


        O2. F I N A L            

Hyunji quietly unlocked the front door of Hoya’s and her apartment. She closed the door behind her, took off her shoes and glanced around. Everything just seemed so…empty…and dark. It was around 9pm which meant Hoya was probably still awake doing paperwork he hadn’t finished.

“…Howon?” Hyunji quietly called.

Hyunji looked down at the shoe rack only to find all of Hoya’s pair of shoes missing. Her eyebrows creased and confused, she made her way into the main room. Stepping inside, she only realised how messy their room was, because the room right now was sure…vacant.

Hyunji placed her handbag on the nightstand and scurried to the closet and opened it to find all of Hoya’s clothes missing.

Now she was real confused.

She took her phone from her handbag that was sitting on top of the nightstand beside the lamp and was about to dial the number one speed dial, but in the corner of her eyes, she had detected something foreign inside the slightly opened drawer of their nightstand. Dreadfully, she slowly opened it, to see a lonely red velvet box sitting on top of an enclosed envelope.

This was like in movies…when someone left without notifying, they would leave a message in somewhere noticeable. It was like what Hoya did, he had left the drawer slightly open to capture Hyunji’s attention. It was like he predicted how Hyunji would react when she found all his things missing. They were together for that long.

But that didn’t matter, all Hyunji wanted to know was…if this was like in movies, why would Hoya leave

Hyunji let out the breath she was holding to grab hold of the envelope and the box. She opened the envelope and took out the thin piece of dead, processed tree. Her slender fingers made their own movements and opened the piece of paper to reveal Hoya’s neat writing imprinted on the paper with a black ink pen.


Everything you and I had was an act, right?

I can’t believe I wasted 3 years of my life with you when it was all a lie.

I can’t believe I actually loved you…

-          Howon.


They were just words…but they sure meant a lot.

Hyunji’s face was blank. Her expression was as if she had seen God and had tea with him. It was unbelievable, impossible. Water dropped onto the piece of paper she was holding.

Everything then slowly sunk into her body like a coin dropping into an ocean. Hoya had found out about Myungsoo.

But slowly, it came back to the surface like dead floating fish and she cried out loud, hysterically reaching for her phone once again and dialling the familiar number instead of the handy speed dial. She couldn’t even think about being handy at the moment. She couldn’t think at all. All she wanted was to hear her boyfriend’s voice and to explain.

‘Sorry, this call could not be connected. Please check the number and try again.’

The voice of the lady on the phone had Hyunji mad. That was the last thing she wanted to hear at that moment. “, he’s avoiding me now!” Hyunji cursed and knew it wouldn’t be any use to call again, but she was desperate and needed to hear his voice. The same recorded voice played once again…over and over again.

She then looked through her contacts to find that one person who would know everything.


“…Hyung…Hyunji’s calling,” Woohyun said, pausing his movie on his laptop and showing Hoya his phone screen of Hyunji’s smiling picture with a caller ID. Hoya stopped eating from the kitchen bench and glanced up at Woohyun’s phone. Hyunji’s smile was haunting his head and he quickly looked back at his pasta.

Shrugging once, he mumbled, “I don’t care what you do.”

Woohyun turned back to face his laptop and pressed the green button. “Hello? Oh…Hyunji…” At Hyunji’s name, Hoya glanced back up to see Woohyun’s back with his phone to his ear.

A part of him wanted Woohyun to tell Hyunji where he was so he could see her angelic face again, but the majority of his head said otherwise. Although the majority took over, there was still that small soft spot still telling him to see Hyunji.

“…Oh, Howon? He’s not here. He’s not at home either? Oh, that’s odd. If I see him, I’ll tell him to contact you and notify you, okay?” Woohyun uneasily glanced around his apartment while playing with his nails.

Hoya’s shoulders deflated slightly and he poked the mashed pasta on his plate. Without even knowing, he was stabbing the innocent food. “Okay, goodnight, Hyunji. Oh, wait,” Woohyun halted and Hoya lifted his head to see what his best friend was going to say next to his girlfriend…or ex-girlfriend. “…Don’t worry too much about Hoya. I’m pretty sure he can take care of himself,” Woohyun softly replied.

When he hung up, Woohyun turned around on his swivel chair and spoke, clutching onto his phone, “She’s crying…and really worried.” Hoya didn’t reply and Woohyun sighed, getting up from his chair and moving towards Hoya. “Why won’t you give her a chance to explain what really happened? She sounded very desperate to tell you something,” Woohyun stated.

“I know what I saw and I don’t think she can make up any excuses to cover it,” Hoya retorted. “There’s a story behind everything,” Woohyun chose his words wisely, not wanting to step on Hoya’s tail once again.

When Hoya came over to Woohyun’s apartment with all his stuff and puffy eyes, he comforted him really well, but then came the questions and Hoya got angry with him asking so many questions he didn’t know how to answer.

“Why are you asking me so many questions? Do you think I can answer them?”

“Then why don’t you ask Hyunji herself to answer those questions for yourself instead of being selfish and running away without even knowing the real story? What if it isn’t like it seems, and Hyunji’s hurting because you left?”

Tired, Hoya simply threw the remains of the dish into the bin, threw the plate in the sink and ducked into the guest room. Woohyun watched and rubbed his forehead. It was so hard convincing Hoya.

If Hoya was acting that way, then Woohyun sure did know Hyunji more than Hoya. Woohyun didn’t believe Hyunji could do such a thing, and something must be up.


Myungsoo rolled his luggage into the airport with Hyunji following slowly behind. He reached his gate and turned around to face Hyunji. With a smile, he flipped his sunglasses off.

“I have to thank you so much, Hyunji,” Myungsoo said sincerely, looking deeply into her eyes.

Hyunji nodded and smiled. “Its fine, Myungsoo, it was nothing.”

“…But your boyfriend…” Myungsoo uneasily bit his lip.

Hyunji’s eyes darted to the floor and she awkwardly played with her fingers. “Ah…it’s okay. I think I can deal with it. It’s no problem.”


“I think you should leave now. Your plane is about to leave,” Hyunji hushed him.

Myungsoo sighed in surrender. He probably knew by now that that topic was sensitive to Hyunji at the moment. “Okay…please take care of yourself, then,” Myungsoo said with a smile and poked his hand out.

Slowly, Hyunji slipped her hand in his. They stared at each others’ eyes and Hyunji said, “Good luck with finding Mrs Perfect.” Myungsoo chuckled and nodded. Slowly, he raised her hand towards his lips and placed a soft kiss on the skin, causing Hyunji’s cheeks to heat up. “I’ll see you…soon,” Myungsoo mumbled and he softly let go of her hand.

Slowly, they parted and Hyunji left off to her car and drove to the company. There wasn’t any use of going to work anymore because Hoya didn’t go to work. She was his personal assistant after all and what’s the use of a personal assistant when there’s no one to assist? She did need to check if he was there or not so they could sort things out.

It’s been almost a week since all that heartbreak and no one was really happy. Hyunji had been contacting almost everyone on her contact list. She even went to ask old school friends that they never talked to if they saw Hoya. Of course, no one replied with the answer she had wanted.

She kept in contact with Woohyun more often, and he would say words along the lines of, ‘he’s doing fine’ or ‘he just needs some time away’.

Psh, it’s not like Howon’s hiding at Woohyun’s house or anything…right? If only she knew.

In the middle of walking inside the company, her phone had buzzed in her coat pocket. She flipped it open to see a new message from Woohyun. Hyunji came to a halt in her black heels to read the message.


Come over to my house with pizza.

I have information on Howon~

-          Namu



“Uh…Woohyun, the door,” Hoya called, lazily sitting on the couch watching soccer.

The water from bathroom quickly and Woohyun yelled back, “Oops! Sorry, hyung! I’m already , you get it. It’s probably the pizza delivery.”

“What? We’re having pizza for lunch?” Hoya mumbled, confused. Hoya got up from the couch and jumped over the furniture to the door. He opened it and had the shock of his life.

What was she doing here?

Hyunji. Never once did he expect that this would happen. He already told Woohyun that he didn’t want to see Hyunji ever again, and his best friend kept a promise not to tell. There were three options to how the hell Hyunji ended up in the front door of Woohyun’s apartment.

One, Woohyun became an and told Hyunji for the fun of it. Two, Hyunji miraculously found her way to discovering where Hoya was hidden and three, maybe what Woohyun said a week ago was true, and they were indeed buddies. Hoya shook his head and frowned.

Hyunji’s eyes were wide open and she did not expect to see Hoya. The paper brown bag with 3 slices of pizza dropped onto the ground with a thump.

“Howon…” Hyunji softly whispered, shaking her head and pinching herself to see if this was a dream or not. Hoya looked at Hyunji to see her shaking her head. He used that moment to contemplate on whether to run off, or just…simply talk to her.

“Howon, it’s you, right?” Hyunji asked, still not believing it. She had spent days worrying about him and finding out if he’s okay or not; but now, he’s standing in front of her as fresh as ever wearing his everyday white wife beater and grey sweatpants.

“I don’t want to talk to you,” he simply snapped before reaching out to close the door, but Hyunji quickly slammed her palm on the door, stopping it from locking her outside.

“No, you don’t have to talk to me. You just have to listen, please. Look, it isn’t what it seems. Myungsoo isn’t-“

“I don’t care, okay? I just don’t want to see your face, hear your voice, or anything!” Hoya spat.

“Ho…won…” Hyunji whimpered, eyes filling with melancholy.

He looked at the hurt Hyunji and he had immediately regretted raising his voice at her. A part of him just wanted her to be her usual stubborn self and just keep on talking, explaining what happened, but the other part was telling him to be stubborn and reluctant, locking her out.

He was trapped between choosing the devil or the angel, not even knowing which side had the devil and which side had the angel.

“Please, just let me explain. I don’t know how you found out about Myungsoo but you don’t know the real story behind it! I don’t love anyone, but you, Howon, no one but you,” Hyunji cried.

Hoya felt his heart starting to race at her choice of words.

I don’t love anyone but you, Howon, no one but you.

It was repeating in his head and he felt himself wanting to hear the whole story. The emotion she had put in when saying it just made him totally forget why he was mad at her in the beginning.

“Hoya, just let her in!” Woohyun’s voice yelled from the bathroom.

Hoya frowned. He had known Hyunji was coming? So the real reason why Hyunji came was because Woohyun had told her? It seemed as if he planned this all out by himself since Hyunji hadn’t also expected to see the unexpected. So his best friend is an after all.

Hoya noticed the water had stopped running which meant Woohyun was trying to listen into the conversation he just had with Hyunji. With a growl, he took off to the bathroom door and tried opening it, only to find it locked by the sly Woohyun.

“Hyung, it’s locked, and the key is with me. Don’t you dare contemplate on whether to break my door knob or knock down my door because I will throw your stuff out the window. Your luggage is with me. I won’t give back your clothes until you sort out your things with Hyunji,” Woohyun casually warned, making Hoya aggravated even more. “You son of a , I will chop off your once you get out of there,” Hoya growled.

“Oh, and enjoy the pizza she bought while you talk. Don’t want to waste food,” Woohyun whistled, only getting the shock of his life when Hoya slammed his fist continuously on the door. “Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, don’t go crazy now,” Woohyun warily backed away from the door.

Hoya continued to hit his hand against the wooden door. “Howon…” Hyunji called, causing him to stop. “I need to tell you what really happened. So can you please give me all your attention?”

Slowly, Hoya turned around to face Hyunji but he couldn’t meet her eyes. It was as if he was letting his pride down if he were to just simply sit down and listen. A stubborn boy he is, but that’s the way he works. But because he was suddenly curious to the whole story, he gave her a nod.

When she received the signal to begin talking, she began,

“Myungsoo is a good friend of mine and our parents knew each other well when we were little. When Myungsoo grew older, the more his parents questioned about his girlfriend or getting married. Myungsoo was sick of it. They even threatened him to find a girlfriend quick or else they’d set him up in an arranged marriage which no one wants. So he asked me for a favour and I gladly helped.”

Hoya gulped. He could probably guess the rest of the story without the help of Hyunji telling him. At that moment when he was standing in front of Hyunji, he felt stupid, humiliated for judging and mostly guilty.

“That day I got off work early was the day I talked to him. I pretended to be his fiancé, and we had everything set out- the rings, the information of the wedding and we even thought of nicknames to call each other in front of his parents. Everything I did with him was fake- the skin-ship, the kisses, the hugs, everything. We told his parents that we’d have a private wedding in America but that was all an act. If we said that, Myungsoo would be able to go to America to find a girlfriend and by the time he gets back, he’ll tell his parents what really happened,” Hyunji explained.

“I didn’t cheat on you, Howon. I would never. I love you so much,” Hyunji choked, feeling herself tear up. “I didn’t tell you because I thought I wouldn’t have the need to. What if you got all angry that Myungsoo was using me and beat him up in front of his parents? No one would want that.” Hoya suddenly felt so guilty he didn’t even deserve to look at Hyunji.

“But when I found out you left, I was devastated. I went crazy everyday trying to look for you. I didn’t know how you found out, but I wanted to just tell you what really happened, and–“ Hyunji was cut short when Hoya pulled her into his chest and wrapped his arms around her. She sobbed into his chest and Hoya hushed her by her hair and apologizing in her ear.

“God, I feel like the worst boyfriend for making you like this,” Hoya muttered, scowling.

Hyunji pulled back and stared at his guilty face. “No, don’t feel that way, I’m sorry for not telling you,” she sobbed. Hoya shook his head and pulled her forehead against his. He wiped the remains of her tears and stared deeply into her eyes.

He cupped her two cheeks, pressing them together and admiring how chubby they were although she had pretty much perfect body. Slowly, he leaned in to press his lips against hers, not too hard, but enough to show her how much he wanted her back and sorry he was. Hyunji responded to the kiss and gripped onto his firm wrists.


Hoya pulled back and Hyunji did the same. They stared at each other before frowning. “…Why does this feel so awkward?” Hyunji whispered. “…I know right…” Hoya whispered back.

Another click was heard and they turned their heads towards the bathroom door to see Woohyun looking through his black Polaroid. “Smile!” he hollered. He clicked the snap button and the Polaroid film slowly rolled out. He took the three Polaroids he took and leaned his head back, gazing at them lovingly.

Hoya and Hyunji stared at Woohyun like he was crazy.

“Awwww, look at this one of you two kissing. How adawwable!” he exclaimed, showing Hoya and Hyunji the first Polaroid he took which had its colours still developing. He noticed the two staring at him and he cleared his throat.

“Ah…ing aren’t I? But these are for memory! You two are adorable! Your children will be asking to look at these types of photos. Oh! Look at this one! You two are sooooooo in love!” He displayed the second Polaroid which had Hoya and Hyunji staring at each other with their foreheads touching.

Hoya let out a low growl from the back of his throat, “I would kill him, but I wouldn’t.”

“Why?” Hyunji giggled.

“Because I want to kiss you instead,” he said and with that, he leaned in again to kiss her once again. Hyunji smiled through the kiss and wrapped her arms around Hoya’s neck when he looped his arms around her waist and spun her left and right slowly.

“Kyaaa~!” Woohyun took hold of his Polaroid once more and begun taking another few snapshots. “Keep it up, hyung! Show me your tongue!”


5 months later…

“Do you, Lee Howon take Park Hyunji, this beautiful lady over here, to be your wedded wife, to love until your hair turns white and for eternity?”

“I do.”

“Do you, Park Hyunji take this jerk-face Lee Howon, to be your wedded husband, to love until all your beautiful hair turns white and for eternity?”

“Oh God, why did Woohyun have to be our priest?”

Hyunji stifled a giggle, “I do.”

“You may now make out with each other!” Woohyun whooped and flung out his Polaroid from…somewhere. The audience cheered, whistled and took out their cameras.

Hoya rolled his eyes and Hyunji giggled before placing a hand on his cheek and capturing his lips. Hoya gladly kissed back with his hands on her hips.


        E N D            

I know I said there were going to be two chapters left, but I just merged them two together~

This the end~ No more cheating fics...oh, well, my new fanfic has a tiny bit~

Please check it out! It has three stories in one with Hoya, Myungsoo and Woohyun as the leads of each story.


Go, go!

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blossomblackandwhite #1
Chapter 2: woohyun sooooo funny!!!! i love hoyaaaaa soooo much btw ^^
ohHEYthere #2
Cute story!! I really like Woohyun's character, so cute!
Gosh, howon would be so much in guilty already..... :(
but, woohyun why being so creepy out there?-_- taking the kissing picture? omg, doesnt he think it would be awkward instead? lol creepy woohyun....

Wow, I totally found this story by accident but it was great! AND Hoya's my bias, as well as Myungsoo. It was nice <33
you did the poster only in 5 minutes ? *wows
soooooooooooo thats the reason!!! hahaha now i know.. and omg the make up scene is so sweet!!! >< i love it x)))))
kkkkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! cant wait for the next chapters.. and poor hoya ;(((((