
The Answer

Two days after that

It’s been two days after Momo confessed to Mina. Her answer? well Mina didn’t actually give any clear answer.. She told momo that she needs time to think about it and of course Momo willing to let Mina think about it first. Momo knew that it was all too sudden and although they were just supposed to ‘try’, Momo understand how mina would feel. This isn’t as easy or as simple as that..

Since that day, Mina’s head been divided to focus on few matters. Work, her nosy parents, and Momo’s confession. Her parents.. well they kept asking mina when she would find new partner or when she’d finally get married. She’s nearly 30 now so that’s why her parents being pushy..

After Mina’s last relationship—which is when she was a senior in university years, Mina very very reluctant to be in a relationship with anyone. She didn’t care about it at all.. she just focus on finishing her department KPI and helped her company grow bigger and bigger. Yes, she only focused to sharpen her skill so one day, when her father retired, she already proper enough to seat on the CEO throne. But her parents.. apparently they were more concern about mina’s love life rather than her career development.. They kept pushing Mina to be in relationship or else.. she’ll just asked the Hirai to proceed their past agreement..

Meanwhile.. Momo out of the sudden confessed to Mina. Mina at first thought she was joking.. knowing how much both of them disagree upon it. Mina also thought that maybe Momo confessed to mina due to ‘pressure’ from her parents. Well.. both Mina’s and Momo’s parents shared similarity and had same plan since long ago after all.. so it’s quite make sense..

But… somehow, Mina also thought that it was all came from Momo’s will... That day, Momo looked.. sincere.. like Momo is really really in love with her. her gentle stare, her gentle touch, her soft voice.. Mina couldn’t let it out of her head..

Mina could have just turned down Momo’s confession.. Momo herself told her that she wouldn’t mind.. even if Mina decided to try but their relationship doesn’t work momo also said that she’d still be Mina’s best friend…

Yet again.. something deep in her heart, kept whispering her not to turn down Momo’s confession.. part of her want to try to be with momo yet another part of her reluctant to be in relationship.. so yeah.. Mina been thinking about it none stop, trying to find the best answer..


Despite the loads of work she needs to finish on her office.. like right now. it was already near lunch break and Mina still too engrossed with her work. The hot latte that she bought before she came to her office, was now already cold yet only being drank just few sip.. yes mina was that busy.


*Knock knock*


“come in”

“Myoui Manager-nim” Mina lifted her head from the documents as she heard her assistance called her.

“I’m here to deliver you these..”


Mina put down the paper that she was holding to receive what her assistance gave her. A stack of food containers that seems a little bit too much for mina to eat it alone.


“I.. don’t think I order any of these?”

“Oh yes that’s true. These are a gift for you and there’s still one more thing I left in my desk. Excuse me Manager-nim. I’ll be back for a second.” The assistance left Mina’s room to grab something.


Mina didn’t have any idea who gave these to her. she tried to search any initial, letter or anything that left on those.. but nothing.. what made her quite surprised, was the fact that everything here is Mina’s favorite.. Yet there was no clue about the sender.

Oh well that question was answered after her assistance came back


“This came with those too.”


 The sudden appearance of a stalk of red rose, made Mina flattered.. Felt more tingles inside her heart. Whoever the sender is, they definitely knows how to grab Mina’s heart.

Mina was so into her rose— sniffing it and admiring the color, smile grew on her face and she forgot the fact that her assistance still stood there.. Holding her laugh as she never saw her manager acted that way.


“Actually, Manager-nim.. I know the sender. I’m the one who received it downstairs.”

“and who was these from?” a teasing smile appeared on her assistance face and she said,

“Ms. Hirai.”  




Mina was nervous after hearing Momo’s name being mentioned.. But she could see how her assistance was enjoying this so she tried to compose herself.

 Well, Mina’s relationship with her assistance is quite chill. They maintain professionalism but since their wasn’t really that far, they sometimes jokes lightly towards each other. Not really that stiff


“How do you know that these were from her?”

“Her assistance was the one who brought it here earlier. She left you a letter too.”


“Yes, it’s on the—oh! I’m sorry.. I think I dropped it on my desk.. Excuse me Manger-nim, I’ll give it to you.”  Once again Mina’s assistance dashed out the room to grab the letter and gave it as quick as possible to mina.

When Mina received the letter, with just a quick glance, she already could see Momo’s name written on it. and again.. smile crept on her face


“You seems happy with the gift, Manager-nim.”

Hearing her assistance been constantly teasing her, Mina let out a short laughed and tried to dismiss her,

“Don’t you have work to do, miss kim?” it wasn’t in a stern voice.. a playful one and miss kim knew mina wasn’t mad at her, but rather a friendly gesture so she backed away without hurt feeling.

“ah.. yes. Of course, Manager-nim..”

Mina’s assistance walked towards the door and about to leave. But before she did that, she gave mina a bow while saying,

“enjoy your rosy lunch, Manager-nim”

And mina could only laughed at her assistance’s tease.


Once her assistance left the room, Mina’s focus moved back to her rose and the letter. It was a rather simple gift.. just one stalk of rose and a card plus foods.. and maybe it’s a little bit cliché but roses are mina’s favorite flower and no matter how much the amount is, mina still loving it. and of course.. the letter.. it just like the cherry on the cake.


Surprise! ^^

You must be exhausted with all those works.. but worry no more!

I sent you foods to fill your stomach and rose to make you happy.

Roses still your favorite flower right??

 Well! I hope this small present could give you more energy!

Enjoy your lunch Mitaan~

Love, Momo ♡


Mina couldn’t help but smile after she read that. It was just a small gesture but don’t know why mina felt so happy after reading it.


Mina was supposed to go back to her work.. But in a wimp, she grabbed her phone and dialed Momo’s number.

While she waits for the line to get connected, mina kept holding the rose and smile never left her face. Yes.. she really like the surprise.. oh like was actually an understatement on how happy she was receiving that from momo.


“Shimo shimo~” Momo greeted Mina right away once the call was connected

“Hi…” said Mina with shyness evident in her voice due to that, a paused occurred after she answered momo’s greeting.


“So.. eum.. I assumed you got my present?” asked Momo

“Yes... I never expected you could be this.. romantic but.. thank you.” That shy gratitude accompanied with a slight tease from mina brought laughter for momo

“That’s romantic?? Really??” asked momo


Momo’s carefree respond made mina embarrassed and somehow regret for thinking what momo did to her was romantic..


“well yeah.. k-kinda?? Out of nowhere surprising me with all my favorite foods… the rose... and… the letter..”


Gradually Mina’s voice getting smaller and smaller, an obvious sign that she actually shy for liking ‘romantic thingy’. And since momo been her best friend since they were kids, of course she could get the hint.


“So.. you like this kind of stuff?”


There were a paused after momo asked that. No.. its not because mina was hesitance.. its more because mina was.. shy to admit it.  None of her ex ever give this kind of surprise like what momo did.. which this is actually things that Mina always dreamed of.. yes cliché and cringe. But it was always her roman.


“k-kinda..” said mina as she kept moving left and right on her rolling chair.. yes.. mina is embarrassed.

“Wow… never knew you were into this kind of stuff…”

“Yaah…” Mina let out a whine

“I mean.. you always prefer watching action and thriller movies rather than romance..”

“T-those movie sometimes exaggerating some moments... i.. don’t really like that..”

“Hhahaha.. true.. But hey! I’m glad if you like it! I didn’t think much actually.. Just tried my best to show you how much I care for you and also to make you feel loved.”

“Make me feel.. loved?”

“Mhm! You see.. the reason why I confessed couple days ago, wasn’t only because I didn’t want to hide my feelings for you anymore or tried to prove whether our parents words were right or not.. It just you deserved to be loved and I want to make you feel that way.. I know being friends was enough.. but you know.. it’ll be weird if friends show this kind of gesture right? so yeah.. telling you the truth about my feelings and my intention upfront so I could shower you with all the love, admiration, and care I have towards you..”


It’ll be a major lie if mina said momo’s words didn’t give any effect to her. her heart race so fast and Mina could see her reflection from a small mirror on her desk how reddish her cheek bones were..


“Hahaha… I’m sorry im being so sappy..”

“I-it’s okay..”

“So! does it work?” asked Momo

“Mmm.... well.. y-yeah.. a little..”

“Yeay!!! I did it!!”


Momo’s adorable yelled was the one that made mina surrendered. She couldn’t compose herself anymore this was too much and somehow she felt like her cheeks and heart could burst.. so  she decided to end their call.


“umm.. m-momo, I still have some files that I have to read.. so.. eum.. talk to you later, okay?”

“Eh?? but it’s lunch break now..”


Mina glanced at her watch, just to make sure that its already reached lunch break. But no.. its still have 10 minutes before it.


“Its still not lunch break time though.”

“oh come on… you are so strict.. I’m currently eating my lunch..”

“As the Manager, I need to be an example for my team. You should try too, Hirai Manager-nim.”

“you just no fun..” And both laughed after that.


 “Okay.. then.. you can go back to work.. but don’t forget to eat your lunch! I’ll asked dahyun later.”

“ah right! Next time, could you just leave it at the receptionist instead of asking dahyun to bring it for me? She is a little bit nosy especially about my love life..”

“did she… tease you?”

“s-something like that..”

“well then…. I will keep giving through her!”


“Ehhehe talk to you later Mitan~ love you!”




Mina was a little bit glad that momo immediately cut off the phone after she said thatm because although she flattered by momo’s surprise, she still find it hard to say the L word to Momo.


“Can I…say that to her too?”



Since that day, the foods and rose kept coming to Mina’s office every lunch break. Every rose that momo gave to her, she always put it on a vase. From one stalk of rose, now the vase was filled with a bouquet of roses.

The one who deliver it to her room is always Mina’s Assistance, Kim Dahyun. Despite Mina asked Momo not to give it through her, Momo still did it and yes… her assistance would left the room with the same teasing smile that reached into her eyes..

Honestly, all of this moved Mina’s heart. Who wouldn’t? Momo always sent type of food that mina likes, even one day she asked Mina herself what kind of food she want to eat for lunch. the rose? Please.. that’s what touched mina’s heart the most especially the small handwritten letter..

But somehow… this made mina a little bit.. warry..

Momo said she would shower mina with love.. and yeah, she sure did that.. although the word ‘shower’ is such an understatement.. Momo been drowning mina with love and care.. the lunch pack, the roses, drive mina home after work… even one day, when they were supposed to had dinner together but a little bit held up by mina’s work, Momo still patiently waiting for mina to finish it.. no complain at all even at the end all they could eat for dinner was a street vendors ramyeon that still open..

With everything Momo been doing these days, Mina of course had the urge to repay the same manner.. But compared to what Momo did for her? of course it means nothing. All mina did was short call. Every morning she would wake up and call momo who always had trouble waking up early. Or in between working time when mina wanted to rest, she would call momo asking about her day or make sure that momo really doing her work instead of mingling with her coworker.. or before she went to sleep, after momo drove her by and such… In Mina’s opinion.. she did nothing. Momo the one who kept trying to make them work..


All of those kind things momo did for her, made mina remembered about what momo been doing for her for the past years they’ve been friends together..


Momo was there when Mina found out her ex was cheating on her.. and momo was always been right by mina’s side, trying to give her the best comfort.

Momo was there when mina got stressed upon her assignment in school.. call it university days, high school, junior high, even elementary school..

Momo was there when mina was so fed up with whatever her parents told her to do, trying to take control over mina’s life.. and momo was always there to support every decision mina made.

Momo been her comfort place since forever.. and the only thing mina ever gave to her.. was nothing but… sad story of her. Not to mention Momo been secretly in love with her since university years.. she had to witness how happy mina was talking about her ex.. yes.. mina was so bad towards momo but momo always so kind for her..

Even now, momo is trying her best to make them work.. so they won’t be alone or feel lonely.. or more like momo is trying her best so mina won’t feel lonely..


So today, Mina decided to do something. again, it’s not enough compare to Momo’s but at least she needs to try..


It’s 7 in the morning and Mina now already awake and neatly on her office attire.. but she wasn’t in the office, nor in her own home and not even completely ready for work. She is now wearing a pink apron, on a kitchen that not hers and she wasn’t even cooking breakfast for herself. Yes, she is in momo’s apartment, trying to make breakfast for her.

She didn’t tell momo beforehand and at this hour, Momo usually still asleep and since momo likes to eat heavy food for her breakfast, mina decided to cook one for her. It’s a simple japanese style breakfast with grilled mackerel fish, miso soup, tamagoyaki and rice. Some ingredients already prepared from mina’s house and she just need to preheat it.. like soup and rice that usually take more times..


Momo live in her apartment only accompanied by her two little puppies. Their name are Boo and Doby. The two little guard now already calmly eating their breakfast that mina put on their bowl—preventive move so they didn’t make much noise so Momo won’t be awake before Mina finished her cooking.

Once she done with the plating, she went to Momo’s room, slowly opened the door and about to wake her up. The room was dim, as the only source of light was from Momo’s night light. Momo was tuck peacefully under her comforter. Although yeah.. her eyes are slightly opened when she sleep but hey.. it just a sign that she’s in a deep deep sleep. which is great.


“Momo, wake up..” said mina softly with a gentle pad on momo’s arm. Yes.. momo didn’t immediately wake up of course.. she just hummed

Mina then went closer—sat on the vacant space beside her, and tried again. “Momoring, it’s time to wake up…”


Glad Boo and Doby decided to be noisy now, maybe because they finally finished their food and wanted to play.. but nonetheless, Momo finally squirmed on her bed—a sign that she wasn’t in deep sleep anymore.


“Boo…doby…” The fact that momo still tuck deep in her comforter, eyes closed yet she still had strength to call her two puppies so they would calm down a bit.. made Mina giggled. 

“They won’t stop if you didn’t wake up, Momoring.”

“Stop them please mitan..” again, momo was still closed her eyes.


But after few second, momo said, “Mitan?” And yeah.. that giggled made opened her eyes to check it.


1..2..3…4 blinks were needed for momo to finally realized who was sitting right beside her.



“Hi..” said mina in between her laugh

Momo couldn’t believe what she saw right now so her hand just automatically straighten and land on mina’s cheek. Of course she felt warmth on her palm


“I’m not dreaming…” said Momo

“Eum.. you’re not.” Well mina was slightly nervous with momo’s sudden touched so she gently put down momo’s hand from her cheek. But that doesn’t mean she let go her hand though..

“Since when y—wait.. why my house smells nice..”

“Wanna check it out?” Mina stood up and lend Momo her hand, which Momo immediately accepted.


Momo who was still in her pajama dress followed Mina sloppily. Well, although she was excited, but she indeed still sleepy so she walked a little bit sloppy.. but once they arrived, those sleepiness somehow vanished.


 “You.. made these? all of these?”

“Yes..” Once again momo took a better look on the feast and once she finally came to her sense, she immediately engulfed Mina in a really big and tight hug

“Mina you are the best!!!”


Momo was so happy with the surprise.. Without Mina had to ask, she already knew how happy Momo is.. She hug mina so tightly while swaying their bodies left and right.. this situation also made mina happy and she couldn’t hide her chuckled.


“Okay.. okay.. Momo.. Momo! I need to breath.” And Momo broke the hug. but her hand still stayed at Mina’s.

“What’s the occasion?”

“Hm? Nothing.. It just.. you gave me so many things these days.. so I feel like I need to do the same..”

“You know, you don’t have to do anything to make me fall for you.”

“T-that wasn’t my intentions..” said mina. “I.. want to thanked you.. for everything..”

“Again… you don’t have to do that too.” But before Mina said a thing, Momo once again hugged her.. this time, way calmer than before

“But thank you so much Mina..”




“Well! I better eat it before it’s cold!”


Momo then rushed to the vacant chair and ready to devour everything. She scanned the whole dishes and her smile was clung from ear to ear.. too happy with the amount of food she received. Meanwhile the nervous Mina just stood near the chair across momo, hoping Momo would like her cooking.


“Wait.. you.. don’t eat anything?”

“Hm? Don’t mind me.. I already ate back in home.”

“Eeeh?? It’ll be better if we eat together.. But it’s okay.. at least you already ate.” Momo then grabbed her chopstick and began to eat

“Ittadakimasu!!” and once the food went inside , momo’s facial features showed evident happiness and her high pitch hummed clearly showed how much she enjoyed Mina’s cooking.

“Oishi!!” said Momo with a thumbs up.


After that momo only focused on eating her breakfast but she still spilled out few signs that she really really enjoyed the food.


Seeing the way Momo reacted and the way she enjoyed all the foods mina cooked.. something inside mina pushed her to say something that she’d never even plan to say before.


“you can tell me what menu you want, I’ll cook it tomorrow.” Momo who was about to put a slice of fish meat into had to stopped due to Mina’s question.

“You.. want to come again? make me breakfast again?”

“W-well. I uh.. yes? if.. you don’t mind?”

“Of course I don’t mind! But.. I don’t want to burden you..”

Mina shook her head, trying to convince momo that she’s fine with it. “I’m quite enjoying the process actually..” said mina a little bit shy for revealing it.

“Then.. um.. tomorrow morning.. you’ll come again?” Momo’s question then answered with a meek nod.

“Or.. maybe the next day too.. i.. don’t mind..”


Both of their faces turned a bit reddish on the thought that they would spend morning time together. Especially Momo.. Mina would woke her up and the thought that she’d see Mina wore her working attire covered by apron, giving such a domestic look.. Yeah.. momo couldn’t help but blush due to those thoughts..


“Then let’s spend breakfast time together.”


The way Momo’s smiled at her.. yes.. Mina could felt it.. this is not how she usually felt towards momo. she never been affected with her usual bright smile before.. yes.. Mina started to realize that there’s probably a chance that she could fall for her best friend..


Days gone by after that and every morning mina would call her driver to drop her to Momo’s apartment and after that she had breakfast together with her and went to work together. those days.. turned into weeks and even during weekend, Mina still came to Momo’s house and cooked breakfast for her. Of course Momo’s lunch and roses still came by to Mina’s office.. and mina already got used to this foreign feeling inside her..

Those times they spend together, made both of them happy.. it made momo started her day brightly, and gave more strength to face the day. Same things goes to mina..

And maybe because of their frequent time together—way more frequent than before momo’s confession, when Mina had to leave to overseas for a business trip, Momo felt soo empty.. she missed her a lot. It was only a week but for her those 7 days were a disaster.. the first day Mina departed, Momo overslept because she was already gotten used to be awaken by Mina.. She couldn’t really talk that much with her too since Mina’s schedule there was more packed than usual. Even if Mina finally could contacted her, due to different time zone they couldn’t really have a decent long conversation.. Yes.. it was tiring..


So on the day Mina came back, Momo chose to pick her up on the airport and will asked her to stay over at her place just for one night. She’d beg or even would force herself to do aegyo if she needed to.. She just want to spend time with mina, compensating those 7 days she missed.

When mina arrived, Momo immediately greeted with a hug and told her how much she missed her. Mina of course said the same thing.. Momo was about to asked.. but once she saw how drained mina looked, she canceled her plan and just thought on driving mina straight to her home. She needs rest and she probably wanted to be on her comfy bed alone rather than sleeping together with momo in momo’s bed..


“You look so exhausted.. come on. lets take you back home so you can rest.” Said Momo as she grabbed Mina’s luggage.

“Eum.. Momo.” called Mina , “Can we.. uh.. I mean.. can i… sleep at your apartment? I..mean tomorrow is Saturday so.. eum… can i?”

“O-of course! Of course you can! I was about to ask you that but.. I thought you need your own private time to rest. So I decided not to ask..”

“Well.. i.. I miss you.. that’s why.”


Momo’s heart flipped 720 degree after Mina said that. especially with her shyness.. Myoui Mina as The Myoui Co’s future leader and Myoui Mina as Mitan is totally a different person.. and for momo to be able to witness both side.. of course its such a blessings.


“I miss you too.. very much..” said Momo.. “then let’s go?”

The next day,

Yesterday nothing happened much. Mina was too jet legged so she couldn’t stay up that late and mainly they spend their time on Momo’s bed, had a quick catch up talk before Mina slowly drown to sleep. and today.. miracle happened as Momo could wake up earlier than Mina.

So she decided to repay what mina always gave to her… Breakfast.

Momo been leaving by herself since her second year in university so she at least has a basic cooking skills that could cook decent simple breakfast. Which is omelette.

Momo tried so hard not to make any huge noises so she won’t woke mina.. But her two little devils couldn’t cooperate today and decided to make a fuss..

in the middle of trying to decorate the plate prettily,  Boo and Doby decided to make a fuss.. So Momo had to stop whatever she was doing and went to doby and boo—giving them the attention they wanted. And suddenly.. a sleepy mina with her slightly messy hair came out from Momo’s room.. rubbing her eyes as she tried to check the commotion that happened.


“Ohayou...” said Mina with such sleepy voice.

“Mitan! I’m sorry these two woke you up...”

“No.. it’s okay... it’s about time for me to be awake anyway..” said Mina.

“oh right.. I already made us some breakfast.. you can freshen up a bit and join me later.” 


After that, Mina who was still sleepy waddled towards the bathroom.. trying to wash up her sleepiness. Meanwhile that sight from mina made momo smiled wide..

“She is so adorable..”


That supposed to be one night sleepover, turned into two. Momo didn’t ask mina to stay.. she just didn’t give any sign of leaving and momo herself didn’t mind at all.. she wasn’t really fussing much about it..

They spend the entire day, completely only in Momo’s apartment. Watching movies together on the living room, then cooked and eat lunch together, played with dobby and boo.. basically they were just lazing around together.. They used to do this kind of things before, back when they were still kids.. and this kind of pace.. basically just Momo following mina’s. The most homebody between them. But again.. momo ain’t complaining at all.. all she wanted was spend more time with mina. she missed her too much and being right beside her for those two nights, even all they do were laying on the couch.. she didn’t mind at all

But Momo… realized something was a little bit different with mina.. she is just seems.. off..

She acted like.. quite distance? usually she would sit right beside momo while they having their movie time.. but Mina sat not on the couch, but on the carpet in front of the couch.. then she also a little bit quieter than usual.. yes mina wasn’t really the chatty type but she always has many things to talk to with momo.. so it’s just off..

So momo decided to ask about it right after they finished their dinner.


“Mina.. is there.. something wrong?” asked Momo

“Hm? Why are asking that?”

“I don’t know.. you seems… distance? you wanna talk about it?”

“uh..well.. I might.. have something to talk about...”

“Did I do something wrong?”

“No.. no.. not at all.. it just.. I’ve been thinking or I was planning to give you a proper answer.”

“Proper answer?”

“Yes. about how things between you and me..”

“ooh.. that..”


And now Momo began to nervous too.


“I feel.. it’s a kinda harsh for me to keep you hanging. Although I don’t know whether you’d like my decision or not...”


Momo couldn’t really understand where mina’s words were actually headin to.. But somehow she felt pain on her heart.. like something pressed it too tight. it. But she still try to maintain her smile and said


“I understand whatever decision you make. Nothing will change between us no matter what it is.”

“No Momo.. things definitely will changed between us due to this decision I made..”


Momo felt more and more pain on her chest after hearing it. she was so scared and didn’t want to hear anything mina was saying..


“Okay.. here it goes..” Mina fixed her sitting and after that began talking.


“Remember back when we were kids, we used to sulk at our parents whenever they tried to pair us on doing everything, or even buy matching things for us?” Momo gave a nod, affirming the memories

“We used to really hate the idea of being together yet we ended up being inseparable… I do understand that people could change.. and that goes for feelings too. Maybe you didn’t like me when we were kids. But time could make the unthinkable things happened.. you fell in love with me.. while I’m obliviously didn’t know about that and I ended up giving you pain the entire years..”

The soft gaze mina had towards Momo, made momo struggled on keeping her smile.. the way she look at her.. somehow she looked sorry or pitying her.


“Then one day you asked me to give us a chance.. and when I said I need time to think about it, when I left you hanging.. You showed me how much you care and how much I mean to you.. you make me feel so loved momo.. with every single thing you do. But what make me realized everything.. was because of this business trip..”

“Within those 7 days.. its really hard for us to communicate. You were busy, and I was busy.. too busy. We still could manage to slip short call, but we ended it quick because we were tired. As a friend, this is okay.. but as girlfriends.. I don’t think it’s okay.. it’ll be hard for us..”

Brace for impact momo..

“Through those 7 days plus yesterday.. I finally realized… how hard it is to live away from you, and how happy it is to live with you.”


Yes.. momo was surprised with what mina was saying. But what made her more surprised.. was the next thing mina told her.


“So that’s why.. instead of being girlfriend.. why don’t we.. get married?”


“Y-you know.. so we can live together forever?”

“Uh.. wait.. Wait wait! Hold on! so.. you.. you want to marry me???”

“I-I I know that I said I wasn’t ready to be in relationship and even left you hanging for months..Kept receiving love from you yet I couldn’t even repay those as much as y—“

“Okay I need to cut you off there.. No. I’m not only giving.. you too mina. the breakfast? The short call between your work time? short texts just to remind me to do the work? Even you still tried to call me in the middle of the night during your business trip.. All small things you do, it makes me feel cared mina. And I always love that side of you..”

“It.. wasn’t useless?”

“Of course not.. those makes me more and more in love with you..”


There was a paused after that..


“Eum.. w-well you could continue things you wanted to say earlier..” said momo

“Uh.. eum.. I was just wanna said that I kinda hate saying goodbyes to you.. if we just being girlfriend.. I just think it wasn’t strong enough compared to marriage.. there still be chance for us to broke up but marriage.. I think we would be more and more eager to holding on to it.. and to spend the rest of my life with you, not just as friends.. i think it would be wonderful..”


Momo was trying to process everything mina just said earlier. she was so ready to hear that mina want them to stay as friends. nothing more than that.. but turns out. she proposed to her..


“I.. It’s so sudden I know.. But Momo..  everytime we had our breakfast together, I always think how nice it would be if I could wake you up every morning, made you breakfast every morning.. then our sleepover made me realized how great it is to spend time with you and only with you.. woke up with you right beside me, sleep with you right beside me.. and I just finally realized.. that I love you.. I love you so much and I don’t want to be away from you.”

“Can you.. s..say.. say it again?”

“W-which one?”

“The L word..”


Mina stood up, moved near momo and said, “I love you, Momo.”


And there goes the tears momo been holding these whole time.. she just cried.. Mina who was surprised immediately engulfed her into her hug.


“Oh god.. Did i.. said something wrong??”

“I thought you want to say that you don’t want to be with me..”

“eh? of course not.. why you think like that?”

“I don’t know.. the mood.. I was so scared that I’d lose you..” Momo’s cry went harder and mina could only carrassed her back, gave as much as comfort and assurance momo needed.


“But yes..” said momo in between her sniffed. “yes I want to marry you..”

“Y-you… you sure??”


Momo broke the hug and then said, “You don’t know how much I want to be the one that proposed you..”


This time.. Mina cried too.. and that’s momo’s time to embrace her.


why she cried? She was so nervous these whole days.. the tought of Momo refusing her proposal was hunting her since the moment mina determined herself.. All those anxiousness vapored and huge huge relived surrounded her chest.


“Again.. we ended up doing what our parents told us to do..” said Momo and that made Mina laughed in between her tears

“We’ll be okay right?” asked Mina

“We’ll make us work..” With tears still in her eyes mina nods and said,



Those two.. kept staring at each other for few second after exchanging gazes.. they were so closed and after the proposal.. after all the tears and all those confession.. of course this close proximity would send some ‘spark’


“Mitan.. there’s been some thing I’ve wanted to do. but I need your permission first.”

“what is it?”


Momo answered Mina’s question.. instead she went closer to mina and kiss her lips tenderly. It wasn’t their first kiss.. but it’s the first time for them to kiss each other. the best first kiss ever.


And when both stopped to take a breathe, Mina suddenly laughed. "You didn’t ask me first..”

“Oops?” and both laughed because of it.


After both calmed from their laughed, again momo threw a warm gaze to mina and said, “I love you. I love you so so sooo much Myoui Mina.”

“I love you too..” mina suddenly hovered on to momo’s shoulder and wishpered “Myoui Momo.”


And of course.. that made Momo pulled mina into her hug and squealed happily—which it caught her dogs attention and made them wanted to join the hug.


“We’ll be okay.. together..” and that.. was what both thinking inside their head.


HI!! I came with a sequel heheheh~

I don’t know whether this is the kind of ending you guys wanted but anyway.. I made the sequel yeay!
Though I didn’t really that satisfied with the way I write this.. but I hope you guys aint that disappointed ^^”
Welp! Leave your thoughts on the comment box and up vote if you like it~

Thank you so much for reading!! Love you guys~

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aglaonema #1
Chapter 1: Fluff
Chapter 1: yaayyy!! soft soft soft!! thank you author ^^ looking forward to your next story hihi
Chapter 1: I'm- 😭😭
Tooooo much cuteness~

Really really enjoying this story~ so wonderful author-nim~ well done~ 💙💙
effw_xyz #4
Chapter 1: MYOUI MOMO OMGOODNESSS THIS WAS TOO CUTE!! I literally couldn't contain my smile. Thank you so much for sharing. Have to admit though, Mina's proposal took me by surprise but we love sure and determined women. Love this! Again, thank youuuuuu <3
1241 streak #5
Chapter 1: I.LOVE.THIS.SO.MUCHHHHHH!!! Thanks a lot for this cute and special sequel ^^
So cute ;;v;; love this