Reeled In

Reeled In

Rain poured down angrily on them, stealing all of their warmth and leaving the boat’s floor a slippery danger. Seokjin and Yoongi didn’t seem to care though. Their eyes trained on the ends of their lines in the water and their hands tightly clasping their rods. Determination caked their face and protected them from the many attacks of the rain. The fisher who took them out standing tiredly in the captain’s deck, white knuckling the wheel in an attempt to keep the boat under control. Today was their first time fishing all season and they wanted to get the best of it. Plus, it just so happened to be the end of the fishing season.

Soon it’d be too cold for fishers and the fish would bite way less than normal. 

Yoongi and Seokjin were determined to at least catch one fish.

Of course, when you’d read the weather forecast, you got upset that they had decided to still go out and fish. They were their own people though and fishing during a storm was quite the adrenaline rush.

Even if none of the fish were biting. 

A particularly rough gust of wind nearly knocked Seokjin over, his broad shoulders practically acting as a sail to catch the wind. As he righted himself again, he felt a slight tug on the line. If he wasn’t so experienced with fishing by now, he might have missed it, but he caught it and suddenly his eyes became trained on the water. It was such a small movement but Seokjin noticed the movement of a dark red fish in the water. 

This was his chance. 

Yoongi was on the other side of the boat, carefully eyeing the water as he waited for something to bite his line. 


“Wahhhhh.” You cooed, looking at the large fish Seokjin and Yoongi brought back for dinner, “The storm was so rough! I am surprised that you were able to catch a fish this big!” 

Seokjin laughed, his ears turning the sweet shade of cherry blossom petals. Yoongi shrugged, feigning nonchalance even though you knew that he was probably giddy about the compliment.  There wasn’t much time to take in their tired yet happy forms though as all three of you were keenly aware of their sopping wet clothes dripping onto the floor. Quickly, the two scurried off to the bedroom to change and possibly shower before dinner. In turn, you scurried off to the kitchen with the fish to start working on dinner. 

Looking down at the large silver fish sitting on the chopping board, you knew that there wasn’t a chance they had caught such a fish. You weren’t too into fishing but this was a salmon and salmon didn’t live off of the coast they went fishing in. You didn’t mind keeping up the act that they actually did somehow manage to catch salmon off of the coast of Deju though. They would tell you if they really wanted to. With the skill of a beginner chef, you began hacking away at the fish, quickly removing its tail and head before somehow splitting it in half. It was your night to cook and you were by far the worst chef of the three of you. It was a simple meal… but you forgot that you had to cut the fish into fillets first.

“Y/n-ah, I love you. But do you want me to cut the fish up? You can work on the other parts of dinner.” Seokjin offered as he entered the kitchen and watched you butcher the poor fish.

A laugh left you, “While normally, I would take you up on that offer, Seokjin-ah, I really want to learn how to properly prepare a fish. I won’t ever learn if you do it for me all the time. Thank you for the offer. If you do want to help with something, you can set the table.”

“If he does that, then I am happy to clean up after dinner!” Yoongi yelled from wherever he was in the apartment.

“That sounds like a plan to me. I look forward to dinner, Y/n-ah.” Seokjin said, walking over and giving you a kiss on the cheek before grabbing dishes and starting to set the table. From the kitchen, over the sound of the vegetables you’d bought searing in the pan, you could hear Seokjin softly sing a song. It vaguely reminded you of one of the latest hip hop songs they two had been listening to on repeat. There was something different about it though. The tune Seokjin was singing felt softer and for a second, you simply stood there and listened to the melodic voice of one of your amazing boyfriends. 

In college, the two of them produced some music together, but as Yoongi continued on to grad school and Seokjin started working in a restaurant, the time they had to make music decreased to null. Seokjin said that he didn’t mind since his time was replaced with just as fun things but you knew that deep down, they really missed making music. You had tried contacting some of the others who Yoongi and Seokjin worked with in college but all of them were too busy as of right now. The smell of something charred brought you out of your thoughts, quickly looking down, you noticed that the onion had started to burn around the edges. 


You would definitely get crap for accidentally burning onions. 

A deflated sigh left you as you spooned the vegetables onto a serving platter. There was no use in cooking them more and risked the onions burning even further. As quickly as possible, you set the sloppily done salmon filets onto the pan, quickly searing them. Thankfully, neither Yoongi or Seokjin joked about how poorly you cooked tonight, likely because they were tired from fishing all day and you were relieved. Despite their experience, you’d been stressing all day about their safety and having them home with you, looking fairly injury free, made you so relieved. It wasn’t until after dinner as you and Seokjin migrated to the couch to cuddle and Yoongi cleaned up that you realized just how tired you were.

“Did you have a hard day at work, pumpkin?” Seokjin asked as he gently rubbed your hair after your third yawn that night.

“Not really. My boss let me out early too.” 

“Is it just one of those low energy days then?” Yoongi asked, plopping on the cough and nuzzling his face against your hip where he was resting.

You shrugged, “I was worried about you two, dip s.” You joked playfully, winking a Yoongi, “I know you two are smart but the storm just seemed to keep getting worse and I was worried.”

Seokjin’s fingers stilled in your hair and Yoongi looked down with a solemn nod, “We had meant to message you and keep you updated but it was hard to do in the rain.” 

“I get it. Really. Please don’t stress. There’s a risk to everything.” You gently squeezed Seokjin’s arm that came to wrap around you, “It just made me a tad tired.”

“I’m sorry we worried you. I was so excited about finally getting out to fish… I think I got a bit carried away.” Yoongi mumbled, still not looking back up at you.

“Yeah… maybe in the future, we try to make more of an attempt to get out fishing before we have to do a trip like this.” 

“I like the idea of that.”

“Seokjin, Yoongi… you two really don’t have to do that.” 

“I mean… we did get an ear full from captain, pumpkin.”

Yoongi snorted at that, “We got more than an earful. Dude banned us from his ship ever again.” 

“What?! Why?” You sat up in shock, much to the complaint of a whining Seokjin.

“Well… Yoongi almost fell off at one point… and it was just a lot of work for the poor guy.” Yoongi started, a light red now dusting his cheeks.

“Gosh. You all wanted to fish so badly?”

“Looking back,” Yoongi started, worriedly scratching his neck, “I probably could have waited.”

“Me too… which is why I said that it might be good to try to set up trips sooner instead of procrastinating.”

“And we didn’t even get any fish.” Yoongi mumbled out.

“Yeah!” Seokjin sat up and shouted, a playful glint in his eyes, “I thought we said we weren’t going to tell!”

“I’m sorry. It just came out.” Yoongi whined, gently patting one of Seokjin’s hands with sweet eyes.

At that you laughed and gently shook your head, “I don’t think you can get salmon off the coast of Deju… but good try!” 

Seokjin gasped indignantly, “You knew this whole time!?” 

“Jaji… I am not good at cooking but I listen to what you all talk about when you are excited about cooking or fishing. I know salmon isn’t often found off of the Deju coast.” 

“Thank you for acting like we did catch it then.” Yoongi said with a laugh, taking the time to pull you onto his lap and kiss your forehead gently.

“No fair! I was snuggling with her first!” 

“Too bad.” 

You laughed, squirming and trying to grab Seokjin as the two continued to bicker. It was comical how as soon as Seokjin was in your arms, he immediately stopped bickering, a happy look plastered on his face before he stuck his tongue at Yoongi. Another laugh left you as you squirmed in Yoongi’s grasp, Yoongi taking to tickiling your sides in retaliation. Shocks of pain jolted through you as you squirmed to get out of Yoongi’s hold, the meniac man laughing as you giggled in pain. Before long, you found yourself on the floor, Yoongi and Seokjin holding onto each other for support while laughing.

You looked up pouting, “No fair! I was just trying to get comfortable!” 

“Sure!” Yoongi laughed, reaching up to wipe tears from his eyes, “And we actually caught a salmon today.”

“Yeah! Stop rubbing that in!” Seokjin wined, his ears a bright red.

“I didn’t catch anything either pabo!” 

A laugh took you as you looked up at your two handsome boyfriends, holding each other close and bickering away. This was the life. You sighed happily and clambered onto the couch and onto their laps. 

“I love you both.”

“I’m glad because if not we’d have an issue.” Seokjin laughed, gently kissing you on the forehead, “I love you too.”

“Yeah… I love you both too… I guess.” 

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