and my eyesight has turned to normal, let's get married for sure this time."

" This time I want to make you happy, Yoona." Were his last word as he smiled to me before the surgery operation began.

There's only one more thing that I can do.

End Of Victoria's POV

In Taeyeon's Apartment....

" Please, stay by his side." Victoria kneeled on her knee's and begged Yoona who looked at her shocked.

" His eye will return to normal very soon, so, at that time..."

" I want you to act as if nothing has happened.."

" Victoria, don't tell me..."

" All this time you've...?"

" I can't, there's no way I can do that!" Yoona shouted.

" I don't have a right to be with him anymore!"

" Please, Yoona!" Victoria begged.

" You've been supporting him all this time... How can I..?"

" It has to be you..!!" Victoria shouted.

" It has to be you, Yoona." Victoria repeated in her kneeling position.

" Please, I beg you. Please go back to the way it was before...!"

" Think of it as saving me and saving Nichkhun..."

" Please...Please..!!"

Let my lie be completed.

In Nichkhun's Hospital Room.

" I...."

" I can see..." Nichkhun said as he opened his eyes noticing the birght skies and colors around him.

" Nichkhun..."

" Yoona!" Nichkhun stood up and ran to hug Yoona who smiled at him.

Half a year after that, everything went back to the way it was before.

" So you've already made up your mind." asked Yoona and Victoria father to Nichkhun.

" Yes." Nichkhun answered.

Victoria stood out of the dining room and she listened in on their conversation.

" I want to get married to Yoona and protect her for real this time." Nichkhun declared.

" Just like--"

" How she's been supporting me."

" I see if that what you both decide on after overcoming a tough period, we will give you our blessings from the bottom of our hearts." Yoona and Victoria Dad said.

" Thank you very much. I will also do my best to get a Doctor's license." Nichkhun explained.

Nichkhun walked out of the dining room and noticed Victoria.

Victoria turned and saw Nichkhun as well.

" A lot of things happened but I can be with Yoona now so.."

" I'm really sorry.." Victoria kept on bowing at a 90 degree to Nichkhun.

" No, its all right now..!" Nichkhun said as he stopped Victoria from continuing on bowing.

" To be honest, there were days that I hated the fact that I covered for you.."

" But now, I no longer feel that way."

" So, from now on..."

" I want to get along with you, since you'll be my sister in law."

" Can I..?" Nichkhun asked Victoria.

Who turned her head as she held back her tears.

" ......" Victoria remained silence and nodded.

Nichkhun smiled and said.

" Thank you."

In Victoria's Room.....

Victoria sat by her bed as she looked at the marguerite origami that Nichkhun gave her.

She grabbed the trash bin and held the marguerite out about to throwing it away.

But her hand frozed from throwing it any further into the trash bin.

' Why can't I throw it away?' Victoria thought.

" U...Uhh..." Victoria muttered.

" Uh..Ah.....U..Ah..." Victoria sobbed down to the floor.

A few weeks later.....

' I've got to pull myself together.'

' On this very day,'

' My lie will be completed....'

" You're so beautiful, Yoona." Victoria said to Yoona as she came out in her wedding gown.

Victoria turned and saw Nichkhun, she walked over to him.

" Please take care of Yoona." Victoria asked with her hand out for a handshake.

Nichkhun smiled and expressioned changed as she shooked Victoria's hand.

Somehow it reminded him of the days when he spent with Yoona when he still couldn't see.

" I'm also sure that your dreams will come ture."

" Do your best, Nichkhun." Victoria said before leaving.

Nichkhun was left a bit confused.

" Nichkhun, look at this!" Yoona yelled running to Nichkhun holding a bouquette of flowers.

" These are the flower's for the flower shower!" Yoona said excitedly.

" What's the name of these..? Do you know?" Yoona asked.

" These are marguerites.."

" Come on, we used to make origami."

" Origami..?" Yoona asked.

" What do you mean?" Nichkhun looked at Yoona confused and shocked.

" Eh..?"

" What are you talking about, its your specialty isn't it?" Nichkhun questioned her.

" Of course not." Yoona said.

" I haven't touch any origami for about ten years now." Yoona continued.

" Victoria is the one who's good with it."

" She's really good with her hands so.."

" Half a year ago,"

" Didn't we fold alot of origami..?" Nichkhun asked.

" Have you forgotten about that..?" Yoona's face turned frail as she realized it.

" Ah..."

" You're right. I remeber it now." Yoona said nervously.

" We folded alot didn't we."

" We folded a thousand cranes together didn't we?" Yoona said stuttering.

" No, you folded the thousand cranes all by yourself in just two days."

" You tired your hardest to fold them for me." Nichkhun continued.

" It's time for the ceremony." said a wedding manager.

" Please come this way." He instructed to Yoona and Nichkhun.

" Let's go, Yoona." Nichkhun went first.

Yoona cried under her veil (A piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face: "a white bridal veil.).

" Hey..."

" Hmm..."

" Do you still remember the flower language we talked about that day." Nichkhun asked as they stood behind the doors.

" The flower language of marguerite."

" You became my eyes."

" You shone light onto my darkness of despair."

" You were my light Yoona."

" That's why this time..."

" I want you to let me repay it for you."

" For the rest of my life, I will do what the flower language of that flowers suggest."

" Well then, The bride and groom are coming." announced an announcer.

" I don't know..." Yoona spoked from under her bridal veil.

" There's no way I'd know." She went on.

" The only thing I could do was avert my eyes from seeing you suffer." Yoona explained as the doors opened.

Nichkhun looked at her in shock.

' Nichkhun, it will be alright.'

' You don't have to worry about anything.'

" Mom.." Victoria said to her Mom as she couldn't stand sitting and watching as they got married.

" I'm sorry, I'm going out for a little bit.." She said lowering her head to hide her tears.

Nichkhun noticed Victoria leaving.

" Then, the Yoona from those days was..."

' Forever I'll...'

" Stay by your side..."

Nichkhun realized what he should of relaized sooner.

" I'm sorry Yoona."

" I can't be one with you."

" I'm sorr--"

" It's aright." Yoona said crying.

" I really don't have any right to get married to you, Nichkhun..!" Yoona said as the weddig guest watched them in shock.

" In the end..."

" Tell me the meaning of the marguerite?!"

" The meaning that I couldn't understand." Yoonaasked sobbing.

" It's true love." Nichkhun explained.

" True love."

" I see... I see.." Yoona continued.

" It really fits Victoria perfectly..."


" Haha..haha..." Victoria laughed at herslef as tears rooled down her cheeks.

Victoria walked down the Han River in tears.

She stopped and grouched down.

" Hahaha... I'm so useless." Victoria said to herself.

" When will I be able to give up.?" Victoria questioned herself as she looked her at the origami marguerite.

All of a sudden a stream of wind hit her and blew the origami away.

" Ahh...!"

" Wait..!" She shouted running after it as it land into the Han River.

She jumped into the shallow river and snatched it before it went any further.

" Thank good---"

Victoria looked at the marguerite and in shock.

" Just like I thought, a fake is no good!" She said looking at the drenched origami marguerite.

' I wanted to be reflected as the real one in your eyes.' Victoria sobbed and noticed a swarm of marguerites surrounding around her in the river.

" Real marguerite...?" Victoria said picking up a few that were floating.

" Where did so many come from..?"

" Why..?!" Victoria asked.

" Because real flower's suit you better."

" Victoria." Nichkhun said standing at the shore smiling to her.

' Why?' Victoria asked herself as she turned around and ran.

' Why?'

' WHY?' Victoria kept on running with Nichkhun chasing after her.

' I'm.....'

' Not Yoona!'

Nichkhun grabbed Victoria and hugged her from behind.

" You've got the wrong person, Nichkhun..!"

" I don't..." Nichkhun said.

" I'm Victoria, I'm not Yoona." Victoria cried.

" But you're my real one." Nichkhun said hugging her.

" In the end, I couldn't see anything. Even after my eyes had been cured."

" I couldn't see any of the things that are so dear to me."

" Thank you for supporting me." Nichkhun said as he cupped both of Victoria cheeks.

" Now I can see you so clearly." Nichkhun said before leaning into Victoria and kissing her.

I can see you my beloved.

The flower's that bloom in the light....

Are real flower's that won't ever fade.

By your side...

These flower's will bloom forever.

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Chapter 3: Great story
Thanx for reading..:)
It reminded me of a manga I read before. But it's w.e I love khuntoria!
Awww so sweet o: thanks for writing!:)
AWWW. This is sweet! If only with better writing style, this could be epic. ;')
MycahMicx #6
L O V E . S M I L E . nice story :))
oh my gawd...i'm crying! make more fic like this pls! so beautiful..
dewikagustina:I'am crying right now..
awwwww,, sooooooooo beautifulll,, huhu i'm cry now,,,,