Personal Message

    Choi Seunghyun here. :'D Also known as TOP or Tabi or -cough- Alien -cough- . e_e

Apparently, I'm also an ahjussi -w-. 


---Seunghyun :'D.

About Me


- Special List (: -

- Bang Yongguk -

OTL. He's mah fellow nanny and like he said --> Brotha from another Motha. (: We both are cake and cookeh lovers. & We are going to rule and dominate the world, one day.  Just wait and watch. OHOHO 8D. People are gunna be jelly. He's awesome&epic owo. & I came up with a few nicknames -> CakeGuk, Yongie, Gukie, Yonggukie. 


- Kim Myungsoo -

You were one of the first few people to greet and talk to me ;____; <3 Precious moment. -sobs happeh tears- <3 OTL. & I'm glad I decided to call you "son". (: Don't worry, Son.  Appa will always be here for you and will always be here to protect you.  Don't worry, Myungie. :DD You'll get an Umma, soon. :3




Nanny ~ I work at Snow Pink Nursery