Be Friends

Be Friends


A young boy wearing a mask. He standing on the edge of school roof. Looking down at the school backyard, some people has passed the spot but no one knowing that there’s someone above them. Speaker burst out a beautiful love song instrument for the students to enjoying their happily lunch time. The boy whispering something. “Am I unwanted.... I wanted.... unwanted.... wanted.... unwanted...?” he keeps repeating those words like a broken radio.


He was already broken. Even in his long 16th years life, no one would dare to close to him. They just seen him as the bully-creature. Very miserable person. An alien. Invisible. But there’s another reason why he hide himself on the mask. It just a very creepy nightmare, when he heard his own mother cursed him for having him and leave him aside.


Wind blowing hard and he took another step to reach the sharp spot. He felt numb, eventhough the weather is not as cold as yesterday, but he felt hiportemia. There’s no one could see his expression through the mask, there’s no one knows that everytime he got bullied he would cried out his lungs. No one knows or even notice, cause they didin’t care.


“I’m unwanted.” He said those words with husky voice. Soar because too much crying for someone who even didn’t in care about him. Begging for a mother he loves so much to come back but she won’t come back. He’s tired. Really tired with the cruel world. There’s no a reason for him to still alive. Cause no one care about his appearance.


When he was about to jump out, and feels the wind through all his body. Feeling free for escape from this world. A sudden song burst out from the speaker. The high beat and crazy bump sounds has stopped him at his track. The love song instrument which supposed to be the song bring him to another world. Changging with the awesome pop beat on the speaker. He took a step backwards. Wanted to know who has immediately ‘saving’ his life.


The door suddenly opened with bracking sounds. Another boy appeared, he mumbles the rap line on the songs and started dance slightly following the ryhtme. A young boy leave the edge roof and walking towards the rap boy who has laying to the ground, enjoying the view of bright-autum sky, still mumbling the lyrics of the song.


“Do you know who played the song?” A young boy asked.


“Huh?” The latter open his eyes. He look at the young boy frowned, but he knows him. The mask is too attractive to leave. He nod. “Yeah, I played the song. It’s Lucifer from SHINee.” He took out the album that he hide on his back.




“Hu’um. They’re the coolest boyband ever.” He smiled and close his eyes again.


The young boy just nod. Eventhough he has no idea who was SHINee. All he knows is the boy saving him. He knows the boy, he’s one of the basketball team and he seems so popular in this school, he’s a senior. He still stood there, staring at the boy but he fastly look away, no wanting to distrub the senior.


He wonder why he has a miserable life while the other get a very very joyfull life. Life is so unfair, right? That Choi Minho, the senior, he never found him with blurry eyes or even a sadly look, because he has a great friends and people loves him so much. While he always struggling just to know that he still alive. He pulled out his sleeve, staring at the red-line mark on his left wrist. It’s the proof, one of the others proof that he still alive. He still breathe. But he don’t know what is the meaning of his life. The purpose of his life.


He turn around and took a steps. He was about to leave the senior at there. But he stopped his track when the senior calling him. “Hey!”


The young boy not even dare to turn around. But he heard the footsteps closer to him. He could see through his mask, the senior already stood in front of him. “Lee Taemin, right?”


He couldn’t describe the words when he heard the senior calls his name. For a long long time, no one even remember him or his name. This is the first time, someone calls his name, not just the name but his full name. He wonder why the senior knows him, who even look so invicible around the people.


Taemin just could nod his head slowly, he still can’t barely talk, during the shockness and his voice is still soar. Minho smiles, he took Taemin’s hand and handed him the SHINee album. “I think you like it. I let you borrow this.”


Before Taemin could say anything, Minho has disappear, he rush out the roof. Taemin still stood there with a lot of confusion. The things that just happen to  him is a new, he need a time to process all of it on his mind. He was tried to ended his life but his savior come, calling his name out and give him the album to heard. A little inside, he started to erase the words ‘unwanted’ from his heart.




Taemin open the door of his house. Saying the greeting words when he usually came back, but he bitterly have to face the fact, that no one would greeting him back with hug or kisses just like what his mother did when she still here. He run to the upstairs, close his room and throw the bag unconsionally. Turn on the tape –recorder and playing the album that Minho given him.


He sit on the ground, curled up like ball while listening all the SHINee’s song filled his room. He knows it’s not a ballad song, he don’t know why but he felt liked it, it seems like the song is just so beautiful and reach the weakness spot of his heart. ‘Yok’, so-called as ‘Obsession’ it’s really a perfect song to describe himself. For his obsession being free, for release himself from this world.


He’s not take off his mask yet, though he’s in his own house. He felt he didn’t want to take it off. He don’t want to see his face. Cause whenever he look at the mirror, he would see the ugly figure. Mocking him for being a loser. That’s why he don’t want to stayed without his mask, without covering the ugly face.


He never found out it’s weird, cause he will be more weird if he unmasked. He already have so many nicknames from his friends. Alien, underdog, loser kid, weirdo, you name it. But Taemin always tried to stand with that. Stand with the fact that’s it true. He’s a loner, a very very loner. And no one like to help him.


But then he remember the senior who has saving him. He felt like he found a hope to live more. He wish that he isn’t wrong. Cause the person that he was thought as his savior before, just leave him and kick him, no wanting to know him anymore. He felt like more to die that time, but he still want to fight with the life.


Track by track changging. He really enjoy all the songs. He started to yawn and rolled over his body. Climbing to his kingsize bed and close his eyes slowly. Just at the seconds, he already flying to the dreamland.




It’s recess. Taemin is walking on the hallway, searching the senior to give the album back, cause he has done listening all the songs. He even made a copy to his computer, so he still can hear it another time. He saw Minho in front of his class. Talking cheerly with his friends gather round him. He’s 100 metres away, but Taemin felt like they’re so many miles away. He should knew at the first place that he mustn’t not give a hope to Minho to be his savior.


Taemin still looking at the older. Deep inside, he wish Minho would turn his head and look at him. Surprisingly, Minho did turn his head and his eyes locked with Taemin’s. He excuse himself with his friends and walk closer to the young boy.


“Hey, I never thought that you would come to me.” Minho said. Showering the younger boy with his 1000watt smiles that could make the girls screaming or even fainted. He knew that Minho is the girl’s jackpot and he already feels the jealousy aura around him.




“Have you listened all the song?” Minho cut him with another question.


Taemin nod. He extend the album to Minho back. “Thank you.”


“You’re welcome, Taemin.” He take the album back. Minho turn around to come back to his friends, but he turn to Taemin again. “Can we have a talk after school?”


“Sure.” Taemin said without thinking twice. He should know Minho’s reason first, but he too excited to think about it.


“Great. I’ll see you at your class then.” He waved and leave Taemin.


So here he is. Sitting on his desk waiting the sign of Minho. The class already empty, it’s been two hours since the last bell ringing and Taemin still in there, waiting the senior to fullfil his undirectly promise. The sky turn to orange. He can hear some people cheering on the outside, because there’s still some students who takes their extraculiculer.


Taemin sigh deeply. He felt like betrayed by Minho. He couldn’t wait anylonger for the senior to come, cause he’s already loose his trust to him. It’s not the first time he has bullying like this, to waiting for someone who never come out. And he really tired of that. So he stood up and grab his things. When his hand reach the knob door, the door already opened. Choi Minho stood there, struggling to breathe with a little messy-wet hair.


Taemin widen his eyes. Minho come out right when he was about to leave. He steped back, allowing Minho to entering the class. Minho reach the nearest table and sit on that. He take out the bottle and drink up the water. He look like so tired. What happen to him? –Taemin wondered. His condition like a person who has ran marathon 10 miles.


“I’m sorry. I forgot that I have a club schedule today. I made an excuse to the coach that I have some business with my parents. He seems know that I lie. So he made me run around the school yard 20 times before leave the club.” Minho chuckled. He felt like it’s a funny story but for Taemin, he couldn’t believe that someone did that for fullfil the promise. “I’m glad that you still here.” He smile. Taemin felt like a butterflies on his stomach.


“What do you want to talk about?” Taemin ask straightly.


Minho glance at him. “Can you come closer?” He ordered.


Like an innocent kid, Taemin do what Minho said. He come closer to Minho, they just two feets away. The senior reach out his hand to the back of Taemin’s head. He want to take off the mask. Taemin usually always figthing back when someone tried to take off his mask, even he has to fight with himself. But now, he even didn’t say anything when Minho slowly take the mask off his face.


Minho pull the mask slowly. His heart beating like a beat song that he always heard, racing so fast than usual. When the face of Taemin reveald, Minho gasp and widen his eyes. Taemin open his eyes  and blink twice. He frowning why Minho expression look so shock and surprised. He look down, covering his face with his long bangs.


“You shouldn’t do that. I’m ugly.” He whisper.


Minho, who was mesmerize with the most beautiful creature that he ever met, hit to his mind back. “N-no! I couldn’t believe that you hide your beautiful face with the mask. Someone need to notice that.”


“You lies.” Taemin murmured. He knows he ugly. He knows he’s not worth to anyone. Cause there’s so many people he loves already leave him.


“Hey...” Minho reach Taemin’s chin and lift his face. “I’m not lying. I said the truth.” Minho smiles. Deep inside, he still adoring the angel in front of him. How he can said that Taemin isn’t an angel. He has a fairy-white-milky skin, dirty-auburn hair, pointed nose, blue eyes and pink-pulmp lips. Oh, Minho have to hold himself to not attack those lips.


“You do?” Taemin staring at Minho’s doe-eyes.


“Yes, I do.” He smiles. Showing his perfect white teeth. “Can you leave the mask aside and try to life without it?” Minho ask, sounds like begging. He really want to see those beatiful eyes everyday at school without the mask.


“I don’t know. I-I’m scared.” Taemin shook his head.


“There’s nothing to scared about. I’m here for you.” Minho was said the most wanted words for Taemin. He really get the weakness spot of Taemin.


“What’s make me have to believe you? You’re a popular guy, who knows that you want to bullied me again.” He’s very stubborn. But he need to be careful, he don’t want to fall to the same hole again.


“You have to. Cause I’m Choi Minho, I never break my promise.” He said with a proud and confident tone.


Taemin couldn’t help himself but giggling. He knows that what Minho said is not a lie, it’s his style, and it’s make Minho popular around the students. Minho smiles seeing Taemin reaction. It’s good to see the smile from the mask boy who always hiding his expression. Little Taemin didn’t know, that Minho has been looking at him for a couple months. He himself don’t know why but he really curios to knowing what’s behind the mask. He found it out now, and he won’t regret all the curios in him.


“Can I call you ‘hyung’?” Taemin asked.


“Yes if you want to leave the mask.” Minho said.


“I’ll try.” He nod a little. And it’s the first time Taemin not feels scared again. He have a courage built on his heart.




He heard the whispered and some girls giggling around him. He don’t know it’s a bad or good reaction. But some of them smiles to him, eventhough they not have an idea who he is. All of them just think that they have a new foreign student. They don’t know that ‘the new foreign’ student wearing a same red bag that ‘the mask-boy’ usually wear, it’s because they never paid more attention to Taemin when he was wearing a mask. They just care when Taemin not wearing it, they all really not a good friends.


He reach his locker and stuffing his book in it. A girl beside him, who always mocking him when he still wearing a mask, now smiling so sweet to him. He even heard her whisper to her friend, whether she need to ask Taemin out or not. Dream on –Taemin hissed inside. When Taemin walk to his class, he pass Minho class. He stopped his track when Minho calls him.


“Taemin ah!”


He turn around. Minho with his friends hanging around at the same spot like usual-near the window-and Minho drag him to his friends.


“Guys. I’ll introducing someone special to you.” Minho announce as his friends turn around to him with interest.


Taemin blush when he heard ‘special’ word from Minho. It’s really meant a lot to him. Minho wrap his arms around Taemin’s shoulder and it makes Taemin blush for more.


“This is Lee Taemin, the mask-boy.” Minho said.


“The mask-boy? Oh my god! You’re really cute! I can’t believe you hide your very cute face.” The diva-look guy has pull Taemin from Minho’s arms and take him to a tight hug. Taemin was out off breathe but thank godness, the guy already pull him off. “Can I have you as my son?”


“Ya! You make him scared, Key.” The boy who has a chubby cheeks hissed the diva.


“I just can’t stand it. He’s so cute.” The diva pinch Taemin’s cheek smoothly.


“You mean I’m not cute?” The other guy who sitting on the window’s frame, look-like a dinosaur creature, snorted.


The diva release his arms from Taemin and cuddle to the dinosaur guy. “You’re not cute, but I still love you.” He smiles and earned a sweet peck on lips from the other.


“Ya! Get a room. Don’t showing a such ert things to Taemin!” The only girl-as he realize-covering Taemin eyes with her palms and turn his body around.


“You just envy with us.” The dino guy sticking out his tongue.


“I’m not, pabo!” The girl did it too.


“You two please shut your mouth. The newcomer really need to adaptation with this condition.” Another tall guy-besides Minho- said calmly.


“Ok, ok stop it!” Minho said to all his friends. “Can you just introduce yourself to Taemin?” He said.


“Well, I’m Kim Kibum, but you can call me Key. I’m your Umma since now.” The diva shake Taemin’s hand with excitement. Taemin just can nod as the answer he’s agree with that.


“I’m Kim Jonghyun, I don’t know whether I should be your Appa since Key is your Umma.” He said while straching his hair. But he still smiles a little.


“I’m Lee Jinki, but you can call me Onew.  Nice to meet you, Taeminnie.” The chubby guy shake Taemin’s hand joyfully. He grin ear to ear, made his eyes gone.


“I’m Jung Yujin and he’s my step brother, Shim Changmin.” The girl said as she pointed to the tall guy beside her.


“Nice to meet you all guys.” Taemin said shyly.


“We can be friends then.” Minho interrupt.


Taemin look at him unbelievingly. This guy is already give him a lot. And now he offering the friendship that he always wanted. Minho glance at the younger boy, smile softly, he knews that there’s no lies in Minho eyes. Taemin smile back, more brightly than usual. He feels alive, or more like born for a second time. He finally get the strong reason to keep alive. Cause now, he has a friends to shares anything.

He was so lonely. A darkness surrounded him, the grey cloud above his head. He felt a heavy weight on his head, so he need to keep looking down. Everystpes he takes, he have to heard a mock from the others. His ears feel numb, for too much hearing a people scolded him. He’s so near to the darkness and almost slipped to the hole named despair. But someone has save him. The guy named Choi Minho, who has a different life from him, has take him out off the dark side.


He really glad that he have Minho. He glad that their friendship would never ends, It’s their promise, to always together no matter what. And Taemin, who was never believing with anyone, now he have a trust on Minho. He don’t need to struggling alone with the fear of himself, cause Minho always there to help him and caring him with all his heart. It worth so much for Taemin. He was so afraid with the outside world but he keep figthing with that. But now, he’s not. He ready to face the fact of his life bravely.





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jongkey248 #1
This was adorable~~
ahh~! i'm late to add the poster :P
but thanks for you all readers, i'm apperiacte that you have a time to read my story.
thanks a lot ^^
aoiworld #3
Beautiful, listening teaser Beautiful by EXO make it perfect.
I know it just friendship fic, but I want more.
2min too beautiful.(^_^)
someone, could you tell me how to add poster in this story? i dont undertand what to do -_-
this was good :)
thanks katie, i'm really happy to read your comment.
Thank you ^^
i think you can develop more from here.. hmm.. it will be wasted of it is a oneshot thing
hihi !! this seems interesting.. Update often ya??