-Chapter 18-

Blind Lovers

Irene pov
I couldn't stop thinking about the way Solar would look at Moonbyul earlier. It's like she had finally realized that she has feeling for Byul, but what I didn't understand was why I didn't feel happy about it.

Moonbyul will be happy about this and we wouldn't have to keep pretending because that's all we have be doing. That kiss had meant nothing to her and it should meaning nothing to me as well, but I knew I would be lying to myself. I felt confused on how I felt about Moonbyul and I wonder if she felt something for me like I had for her.

"Unnie?" I hear from behind me and I turn to see Wendy looking at me curiously. "Yeah?" I say forgetting about what I was thinking for a moment. "Are you okay? You were spacing out." Wendy ask, but I was quick to come out with an excuse. "I'm fine, but we're having dinner today with Mamamoo." I say with a smile feeling a bit excited to see Moonbyul later tonight. "Oh that's great!" Wendy says excitedly and nod my head.

"I'll be in my room." I say and excused myself as I basically run to my room. Am I acting or actually feeling? Oh Jisoo Christ have some mercy on me I thought to myself as I bury my head in my hands. Think of seulgi the girl you fell for not the one your currently falling for you idiot! I was getting frustrated with every passing second and decide to sleep it off. I lay in my bed and doze off without a worry for now.

Moonbyul pov
I lay on my bed as I look at the ceiling in hopes of figuring out what I felt. The way Irene and I had kissed and the way her lips felt against mine, but this was to get the people we truly want. I don't even know what I want at this point not when I'm not sure if I'm acting or showing true feelings for Irene.

I call up the girls expect Solar to meet up at my house for a few drinks. I wait in the living room as I watch weekly idol, but images of Irene kept coming into my mind and I simply couldn't shake it off no matter how hard I tried. I snap out of my thoughts as I hear my door bell ring and stand up to knowing it was the maknaes. I open the door to see them with some snacks and I couldn't help, but smile.

"We brought snacks considering we could hear the stress in your voice." Wheein says with her cute smile that I couldn't help, but pinch her cheeks. "Thank you guys." I say softy and they smile and make their way towards my living room. "So what's bothering you unnie?" Hwasa asks laying down on the couch

I stay silent for a moment trying to figure how exactly I could say this to them. "I don't know how I feel." I say looking at my feet, but I feel both on my sides rubbing my back gently. "Unnie you'll have to be a bit more clear as to what you mean by that." Wheein says softy and I was confused whether it was a good thing or not. "I don't know how I feel about Irene." I voice out and feel both of their hands stop moving and it was quite nobody was saying a word.

I close my eyes and look up to see them smiles softy at me. "It's okay unnie, but you should be having a talk with Irene. I understand it may not easy to understand what you feel for her, but I think a talk would do you good." Hwasa says patting my head and i bring them into a hug. "Thank you guys." I whisper and leave a light kiss on their foreheads. "No problem unnie." They mumble and we stay like this for a few minutes. Until a knock at the door interrupted us.

"We're you expecting someone?" Wheein asks in confusion, but I shake my head. "I'll check!" Hwasa says and dashes to the door before either of us could say anything. "Oh, Solar unnie? What Uhh brings you here?" We hear Hwasa say from the door and I feel my eyes widen as I look at wheein. "What is she doing here?" Wheein says with confusion, but I shrug my shoulders. "Come in unnie." Hwasa say and we see Solar dressed up beautiful and I let my eyes stay on her until I feel a nudge from Wheein.

"Hey unnie!" Wheein and I greet her with a smile and she smiles back. "Hey guys." She says and takes a seat next to me and I scoot closer to Wheein. "So uhh what are you guys doing?" She asks breaking the silence and I look at the kids for some help. "Nothing just having some quality time." Wheein says with a small smile and looks at me for to speak up. "I was gonna also invite out to eat with Red Velvet." I say and the maknaes snap their heads towards me as I look at my hands. "We're going out to eat the red velvet?!" Wheein said excitedly that I melted at her cuteness. "Yeah that's the main reason I needed you guys to come over. Surprise?!" I say with a nervous smile they begin hit my shoulders and I do my best to cover myself.

"Why didn't you drop that bomb earlier?!" Hwasa exclaimed with a cute pout and I pat her head. "Sorry, but we were taking about something else!" I say defending myself and they glare at me. "Fine, but explain why we're gonna eat with them?" Wheein asks and I feel nervous like if this was real and not an act. "You'll find out at the dinner just be patient." I say and I could feel Solar tense up beside me, but I didn't know how to feel about her at the moment.

"Better be some good tea that is getting spilled." Wheein says opening a bag of chips and turning her attention to the turn as well as Hwasa. Solar and I say no words so I turn my attention to the tv as well until I feel Solar tugging at my shirt gently. "Can we talk?" She says softy and I felt my heart speed up, but ignore it and nod my head. "Lets go to my room." I say and we stand up and make our way to my room, but I knew the girls were watching us.

"So what's up unnie?" I ask playing it cool even though I was trembling on the inside. "Are you and Irene serious about this relationship?" She asks looking right into my eyes and I was glad that I was sitting on my bed. "Yes, why do you ask?" I question her and she sits beside me. "Do you love her?" She asks another question completely ignoring mine.

I don't say a word and look into her eyes in hopes of looking for an answer to her behavior, but I stan up and put some distance between us. "I don't think I'm there yet unnie, but I'm sure with time that I will." I say without thinking and stare right into her eyes. "I love you." She blurts out without thinking and I look at her with wide eyes. She walks closer to me until I feel her nose hitting mine. "And I'll do whatever it takes to get you to be mine." She says confidently and leans in.

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