the kind of reckless that should send me running

tinysparks ficlets

The sky was grey when they first met, stepping out of carriages before the Kims’ grand manor. Jongin bowed his head against the rain, extending an arm to his sister, whose dress dripped with jewels. The attendants rushed to carry her train and Jongin was so distracted he almost missed the smile thrown his way.

Kim Junmyeon stood at the top of the steps, and he embraced the other man with an exclamation so exuberant every head turned to stare.

“Sehun! I didn’t know you were back in town!”

Oh. That’s Oh Sehun. Jongin’s heart leapt when Sehun pulled out of Junmyeon’s arms, clapping him on the shoulder before he looked back, down the stairs at Jongin, who still stood in line. His features were blurred by the rain, but Jongin was already captivated.

He drifted through the golden halls of the Kim manor, plucking a champagne glass off the nearest server’s tray. Jongin gave Jung Ah a dazzling smile when she glared, unhooking her arm.

“Don’t drink too much,” she reprimanded him gently before she walked away, presumably to join the cluster of ladies that had congregated in the corner of the ballroom. “I’m not dragging your back home if you get drunk.”

Jongin sipped at his champagne, searching the crowds for the elusive Oh Sehun.

“Jongin!” Jongin turned to see Junmyeon, his suit so glittery it almost hurt to look at him. “Don’t just stand there! Mingle!”

“I’m not a people person, hyung,” Jongin said, a wry smile tugging on his lips. “You know that.”

“Yes, but you should dance. I know you love dancing. Here. Yixing, Yixing, my love!”

A slender man in a white suit broke away from a crowd of whispering ladies and came sweeping towards them, his every step so graceful it looked as if he were floating.

“My heart.” He bent, pressing a kiss to the corner of Junmyeon’s mouth, expression so soft it took Jongin’s breath away. “What is it?”

“Come dance with Jongin. He’s shy and new to the scene,” Junmyeon insisted, taking both Jongin’s and Yixing’s glass.

“As you wish, my love,” Yixing said, amused. He held out his hand and Jongin took it, a hot flush crawling up his face.

Yixing was a wonderful dancer, his moves so fluid he moved like water as Jongin twirled him, dipping him so low his fingers brushed the floor. Yixing’s cheeks were rosy by the time the dance ended, and Junmyeon came scurrying out from the watching crowd to offer his fiancé a drink. Jongin chuckled at Junmyeon’s fawning, preparing to go fetch himself another drink when a glass appeared before him, this one filled with rosé.

Jongin followed the arm that held the glass to meet Oh Sehun’s eyes, his heart skipping a beat.

“That was beautiful,” Sehun said, his voice low. “Would you care to dance with me?”

Jongin would have preferred to rest for a moment, catch his breath but one look at Sehun’s eyes and he folded like a house of cards.

If Yixing was like water, Sehun was like a rainstorm, all angular and rough in a way that stole all the air from Jongin’s lungs. He spun Jongin across the dance floor and Jongin forgot how to breathe. He was flushed and sweating by the time the music came to an end. Sehun’s hair was mussed from the almost vicious tango and Jongin had the strongest urge to run his hands through it.

“Want to get out of here?” Sehun breathed into his ear, holding for a moment too long in the ending pose. His hand was hot around Jongin’s waist, and his breath tickled the curve of Jongin’s ear.

“Yeah,” Jongin answered and let Sehun lead him out of the ballroom.

The rain was pouring down when they stepped out, Jongin’s shoes slipping on the stairs as Sehun tugged on his arm, a laugh erupting out of his throat. Jongin stared wide-eyed as he watched Sehun sprint down the stairs, his heart swelling in his throat.

“Come on!” Sehun urged from the bottom of the steps and Jongin ran after him, skidding on the last step. His heart dropped but before he could even brace himself, Sehun was there, strong arms wrapping around his middle to catch him.

Jongin laughed despite himself and let Sehun pull him upright and drag him into the empty street.

“Don’t you just love the rain?” Sehun asked, grinning as he pulled away to do a spin in the middle of the tarmac. Their eyes connected and sparks flew. Jongin lunged forward, seizing Sehun around the waist, uncaring of the rain soaking his hair, through his suit. He tasted raindrops on Sehun’s lips, fingers curling into Sehun’s emerald-green suit.

Sehun smiled against his mouth and oh, the feeling would haunt Jongin forever. He could not remember the last time he had been so enchanted by anyone before.

“You’re insane,” Jongin whispered before they broke apart, and the wicked glint in Sehun’s eyes seized his heart and squeezed.

“I didn’t think you’d follow me,” Sehun whispered back, before throwing his head back to face the sky. The rain had made his makeup run a little and he looked like a bad idea, so wild, so free that Jongin ached to touch him and so he did.

He ran his fingers through Sehun’s sopping hair like he had been yearning to all night and Sehun tipped his head back to stare, a roguish smile dancing on his lips.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” Jongin asked, desperate to hold on to this man for a little longer. He had heard the rumours, that Sehun never stayed, that he was always out of town.

“I don’t know,” Sehun answered, spinning just out of reach. “Why don’t you surprise me?”

“We could watch the fireworks together,” Jongin said and Sehun’s smile only grew. “Or dance until the sun goes down.”

“Meet me at the Reckless Spoon tomorrow, and I’ll show you a good time.”

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2440 streak #1
Chapter 8: now this one i really remember reading from AO3!
gad, i really wish this was expanded into a full story... this would've been very exciting!
2440 streak #2
Chapter 5: who is Yifan courting again, Jun or Yixing??? HAHAHA
this is gonna be interesting indeed...