The First Night

He kidnaps people, would he stop after kidnapping you?

You let Daehyun lead you to the couch where a lot of food was prepared. “Oppa, did you do this?” you asked looking at him and he nodded his head. “Why?”

“I wanted to commemorate our first night together,” Daehyun said. “Technically it’s our second, but that doesn’t matter. It’s the first night that I’m going to be officially staying here.”

“But aren’t your parents going to be worried?” you wondered. Even if he said that he didn’t care about them, you were still sure that they had to have some sort of worry about their son. It wasn’t like they could just abandon him like he was nothing, right?

“My parents,” Daehyun softly said. He didn’t even look at you, but instead was focused on the table of food in front of you. “Let’s not talk about them.”


Quickly changing his mood, Daehyun became a different person as he began putting food on your plate and handing it to you before he made one up for himself. You wanted to know why he was avoiding the question, but decided that it wasn’t a time for asking questions about that. You figured that the question asking could be done later. Right now, you just wanted to spend time together with him since it was the first night.


Then it hit you. It was the first night and you were going to share a bed with him. You hoped that he wasn’t going to do anything too bad to you and that he was going to maintain his distance away from you. After all, the bed looked big enough and you were sure that you would be able to have one side while he had the other.

However, you weren’t entirely sure why you were freaking out over sharing a bed since you had already slept on top of him before. Maybe it was because in your mind, sharing a bed was different than simply sharing a couch together. There was something about it that was different.


On the other side of the couch, Daehyun laughed to himself at seeing you freak yourself out. He figured that you had already come to the realization that he said for you two to share a bed together on your first night. He had specifically said those words to see your reaction to it, only you were too busy freaking out that you hadn’t noticed him snickering at you.

Daehyun figured that you must’ve been really freaking out about the whole thing since your face was scrunched up the whole time in thought. To Daehyun, it didn’t matter what he had done with the other people he had kidnapped, you were different and he was going to prove to you and to himself that you were different than those other people. They were simply playtoys, something for him to occupy his time with, but you were someone special. At first you were just like the others, but slowly you grew on him and became someone that he didn’t think he could live without seeing for at least a day.


“Is someone having dirty thoughts?” Daehyun whispered into your ear causing you to slightly jump. You weren’t sure when he had gotten that close to you, but somehow his breath against your ear made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and caused you to get goosebumps.

“N-n-n-no,” you managed to stutter as you inched yourself away from Daehyun.

“Are you sure?” he asked with his voice still low as he got closer and closer to you the farther you shifted away. Daehyun grabbed your plate of food and set it on the table next to his leaving both of your hands now free.

“I-I-I’m s-sure,” you said still stuttering.

“You know,” he said, “we have a bed now, we can do whatever we want.”


Seeing him lean close to you, you immediately closed your eyes and braced what was next to come. You knew that you didn’t have power over him and that he could easily win and take advantage of you.


“Silly girl,” you heard Daehyun say as you opened one eye and then the other to see him laughing at you while he continued eating.

“Hmm?” you asked as you sat up.

“I’m not going to do anything, I’m not that bad of a person,” he said smirking as he took another huge mouthful of food. “Go ahead, continue eating, I promise I’ll keep to this side.”


Throughout the rest of the meal, Daehyun did as he promised and kept to the side leaving you to eat alone in peace. You wondered why Daehyun did such a thing and for a moment, it crossed your mind that there was a possibility of Daehyun liking you, but you quickly pushed it aside. There was no way that he was going to like someone like you, someone that he could easily win over, and someone that he kidnapped.


There it was again. Kidnapped. You wondered how many days you were in the building, was it months? Daehyun said that he was almost out of school so it was almost summer, when were you kidnapped? You couldn’t remember for the life of you, it was like you could barely even remember a life without seeing Daehyun. And somehow, you didn’t want to return to it.


You didn’t want to go a day without seeing Daehyun, just seeing him made your day feel complete, despite being held up inside of a building. It was just the power that he had over you. Even if he were to stop by and grab something without even noticing your existence, you would be complete.


“Let’s get changed,” Daehyun suggested. “You can change first; I’ll step outside of the building so you don’t feel uncomfortable. Just call down when you’re done.”

“Thank you oppa,” you said as he walked downstairs.


No matter how much Daehyun wanted to see your body, he knew that he couldn’t do anything to scare you. Just by simply joking around before, you were already scared out of your wits at knowing what he could possibly do to you. There was no way that he was going to take advantage of you, he promised that to himself.


“Oppa! I’m finished!” you yelled like Daehyun instructed you to. Daehyun then came up to get changed. “Oppa, should I close my eyes?”

“If you want, I don’t mind,” Daehyun simply said.


Quickly, before he could even take off his shirt, you jumped into the bed and pulled the covers way over your head so that you didn’t see anything. It wasn’t until Daehyun had climbed in next to you that you noticed he was finished.


“Silly girl,” Daehyun muttered as he pat your head.

“Oppa,” you complained. “You keep tricking me.”

“That’s the beauty of living with someone else.”

“But why would you want to live with me?” you asked. “Why aren’t you living at home?”


There it was again. Home. Daehyun didn’t know why you were so interested in his home life. It wasn’t like he was exactly hiding anything; he just didn’t like people knowing his business when they didn’t need to. His home life was for him, but it was you that was always asking questions.


Daehyun knew that he couldn’t get mad at you. He knew that if you kept asking him about his home life every second of every minute of every day, he wouldn’t be able to get mad at you like how he would get mad at some other people. There was something about you that didn’t allow him to get mad, it calmed him instead.


“Let’s just go to bed,” Daehyun said pushing aside the subject as he turned over on his side after turning out the light and brought you close to him.

“O-oppa,” you said as you attempted to push yourself away from him.

“Yes?” he asked with his eyes closed and his chin resting on the top of your head.

“We’re really close,” you said. Recently, you were conscious of every skin touching moment that you had with Daehyun. You suddenly noticed when he was near you and your skin somehow burned when he touched you, even if it was something simple to grab your attention.

“That’s how I like it,” he mumbled. “Just stay like this, it’s warmer.”

“But oppa,” you said in protest.

“You’ll have a better sleep if you’re hugging someone,” he said in hopes of you not moving anymore so he could get a peaceful sleep with you in his arms. He didn’t know if you would believe him or not, but he knew that he would get a better sleep since you were there.

“Okay,” you said as you wrapped your arms around his waist. Somehow you didn’t want to let go, even if you knew that what he told you was a lie. “Goodnight, oppa,” you said before you drifted off into dreamland.

“Goodnight,” Daehyun responded before he did the same. 

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Thesuitelife547 here yet again. Hope you enjoyed this chapter of you and Daehyun's first night together. Hmm...this chapter might seem a bit short, sorry for that. I'll try to make them longer in the future. But it's 12:55 AM here (why must I always write these chapters when it's past midnight for me?) and I guess I should be gettnig to dreamland, too.

And to help get you off into dreamland, or start your day, or if you're in the middle of the day, get an energy boost, here is a gif of Daehyun who looks like he's having a one man party. The gif isn't mine.


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purplecupcakes #1
Chapter 20: I still hope u update. This story’s really good <3
Chapter 2: Oh, this is good.I like it.
Kreasefeels #3
Yaaaaayyyy ^_^
kimsana98 #5
Chapter 20: Update juseyo
This story is so amazing! Please don't give up on it! :)
AISHHHH FINISH THE DAMN THING-- I mean please update author nim :3 ^^
starbucksgirl #8
Chapter 20: wow~ this story is amazing ^^ please update soon ~