Puppy Doggehs! ♥

absolute aegyo pet shop❣ ( ◕‿◕ ;)

{  }  Choice #1

{  }  Choice #2

{  }  Choice #3

{  }  Choice #4

{  }  Choice #5

{  }  Choice #6

{  }  Choice #7

{  }  Choice #8

{  }  Choice #9

{  }  Choice #10

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baby_hyoyeon #1
Ommo, Doggie number 2! *waits patiently with wide eyes*
Baby_Nicole #2
*stares at Choice #10 with wide eyes* It's so adorable. *mumbles* I want it.
Kitties? :<
baby_tiffany #4
BOW-OWSS~! .3.
nanny_top #5
jhdjkasdhkas. OMG I CANT. THEY ARE ALL SO CUTE ;_; <3
baby_yoongie #6
I want all the puppies ~ *coos and hugs each one*
baby_ljoe #7
PUUUUUPIES~~~ OwO *huggles each puppy*
baby_jieun #8
/reaches up and hugs all of them/
SO CUTE! ouo