My Dorm mate [5/?]

My Dorm Mate


a/n: because i dont want you guys to keep waiting ^^ im now updating MDM ^^ ekkeke, but you know, i think this is a fail one? TT.TT


Hyukjae didn’t know what to do, he just froze there, staring at Donghae wide eyed. 

“Uhh, I-I’m really sorry to wake y-you…” Hyukjae said nervously. He was really scared at what Donghae would do to him. He didn’t want to get beaten again.

“Yah, Bummie? What are you doing… let’s sleep some more…” Donghae mumbled, pulling Hyukjae close to him, which causes Hyukjae to fall down and he was lying next to Donghae.

‘Oh no…’ Hyukjae thought. He was still and he was really panicking. He tried to move, but Donghae’s strong arms just hugged him tightly. He tried to move again but it just irritated the latter.

“Yah, Bummie, stop moving…” Donghae said.

“Thank God he’s just half awake, but who the hell is Bummie??” Hyukjae whispered. He was irritated, but he doesn’t why though.

‘Are you jealous??’ his inner self appearing again.

‘Why the hell would I be jealous?’ he asks.

‘I dunno, after hearing him say that to you, we felt… hurt…’

Indeed, Hyukjae did felt hurt, but he doesn’t know why he’s feeling like that. But that was the least of his worries, he has to get out before Donghae wakes up. He tries to get out of Donghae’s tight embrace.

“Mmm, Bummie… stop moving… oh, call Hyukkie will you… he still has to…” Donghae mumbled again.

“E-eh? Hyukkie?” Hyukjae asked. ‘D-did he just call me by my nickname??’

‘He did, but I doubt if it’s you he’s talking about.’ His inner self said.

‘You mean WE.’ He thought to himself.

“Hmm, you smell so good…” Donghae said, snuggling closely at Hyukjae, smelling his hair.

“Uh-huh…” Hyukjae said, his heart was again beating like crazy at what was happening, he was really so very close to Donghae now, he can feel the latter’s body, it was firm and he can smell his scent, which was very manly. he has to get out now, or else he swear, he’s going to die.

“Oh please, don’t do this to me…” he whispered, Donghae’s touches sent a tingling feeling sown his spine. And he can feel rubbing against Donghae’s own member, as he tries to move, to get out of his hug.

‘Oh God, this is really…’ he thought.

‘Good? I knew it, we’re really a ert.’ His inner self said.

‘Shut up! And think of a plan to get us out of here!’ he snapped at himself.

Hyukjae was trying to keep himself from , Donghae’s touching and caressing made it impossible for him to do so.

“Mmm, you really smell so good, I just want to eat you up…” Donghae said, his hand reaching Hyukjae’s and he buried his head in Hyukjae’s neck, and started on it.

“Oh God, no… aaahh…” he moaned softly. 

The situation was really beginning to get out of hand and Hyukjae still doesn’t know what to do. Then Donghae suddenly readjusted his position which gave Hyukjae a chance to escape from his hold, he immediately crawls to the door, but he goes back to get his clothes, then in a matter of seconds, he was out of the room. Hwen he got out, he leans on the door and collapses on the ground, panting heavily.

“Okay, that was really…” he said, panting.

‘Hot, I know… why didn’t you just take the opportunity??’ his inner self asked.

“What the hell are you--” Hyukjae said, but he suddenly stops when he hears someone come in.


He stood up and gulped, he was looking face to face with Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun was staring blankly at his ceiling, he didn’t know what to do, he woke up early cause he can’t sleep. He was really worried for Hyukjae. He wants to check up on him, but he knows it’s still to early, it was only 7:00 am, and he knows his hyung is still sleeping.

“Or, did he even sleep? He might not…” he mumbled to himself.

He decided to take a bath and fix breakfast for him and his hyung, he was going to visit him.

After taking a bath, he immediately goes to the kitchen to get started, he wasn’t a cook or something, he doesn’t even know how to cook, but there’s one dish that he knows and he always make it for Hyukjae, which was his Hankyung-hyung’s Beijing Fried Rice.

Hankyung taught him how to make it because it was Hyukjae’s favorite. But he also adds his little personal touch, so that he can call it his dish.

While making it, Shindong came out of his room and looks at Kyuhyun.

“Kyu, why are you up so early?” he asks.

“I’m making breakfast hyung.” Kyuhyun said plainly.

“I can see that maknae. But it’s too early for you, you’re like Hyuk, you wake up late.” Shindong said.

“Well, I didn’t sleep that well hyung.” Kyuhyun said, finishing his dish.

“Oh, it’s nearly done? Wait, I’ll prepare the table.” Shindong said, going to the kitchen to get their plates and utensils.

“Wait hyung!” Kyuhyun said, stopping Shindong before he can even get them. “Well, this is for…”

Shindong stopped and looks at Kyuhyun, confused, “Who’s it for?”

“For… Hyuk-hyung…” Kyuhyun said in a low voice, he still shy about what he’s doing, he always gets caught when he makes food for Hyukjae.

“Oh, I should’ve known.” Shindong said, laughing. “Arasseo, I’ll go to Yesung-hyung and Wookie’s room for breakfast.” He said and goes to the door, he opens it and leaves the room.

Kyuhyun just shakes his head, his hyung got to learn to cook, he’s always bothering other people to make him his food.

He finished packing the food and he leaves the food, going to the next room.

He knocks first, no one answers.

“So he is still sleeping, well, I’ll just wake him up then.” He said and opened the door. “Hyung?” he looks around and saw Hyukjae sitting on the floor by the room’s door.

“K-Kyu, you’re so early here.” Hyukjae said as he stood up.

“Hyung? What are you doing?” Kyuhyun asked, coming closer to Hyukjae, he immediately stops when he saw that Hyukjae was . He turns around.

“H-hyung! Y-you’re !” Kyuhyun exclaimed.

“Omo! I almost forgot! I-I’ll just change…” Hyukjae said and Kyuhyun heard him walk to the bathroom and closed the door.

Kyuhyun could feel himself blush, it was actually the first time he saw Hyukjae , though he didn’t get to stare at it, which he would like to do, he can feel his heart racing at the sight he saw earlier.

“What the Kyu, stop fantasizing already!” he hissed to himself. But he can’t help it, Hyukjae’s perfectly made body was still glued to his mind, he can’t get it off. And oh, how much did he want to do erted things to that perfect body.

“But wait, why was he in the first place?” Kyuhyun asks curiously.

In a matter of minutes, Hyukjae came out of the bathroom, fully dressed. He looks at Kyuhyun and can’t help but blush.

“Uhh, I-I’m sorry…” Hyukjae said in a low voice.

“Uhh, me too…” Kyuhyun said, then adjusted himself and smiled at him, “Hyung, I brought breakfast, let’s eat it together--” Kyuhyun said, but he couldn’t finish, Hyukjae was suddenly pushing him out of the room.

“Uhm, okay Kyu, l-let’s eat it outside okay?” Hyukjae said, and closed the door behind him.

‘What’s with him?’ Kyuhyun wondered.


Hyukjae was really shy at Kyuhyun, it was the first time he did, he can’t believe that Kyuhyun just saw him , how embarrassing.

‘Total fail! Very epic fail!’ he thought.

‘Indeed.’ His inner self agreeing.

He apologize to Kyuhyun, and he heard Kyuhyun apologized too and saying something like breakfast, but his attention was at the room’s door, which was opening slowly, he began to panic, he didn’t want to see Donghae now, he was really embarrassed at what happened earlier.

“Uhm, okay Kyu, l-let’s eat it outside okay?” Hyukjae said, pushing Kyuhyun outside and closed the door behind him.

“Hyung, what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun asks, worried.

“Uhh, n-nothing, absolutely nothing Kyu…” Hyukjae said, forcing a smile.

“Hyung, you know you can’t hide anything from me, tell me.” Kyuhyun said, giving him a stern look.

Hyukjae looks at Kyuhyun and he was giving him the You-are-lying-to-me-tell-me-the-truth look, he sighed, “Okay, I’ll tell you, while eating, so let’s go.” Hyukjae said, pushing Kyuhyun to walk forward.

“Arasseo.” Kyuhyun said, starting to walk, he held Hyukjae and goes to the stairs, “Let’s eat outside hyung.”

“Okay.” Hyukjae said and smiled at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun smiled back.


Donghae woke up with a start, was he only dreaming? Was it Kibum he was almost making out with?

“No, it couldn’t be…” he mumbled, looking around, “I’m still in this ing dorm house.” He stood up and goes to the door, he can hear people talking outside. 

He slowly opens the door, he was going to take a peek, when he did, there was no one there.

“Oh God, I need coffee.” He said, and goes to the kitchen to make one.

He can still remember that almost making out session with someone, he can’t remember who was it he was going to do it with.

He looks at the stove and saw the black stain, he suddenly remembered his roommate, Hyukjae. Then realization hit him.

“You can’t be serious.” He said in disbelief. “It was just a dream.” He convinced himself.

But whatever he says, the almost making out session was so real, it was far from being just a dream.

“No way! I wouldn’t want to do that to him!” he said.

‘But you must admit, he was so ing delicious when you at his neck.’ His inner self said, making Donghae remember the feeling.

“No! He wasn’t! Shut the up!” he shouted at himself. “Aish!”

‘Suit yourself…’

Donghae sat down and drank his coffee, it felt good. But his heart was still not good, his mind was out of sync, his mind was full of memories from the past, which just keep popping up. And he really doesn’t want to remember it, not one bit. Sometimes, he wants his mind to stop operating once, but of course, he knows it’s impossible. He sighed.

He remembered those sweet waking up mornings, just like what happened earlier.

“Hae…” a younger man said, shaking Donghae to wake up.

“Hmm?” Donghae mumbled.

“Wake up sleepy head.” The younger man said.

“Bummie…?” Donghae called the younger man.

“Yes?” the younger man said, cuddling close to Donghae, his head at Donghae’s neck.

“Kim Kibum, will you please stop that!” Donghae said, waking up from the sudden actions from the younger man named Kibum.

“What? I was just and kissing your neck.” Kibum said playfully, doing the action again, which made Donghae groan.

“Oh, you’re so dead Kibum.” Donghae said as he positioned himself at the top of Kibum and gave the younger man a smirk.

“Bring it!” Kibum said, giggling.

Donghae stopped, he didn’t want to remember anymore, those sweet kisses, the good times in bed with him, he wanted all of it to disappear, like it never happened at all.

“How can I forget… please help me…” he asks, tears starting to fall down.


“Okay hyung, might want to tell me what happened earlier?” Kyuhyun asks, while eating.

“Err? What happened?” Hyukae asks, acting confused.

“Don’t use that act of yours hyung and tell me what happened.” Kyuhyun said firmly.

“Okay okay… I was hungry, and I wanted to eat, so I rushed us out.” Hyukjae said.

“Not that hyung, before you rushed me out, before you change, when I well, saw you…” Kyuhyun trailed off, his face turned pink.

“Oh, uhh, well…” Hyukjae mumbled, he was embarrassed to tell Kyuhyun what happened, as much as possible, he wants to keep it to himself, but it’s still okay to tell it to him, since Kyuhyun is very trustworthy guy.

“Come on hyung, tell me.” Kyuhyun urged him on.

Hyukjae fell silent for a few seconds, he thought about it and he decided to tell it to him. “Okay… well, i’ll tell you, but promise me! Promise me Cho Kyuhyun that you won’t ever tell anybody about it!” Hyukjae said, looking at Kyuhyun with pleading eyes.

“Okay hyung, you know me.” Kyuhyun assured Hyukjae. ‘It must be that serious. He wouldn’t hesitate to tell me if it wasn’t.’ he thought.

“Okay!” Hyukjae drew a deep breath and started to tell Kyuhyun what happened. “I woke up early, so I immediately take a bath, when I realized that my change of clothes were in the bedroom, and unfortunately, my new roommate was sleeping there, and well I was shy--”

“Did he see you?” Kyuhyun interrupted him.

“Huh?” Hyukjae asks, he looks at Kyuhyun and he could see theseriousness in his eyes, as if he’s about to kill someone.

“Did he see you ?” Kyuhyun asks, he was beginning to get mad, something tells him that what he was going to hear is not good.

“No, but--”

“But what??” Kyuhyun asks, half shouting.

“But…” Hyukjae said, he was beginning to get scared at Kyuhyun, it was the second time he saw Kyuhyun mad, the first time was when he saved Hyukjae from Donghae.

“Tell me hyung.” Kyuhyun said, looking at him seriously. He swore to himself of that roommate of his touched Hyukjae.

“Nothing Kyu, I promise. I got into the room, got a change of clothes and left. That was it.” Hyukjae said, he tried his best to sound normal, and not to stutter. It was successful, but there was still a little tremble in his voice, he just hoped that Kyuhyun didn’t notice it.

Kyuhyun on the other hand, didn’t notice that he was lying, he was too engrossed at possible speculations at what happened when Hyukjae got a change of clothes. But he was a little suspiscious, but he was convinced anyway.

“Is that really all hyung?” Kyuhyun asks.

“Yeah…” Hyukjae said.

“Okay, that’s good.” Kyuhyun said, returning to his food.

“Y-yeah…” Hyukjae said softly, also returning to his food.

‘That was close…’


“Did you find him?” a man asks the man standing in front of him.

“Yes I did sir. He’s currently enrolled at a school where they provide a dorm, just beside the school, and he’s presiding in the dorm sir.” The guy reported.

“Good, okay. You’re dismissed, just leave the information to the school and the dorm at my office.” The man said and waved the guy off.

He was left inside the room, he smiled, at long last, he finally found what he was looking for.

“I’ve finally found you, Lee Donghae…”


a/n: yes, you just finished reading and now deciding to comment or not??? oh, please comment TT.TT im begging TT.TT they are much loved by me <3<3

ohohoho, and im sorry, you were expecting kihyuk ne? not kihae.... sorry TT.TT i really don't like kihae!!

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Chapter 10: Authornim.... please update this story... I love this story so so much... I wana know what happening next...
MeinAltire #2
Chapter 10: Miss this story, is hyukjae and eunhyuk are the same person??? what happen with his sister?? please update
Ladyghai #3
Please update? :(
lindooong #4
Update soooooooooooonnn pleaseeee :(
Hope you'll update soon! I love this story hehehe ^^
PandaxCloud #6
Hello, new reader here !<br />
It was confusing me sometimes because of Eunhyuk and Hyukjae ! Now i'm all good haha~ ^^<br />
Hyukkie wants to be friend with Donghae soooo bad, that's cute :3<br />
Eunhyuk appeared, finally :D Please update soon I SO love that story ♥<br />
Stikboi #7
LOL! Take ur time hun =3 update when you can... you are doing better then me xD hahaha xD so yea xD anyways I am excited =D I want more of this story ^^ I enjoy reading it =3 hahaha xD hopefully u will update soon =D
salad92 #8
Hi??!! New readers here...juz read ur stories, it was DAEBAK!!!<br />
Keep going neh??? ;)
brattygurl #9
I missed this story, thanks for updating. The story seems like it will have a lot of crossing of characters. So curious what's happening with Hyuk's sister? And why Eunhyuk is working at some convenience store and why Kibum is back. So much happening and not a lot of answers yet.