The encounter

Purple Pants

It was a cool Saturday morning perfect for a quick trip to the shopping mall. Lina threw on a long white sleeved shirt, matching it with her go-to black jeans. Looking into the mirror, she stood there for a minute too long, feeling rather unsatisfied with her outfit.  


“Same fit, different day…” the girl sighed, “maybe I should change it up a little?”


Trudging back to her wardrobe, browsing through all the clothes that she owned. Blue jeans, red pants… purple pants! She almost forgot that she owned a pair of purple pants… ever since…

Shaking her hand lightly, Lina smiled to herself, immediately changing out of her black jeans to put on those lilac coloured bottoms. Taking a tentative step towards the mirror, Lina patted the pants that shaped her legs. “It’s been long hasn’t it?” 


Before she could further reminisce about her history with purple and change her mind about wearing these pants, Lina grabbed her handbag and rushed out of her empty house.


In her first hour at the shopping mall, Lina combed through the departmental store on the 2nd level, looking for a suitable gift for her best friend. Just as she was scouring the shoes section, she felt a light tap on her shoulder. 


"I'm sorry to bother you miss, but..." She slowly turned at the sound of an excited voice. “Hmm?” She hummed. 


“May I ask, where did you get your purple pants from?" 


As she turned fully to face the person, she was greeted by the sight of a purpled-hair guy standing in front of her, at a respectful arm’s length away. He had a curious gaze in his eyes that made the girl chuckle. 


“Ah this?” Lina looked down to her bottoms and clutched the buckle sewn onto it, “coincidentally I got them at this shop called Destin just 2 levels up from here! It’s been a year since I got them though, not sure if they still have it.” 


His eyes lit up at her response, followed by a slight bow, “thank you so much! I’ll go and take a look now!” Lina could tell that he wanted to say something more, but he ultimately decided against it and just sped walked in the direction to the left. 


“Hey hey wrong way, go right, the escalator’s there!” Lina called out to at the guy while pointing towards the correct direction. The guy backtracked instantly as he gave her a sheepish smile, “oops, sorry I don’t know this place very well.” 


“Actually I could bring you to the store if you don’t mind”


“Really-? Ah I don’t want to disturb you further” 


“Don’t worry you’re not disturbing me! Besides, I’d like to take a look around Destin too,”

"Thanks for your help! I'm Chan by the way," the guy held out his hand and introduced himself. 


Lina reached out her hand and shook his firmly, “I’m Lina, no problem at all… also just curious, are you looking for purple pants for yourself or like someone special or?”

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