

i'm too old to be lowkey about this! mdni.


i've found myself bored and consuming too much fanfiction that has left me with some Ideas, so yeah, i'm basically just looking for anyone who'd be interested in writing some smexy times with me.

  • i'm of age, as should you be if you're interested!
  • gmt minus, might take a while to reply because of work. i don't mind late replies either.
  • bi with no particular lean.
  • i fc guys (seventeen and tbz mostly, feel free to request someone in specific from these groups if you'd like). i also consider myself a regular dom (not soft or hard? unless you specifically ask, then i'm game), and i only top because i get bored doing anything else. i swear i'm not dry, though. Not All Dom Tops. :|
  • semi-lit but i have a horrible tendency of writing too much at times while plotting, but if that's not your thing, just tell me. as for my kinks, i'm apparently a furry (this is a joke i swear) and really into a/b/o and hybrids. but we can discuss more when we get to talking!
  • we can also go on dates and talk, of course. i'm up to anything.
  • (maybe unrelated, but please don't feel like you need to small talk or do pleasantries with me. i hate it as much as the next guy since it never goes anywhere. we can just hop on the topic, seriously.)

i'm on kkt and line as of now, so feel free to drop your ids or ask for mine!


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ing same dude, and it’s making me lose focus bc i can’t stop thinking about dumb plots. :, / not me reading ur post and relating to most of it, i can’t. ,: U
idk if u are still interested in alchemizing sum c times or if u just wanna chitchat cos ngL u seem fun to talk to, but my kkt is friedmackerel ! pfp ? a cringing cat.
my type style do be lookin ugly here but i swear i go wizard mode when im litting things up..!
kissme21 #2
Kkt: If you’re still interested.
line: blvelions