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1 — subscribe because we like the popularity that comes with it.

2 — we’re a closed, ig rp. only follow those within the community. the feed is unrated but please refrain from excessively posting mature/graphic content (we’d like our members to access the feed in broad daylight without too much fear) and extend warnings for the ones with sound.

3 — we’re a semi-literate to full literate rp. we encourage our members to plot and write to their hearts content. but by no means do you have to be literate all the time (aka on the feed/your posts), nor does it mean we limit the use of emojis and chat-speak. we’re all adults here and can act accordingly.

4 — ic ≠ ooc. always use indicators like [], (), etc. when talking out of character. publicly posting ooc photos is prohibited.

5 — both mun and muse must be at least 20, international age, and there can only be one muse per mun. do not lie about either. we will find out and the consequences will be severe when we do.

6 — due to the short nature of of our rp, tccs, ccs, hiatuses and semi-hiatuses are not allowed.

7 — communication is key. post every 3 days. we only accept muses within the korean entertainment industry. no ig models or those involved in major scandals are allowed.

8 — no dating ban because we trust you all to make rational decisions (don’t let us down). move-in couples are allowed, just state it on your application or inform base upon arrival.

9 — be inclusive! respectful! friendly! welcoming! we want everyone that enters our community to feel like they’re part of it. we all have friends but should be joining with the intentions to make new ones! refrain from posting ss of convos and only interacting with those you know.

10 — refer to the masterlist before choosing your muse. after being accepted, follow and message base within 36 hours. further instructions will be given upon arrival.
fc's occupation + name:
ic age & ooc age:

twice's sana
26, 21
opened on
february 15
type of roleplay
ig popup, semilit,
march 14
group 1
name. name. name. name. name. name.
group 2
name. name. name. name. name. name.
group 3
name. name. name. name. name. name.
group 4
name. name. name. name. name. name.
group 5
name. name. name. name. name. name.
group 6
name. name. name. name. name. name.
glowing in motion:
"it’s the middle of night & i’ve rolled toward katie, kissed her shoulder – something I do in these hours, she says, though I never remember. she puts two fingertips on my temple, brushes hair behind my ear, as I float on the cloud-edge of waking. i think these are her favorite moments – the helpless honesty of half-sleep, where there are no words to parse or doubt, & a kiss can only mean i’m glad you’re here".

but also,

"you want me to tell of the pain that is hidden in pleasure, the fang that’s concealed by the lip, that kiss that draws a blossom of blood, the joys that wrench the heart godwards— paltry is the passion that never makes us shudder. true love partakes of terror."

but also,

"then i think of you in bed, your tongue half chocolate, half ocean, of the houses you swing into, of the steel wool hair on your head, of your persistent hands and then how we gnaw at the barrier because we are two."


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