New Arrival

Love Lectures

How long is this red light going to take, honestly, I do have places to be.

Yonghee drummed her fingers on the steering wheel as she sat patiently at yet another red light, her sister was waiting for her and she didn't want to be late, all she wanted was to keep Yongsun safe. Finally the light changed and she carried on the short journey to Hanyang Women's University and smiled when she saw her sister waiting patiently on the kerb. Parking in the nearest free space, she turned the engine off, grabbed her coffee and locked the car as she shut the door behind her. Yonghee sipped her coffee as she crossed the empty road between them and smiled in greeting, a quick hug was all they exchanged before they both walked to the building side by side. She had only been a junior teaching assistant when Yongsun had started at the University but now she was a senior member of staff and she had her own office in which she was about to do the last of her marking as fast as possible before the weekend. Yonghee didn't mind her sister sitting in her office while she worked, it was nice to have the company, she just hated knowing that Yongsun had no out of class friends to hang out with and pitied her sister's loneliness.

They were almost in the building when a noise made them both turn their heads and stop still, a low rumble was coming from the open gates and seconds later a leather clad figure appeared astride a large motorcycle. Both girls gasped slightly as this was a women's university, maybe it was a student's boyfriend or brother coming to pick them up, maybe he was single.

Maybe I could set him up with Yongsun.

Maybe I could set him up with Yonghee.

The guy on the bike rolled into the space next to Yonghee's car and turned the engine off, Yonghee hadn't realised her coffee cup was slipping and it clattered to the floor spilling the remnants of a now tepid drink on her white shoes. Cursing under her breath as she assessed the damage, she tried to wipe it off with a tissue from her handbag. All the while her sister was scowling and swiping furiously at her shoes, Yongsun was watching the mystery man, he dismounted the motorcycle and Yongsun felt her cheeks flush at where her eyes went on his body and where her mind went as a consequence. Yonghee had given up on her shoes and evidently given up on the guy too because she was several steps higher than her sister before she called out to her. "Yah Kim Yongsun!, come on!".

Shaking her thoughts back to reality, Yongsun turned and followed her sister up the stairs and into the entrance of the university, the automatic doors hissing closed behind them.


Although she knew they were essential for her safety, Moonbyul hated wearing her leathers and was hoping her trip to the university would be a quick one so she could go home and grab a shower to cool down. Taking her helmet off, she surveyed the vast building before her and grinned as she noticed heads turning in her direction. Yes, this was a women's university and yes, she may look like a guy but Moon Byulyi was one hundred percent a woman's woman and one of these lucky ladies would soon be her woman. Watch out Hanyang Women's University, daddy's home.


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