My Dorm Mate [7/?]

My Dorm Mate

a/n: something's wrong with lj >< going to update here first :D so wow, an update form me ^^ hope you guys like it :DD



Leeteuk looks at the new student with shock that was Hyukjae’s roommate. He never thought that he would cross paths with him again, and he didn’t like it at all. He immediately bowed his head down. He was ashamed to face him.

‘Oh no… of all school’s to enroll in…’ he thought miserably.

“Okay, this is the bastard that hit Hyuk…” Heechul said, “But but but, I didn’t bring the fish here for you guy’s to eat alive…” he added looking at Kangin and Yesung’s glaring eyes. “I brought him here, so that we could all be friends, all is forgotten and he paid for it by ahjumma’s punishment--”

“But hyung, didn’t you too share--?”

“Yeah Wookie, I know. So yeah, as I was saying, we can also help Hyuk with him wanting to befriend the fish.” He finished and looks at them for confirmation, but he doesn’t wait for them. He turns to Donghae and found out that he was staring at someone.

“What are you looking at—? Oh, Teukie? Dream on fish, you’ll just get beaten by--”

“Yah! Why are you--!” Kangin suddenly shouts but he stopped when he saw Leeteuk stood up.

“Oh, haha, look at the time. I forgot I need to d-do something important. I’ve got to go! Bye everyone!” Leeteuk waves awkwardly at them and was gone in an instant.

Everyone was surprised. Before they could even ask where he was going, he was gone. They all look at Kangin, who was still glaring at Donghae, then at him, who was staring at the direction where Leeteuk went.

“You better not hit on him. Didn’t your parent’s tell you it’s rude to stare.” Kangin stood up and shouted again at Donghae.

“I’m not going to hit on him. He just looks familiar.” He snapped back at Kangin.

Kangin didn’t say anything and just left. Everyone was silent after that.

Heechul looks at Donghae suspiciously. Then Hyukjae spoke and he was back to his senses.

“Um guys, might as well sit. Everyone’s staring at us.” He said in a low voice.

They look around and they were indeed the center of attention in the cafeteria. They immediately took their seats. Except for Heechul.

He looks around the cafeteria, giving each and every one of the student his scary face, or death glare as the student’s call it. And it was effective, the students that were staring went back to their own business. As much as possible students don’t want to get any involvement with Heechul.

Donghae looks around him, he can’t understand what happened. Ryeowook was watching him and explained to him.

“Don’t worry, that’s just hyung using his death glare again. Students are actually afraid of hyung, though I really don’t know why.” He said.

Donghae just gives him a small smile. ‘Someone suddenly grabs you and drags inside the cafeteria. plus the punch he gave. I can’t blame the students.’ He thought.

Heechul finishes and turns his attention back at them, he looks at Donghae. “Yah fish! I’m not finish with you yet! Come here!” he said, his voice loud.

Donghae was actually watching Hyukjae, aside from side watching Heechul and he made sure it wasn’t obvious. He watched him as he talks casually with his friends. He saw how genuine that smile he makes for them. He suddenly felt guilty because he hit someone who has nothing to do with his past.

“Yah!” Heechul snaps at him.

Donghae’s senses came back and he sighed as he stood up and walks beside Heechul. “I have a name.”

“Yeah, it’s fish. But for courtesy purposes, let’s introduce ourselves.” Heechul said then turned to his friends. “Guys, introduce yourselves to the fish first.”

Ryeowook being the youngest gave a smile and went first. “Hi, I’m Kim Ryeowook. I’m his younger brother. Nice to meet you.” Donghae returns his smile with a small one and nods. “I hope you won’t bully my Hyukkie-hyung ever again.” Ryeowook added.

“Kim Jongwoon. But I preferred being called Yesung.” Yesung said plainly. Donghae nods again.

“Han Geng, I’m Chinese. But call me in my Korean name, Hankyung.” Hankyung said, smiling at him. Donghae smiled back.

“Ugh, Lee Hyukjae.” Hyukjae said nervously, giving him a small smile. Donghae just nods at him, and quickly looks at something else.

Hyukjae’s heart sank, he thought Donghae would also smile back. But he was happy, he saw him smile for one, though not at him, but still, it was a start.

“And I’m the great Kim Heechul!” Heechul said, exaggerating a pose for him. donghae just stares at him with a weird expression. Heechul goes back to his normal position. “Okay, it’s your turn fish.”

Donghae nodded and looks at nowhere in particular. He avoided their eyes, he was shy and nervous, he didn’t know why though. “I-I’m Lee Donghae. Nice to meet you.”

Hyukjae tried not to grin, but it failed, it was really cute seeing Donghae shy like that. He can really see hope in their friendship.

‘I have to thank hyung later.’ He took mental note.


Leeteuk walks as fast as he could and as far as he could from the cafeteria. He stops when he saw he was already at the dorms quarters, which was already far from the cafeteria.

He sat at the stairs, he was tired. And the thought of going up to his room using the stairs was the last thing he would do.

But that was the least of his problems, what he’s thinking about now is that Donghae and him are in the same school again. He actually wished now that he hadn’t met him at that time.

“Hyung, this is Hae. My boyfriend.” Kibum said, smiling at Donghae, then he turned to Leeteuk. “Hae, this is my cousin Leeteuk.”

“Damn!” he cursed, it was he could say. He can’t show himself to Donghae or he’ll just bombard him questions about his cousin, Kibum. Though he doesn’t mind what was really bothering him was that he can’t tell him.

“Or, I could just lie to him.” he thought out loud. “Yeah, maybe that’ll work--” he stopped when a hand claps on his shoulder.

“Hey hyung.”

He jumped and saw Kyuhyun looking at him, confused. “Hyung, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be in the cafeteria--”

“Ah, yeah. I-I was there a while ago. Well, I gotta go Kyu.” He said and left Kyuhyun.

“Okay… he’s acting weird.” He said and goes to the direction of the cafeteria.


Kyuhyun enters the cafeteria and was greeted with the familiar scent of food and people mixed together. He searches for their usual spot in the cafeteria, he found them and the first one he sees is Hyukjae. He smiled brightly and immediately proceeds to the table.

When he neared it, he stopped and frowned as he saw who was sitting with them.

“What the is he doing there?” he said.

He saw them eating awkwardly, no one was talking that much except for Heechul. His thoughts were interrupted when someone called him.

“Yah! Kyunerd! Come here!” it was Hyukjae.

He smiled immediately and proceeded to the table. He sat beside an empty chair, left to Hyukjae. “Is this seat reserved for me?” he asks playfully at Hyukjae.

“Hmph, no. It just happens that it’s empty.” Hyukjae said. “Anyway, what were you doing there just now? you look like you were going to kill someone.”

“I was.” Kyuhyun said in a low voice, glancing at Donghae.

Hyukjae who was chewing on his food accidentally choke on it. “What!?” he coughed.

“What? I was kidding hyung. I’m not capable of doing that.” Kyuhyun said, chuckling while rubbing his back.

“Oh yeah. I know that.” Hyukjae said, giving him a gummy smile. “Oh, and thanks by the way for breakfast earlier.”

“Sure. Anything for you hyung.” Kyuhyun said, smiling back.

“Oh~ aren’t you two sweet, having breakfast alone.” Heechul smirked, he likes teasing them.

“So that’s why you two were missing earlier.” Yesung said, joining in with the teasing.

Hyukjae feel silent , he felt his cheeks burn up, he just continued to eat his lunch, while Kyuhyun looked away and was grinning ear to ear.


Donghae was eating his lunch with the group, though he didn’t plan it, it just happened. And he decided to just go with it, besides he wanted to get a new life, he had to get new friends too. He just hoped that these were the right ones. Especially with Hyukjae, he was still bothered by the fact that he’s a walking reminder of his past.

‘Why don’t you just try to be friends with him then? The guy’s harmless. Plus, he’s cute.’ His inner thoughts surfacing.

He glances at Hyukjae, who was blushing after the others and Kyuhyun. He was indeed cute. But after looking at him for a few minutes, he sees Eunhyuk.

‘Aish, I don’t know what to do…’ he thought.

“Donghae-ssi…” someone nudged him at the side, it was Yesung.

“Yeah?” he asks.

“You haven’t met the brat maknae.” Heechul said, pointing at Kyuhyun.

“Uh, yeah--” he was about to introduce himself when Kyuhyun rudely interrupted him.

“Cho Kyuhyun.” He said, looking straight at him.

He nodded slowly, “Lee Donghae.”

Kyuhyun didn’t do anything and went back to talking with his hyungs.

‘Yep, he’s indeed a brat.’ He thought.

Donghae was sure Kyuhyun’s look was anywhere near friendly. And he perfectly understood why. He looks at Kyuhyun and Hyukjae, who were laughing and talking casually.

‘Clearly, his friend hates me. Maybe Hyukjae and I aren’t meant to be friends at all.’ He thought.


After 2 hours of finding him, Kangin finally found where his lover’s been hiding. He looks ahead and saw him in the park opposite to the school. He was sitting on one of the swings, looking lost. He knows something’s bothering him, and he’s going to find out what it is. He crosses the street and approaches him.

“Yah! I’ve been looking everywhere for you…” he said, careful not to surprise him.

Leeteuk looks up, his worried face eases as he saw Kangin. He always felt at ease and safe whenever Kangin was around. He guessed it didn’t earlier because he panicked too much. All he thought was what he’s going to do when he saw Donghae.

“Kangin-ah…” he smiled at him.

Kangin smiled and sat beside the swing empty next to Leeteuk, he reached out and held Leeteuk’s hand, and they sway back and forth slowly. They stayed like that for a while, after a few seconds Kangin spoke.

“Teukie, care to tell me what happened earlier?” he asks.

Leeteuk stopped and looks at Kangin, “What do you mean?” he started to get nervous.

“You were acting weird ealier, and what’s with that bastard staring at you?” Kangin said irritably, though he tried to control it and not show.

“I…” Leeteuk said, he didn’t know what to answer. He had a mental debate whether to tell hom the truth or not.

‘I could tell him, he’s my boyfriend after all.’ He thought.

‘But what if Kibum finds out about it huh?’ his pessimistic side retorted.

“Are you hiding something from me?” Kangin suddenly asks.

Leeteuk bit his lip, he honestly don’t know what to do. He decided to do what’s best. For him.

He slowly turned to Kangin, “Kangin-ah, please understand. I… I can’t tell you… I’m sorry…” he said sincerely.

Kangin stared at him for a few seconds, he can’t believe that Leeteuk won’t tell him his secret, they promised to always be honest with each other.  “Why won’t you tell me?”

“It’s not that I won’t, but I can’t, I’m really sorry.” Leeteuk apologized again, ‘I really want to tell you… I’m sorry for being selfish.’

“Okay…” Kangin said, he shifted his position and faced the front. He didn’t know why he won’t tell what was going on. he started to have some doubts and speculations.


“I’m going to head first…” he said and stood up. He was frustrated, and he didn’t want to fight with him. “I’ll see you later.” He said and left.

Leeteuk just stared at the retreating figure sadly.


After lunch Hyukjae was feeling good, what happened earlier encouraged him to push through with him befriending Donghae. He was sure that Donghae would like it too.

‘And what if he doesn’t?’ his pessimistic side thought.

He thought for a second and erased the thought. “He will.” He said confidently.

He was walking towards the dorm when his phone rang. It was Heechul.


“Hyung, what’s up?” he asked and continued walking.

“Today’s your day-off from work right?” Heechul asks.

Hyukjae gasped, he forgot he didn’t go to work yesterday because of what happened. His boss will kill him. he wondered if he can make it up today.

“Yah Hyuk! Are you there?” Heechu;’s voice boomed in Hyukjae’s ears.

“Ouch hyung! Yes, yes, I’m here. And yes, it is my day-off, but I think I’m going to--”

“Good, we’re going to the bar later. And bring the fish with you.”

“But--!” before Hyukjae could reject, he already hung up. He tried calling again, but he wasn’t answering.

“Aish…” he sighed. But he thought it as a good idea too. Maybe he can start later.

‘Okay Hyukjae, hwaiting!’  




a/n: yay for summer vacation! :DD until next week, im going to have stable updates, and after that, school's start for me again, but i think i can handle it.

anyway.. what do you guys think of this chapter? i haven't replied to your comments yet >< i will after this ^^ hoping to see your lovely comments~ ^^

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Chapter 10: Authornim.... please update this story... I love this story so so much... I wana know what happening next...
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 10: Miss this story, is hyukjae and eunhyuk are the same person??? what happen with his sister?? please update
Ladyghai #3
Please update? :(
lindooong #4
Update soooooooooooonnn pleaseeee :(
Hope you'll update soon! I love this story hehehe ^^
PandaxCloud #6
Hello, new reader here !<br />
It was confusing me sometimes because of Eunhyuk and Hyukjae ! Now i'm all good haha~ ^^<br />
Hyukkie wants to be friend with Donghae soooo bad, that's cute :3<br />
Eunhyuk appeared, finally :D Please update soon I SO love that story ♥<br />
Stikboi #7
LOL! Take ur time hun =3 update when you can... you are doing better then me xD hahaha xD so yea xD anyways I am excited =D I want more of this story ^^ I enjoy reading it =3 hahaha xD hopefully u will update soon =D
salad92 #8
Hi??!! New readers here...juz read ur stories, it was DAEBAK!!!<br />
Keep going neh??? ;)
brattygurl #9
I missed this story, thanks for updating. The story seems like it will have a lot of crossing of characters. So curious what's happening with Hyuk's sister? And why Eunhyuk is working at some convenience store and why Kibum is back. So much happening and not a lot of answers yet.