New Living Arrangements

He kidnaps people, would he stop after kidnapping you?

Daehyun awoke first before you. It took him a moment to remember that he was still in the building and that you were sleeping against him. He couldn’t believe that you had wanted him to stay last night and he had the change to sleep while holding you in his arms. It was like the world was on his side for once.

Daehyun didn’t move his position from where he was. He just laid there and admired your face from afar. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of your lips and wanted to kiss them but was afraid of your reaction. Daehyun wondered what you would be like when you woke up. Would your voice have changed a little? Would you be grumpy? Would you be cheerful?

Questions upon questions clouded his mind as he stared at your features and analyzed your beauty. He loved that you were close to his body and loved the fact that you wanted him to stay, yet he was still unsure of your feelings.


Slowly but surely, you finally woke up and moved a little bit, which startled Daehyun. “Mhmm,” you said as you moved around. You hadn’t felt a good night’s sleep in quite a while and opened your eyes to stretch when you realized that you were trapped.

Opening your eyes, and turning your head, you then were face to face with Daehyun’s chest and remembered that you two had spent the night together. You felt your cheeks blush a little and attempted to get them back to the normal temperature after you heard Daehyun speak.


“You’re already up?” he asked you.

“Yeah,” you said getting up off of the couch enough so that you were able to look at his face. You had moved your position enough and your hand even ended up being on his chest. “Did you have a good sleep?”

“The best,” he said as a smile was threatening to show. He wondered if it meant anything to you that he stayed the night and was searching your face for some sort of clue, but he didn’t see anything. He was slightly disappointed at that.

“That’s good,” you said giving him a polite smile. “It was good for me, too.”

“What time is it?” Daehyun lazily asked as he began to sit up and stretch.

“How am I supposed to know?” you asked. “I don’t have any sort of watch or anything.”

“Ah, right,” Daehyun said remembering that you were the victim of the kidnapping. He took out his phone from his pocket and groaned at seeing the time.


“Is it late?” you asked unsure of what was making him groan like that.

“It’s past eight.”

“Does that mean something?” you asked. You still weren’t sure of the times or anything.

“I have to go to school. I’ll come by later, alright?” he asked as he stood up.

“Oh, okay,” you said slightly disappointed that he was leaving so soon.

“I promise you, I’ll be back,” Daehyun said as he grabbed your hands before gently kissing you on the forehead once again.  “I’m going now.”


You sat in the same position as you watched Daehyun leave. Your hands felt like they were on fire from Daehyun’s simple touch and your forehead felt warm since he just kissed you there before. Since he wasn’t in the room anymore, you could freely blush without him seeing.

Internally, you wanted to freak out about the whole situation. You wanted to just jump up and down from happiness but also question whether Daehyun truly liked you or not. You didn’t know why he was acting that way with you and wondered if he was toying with your feelings.


While Daehyun walked to school, after returning home and changing into his uniform, he wondered why he would do such actions. What made him so brave to do something like kiss you on the forehead? At least you didn’t push him away, that was a plus in his eyes. If you didn’t push him away, then that meant that you had to at least feel something, right? Daehyun was sure of his feelings, but he wasn’t sure of how you felt about him, but he knew that he wanted to find out.

For the whole day while Daehyun was at school, you simply did what you did all of the time. Nothing. Except this time, you noticed that you weren’t tied up. You noticed that Daehyun had let you freely roam around the room, something that you’ve never done before. You took the time and examined the building seeing that it was just a regular building with practically nothing inside, not to mention that it was slightly rundown.


Finally, after all of the waiting, the door to the building opened and you heard voices. You wondered who or what could be making such a sound. Suddenly, the door to the room opened and you were greeted with men standing there. “Please, don’t hurt me,” you said as you began to back away into a corner.


“We aren’t going to hurt you,” one said as he placed some bags down.

“You think we’re going to hurt you?” another one asked. “Daehyun, she thinks we’re going to hurt her.”

“They’re not going to hurt you,” Daehyun said as he finally entered the room. “This way guys.” It seemed like he was directing people.

“Oppa, what are you doing?” you asked looking at all of them.

“New living arrangements,” Daehyun simply said as he continued instructing people. Your eyes widened as you saw an actual bed being placed in the room along with some dressers.

“What is this?” you asked as you walked over to them as Daehyun bid goodbye to the other people.


Daehyun looked at you as you admired everything. Just earlier he thought about how he wanted to see your true feelings, so he determined that he would have to move into the building with you so you would spend your time with him. If you didn’t like him, he was planning on making you fall in love with him.

He had asked his friends to help him purchase a bed, with his parent’s credit card, along with dressers for his clothes, and the new clothes he would buy you, also with his parent’s credit card, after school. His friends had agreed and simply stopped by to drop the things off since Daehyun had already said that you were his girlfriend, which the others believed.


“Do you like it?” Daehyun asked looking at you.

“What is it, though?” you asked as your fingers touched everything. A real bed, it just seemed impossible.

“I’m redoing the building,” Daehyun simply said. “Thanks to my parents, they don’t know, but it’s thanks to them anyway.”

“Why are you redoing the building?” you asked looking at him strangely. You didn’t know why he would be doing such a thing if it were only you in the building.

“I’m moving in with you, silly,” he said with the straightest face possible. “Welcome to the new home.”


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Hey, thesuitelife547 here once again. So now you're living with Daehyun...hmm? Hmm, yeah... haha. Well, he's having the building redone,'re now roommates, what's going to happen?


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, here is a Daehyun gif back from their Power days I believe :D

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purplecupcakes #1
Chapter 20: I still hope u update. This story’s really good <3
Chapter 2: Oh, this is good.I like it.
Kreasefeels #3
Yaaaaayyyy ^_^
kimsana98 #5
Chapter 20: Update juseyo
This story is so amazing! Please don't give up on it! :)
AISHHHH FINISH THE DAMN THING-- I mean please update author nim :3 ^^
starbucksgirl #8
Chapter 20: wow~ this story is amazing ^^ please update soon ~