
Love medicine

This is me,~~~~~~.

I just finished high-school and I wish to pursue my dream. I want to go to the University of Medicine and take my license as a pediatrist.  Now I have to practice for medical terms all day, cope with two part-time jobs, school...and also with my boyfriend. Or should I call him my fiancé?
YongGuk. The sweetest guy on the Earth. We know eachother since day 1, our parents were friends before we were even born. We were cradle buddies. When we were 5, we used to dress up in dresses even though he was a boy, he has this girly look and chubby cheeks which made him adorable like a kitty. Once he got sick and I was pretending to be his nurse, giving him medicine and checking his fever. 
When we got into elementary school, he sprained his foot on a football match, so I carried him on my back and made a cast for him. That's when I knew what I wanted to do when I will grow up.
During secondary and high school, we started to become like strangers. He got changed. He wasn't the cute little boy I used to play with toys and drink teas. He got stronger and manlier, his voice got deeper and he got new friends. We were barely seeing eachother, and if he was with his friends and we would meet on the halls, he would've avoid me. 
He started jocking and girls were all over him. I was jealous, because I started to feel something else for him. It wasn't friendship anymore, it was something bigger. He started to get more handsome with everyday that was passing. My heart was at a faster pace when I would eye him, even if he would've be at 2 miles away from my sight. 
Then one day it striked me. I saw him with a girl in the campus. My heart was broken in pieces. When they were about to kiss, he saw me looking at him from afar with tears in my eyes. I ran away. As fast and as far as I could. But he wouldn't go away. He would still run behind me, hoping to catch me. I couldn't do it anymore. I crushed into the ground, he turned my body into his way and pulled me into an embrace. 
"What happened to us?"
"You forgot us, YongGuk."
"No, I didn't. I still kept you here. In my heart."
"It didn't looked like that."
"You're wrong. You know I love you."
Love. He finally said it. 
"I love you too Bang YongGuk. I missed you."
"Me too. Like hell."
So that's how it started. We took it again from square one. Even though he wouldn't ask me if I want to be his girlfriend or not, I couldn't protest. At least he was next to me and that was enough. My dear little friend, who used to make me laugh with his childish jokes, has now transfomed into this handsome man who's walking with me on the streets of HongDae. We're hand in hand. Laughing. Hugging. He's mine and I'm his again. 
During our senior year things got even stronger. We moved together, with the agreement of both our parrrents, who couldn't be any happier. After all, I think they planned when to have me and him with a purpose. So we would share our lives through everything, just like they shared theirs. After our graduation party he finally put up the question.
"Will you marry me?"
I thought he would ask me to be his girlfriend first. But I guess I was too blind to see that I already was. I accepted him with dear heart, but we couldn't get married at an instant. At just 19 years old it seems a bit too fast. He agreed though. So, I immediately started to pursue healthcare courses, and he went for law. I was laughing so hard in my mind when he told me, because I wouldn't imagine such a muscular and strong man in the position of a lawyer, rigged out in a black suit and holding files while heading to the law court.
At first it seemed funny, but then I realized it would be better. He had another crazy dream in our second year of high school, he wanted to be a rapper. He joined this underground rapping band called "Soul Connection", but when he saw that his bandmates were wrecks, doing drugs and hiring , he stepped out of that. 
He was tempted to do that too once. I was glad that he told me he truth. He started with crack and the girls were on his in the next second, because he was "the handsome one". He came home smelling like smoke and alcohol, and he almost did something crazy. But that's history. I forgave him, once he got into rehab. After that he was like a brand new man. He got sober, no drinking, no smoking no anything. And he apologized to me. That was the most important thing. 
Now, we're a happy normal couple...it's just that... I get busy with studying. And he feels kinda lonely, so sometimes he offers to help me with studing on his body parts. Believe me...it's pretty hard.
"Now tell me, how many bones does the body have?"
"It's easy YongGuk. An infant has 300-350 bones at birth, and during the growth process they may fuse together. And a typical adult skeleton has 206 bones."
"Good. Now name and count them."
"Come on, you can do it. Let me get the book to check if you're right, I have no idea."
"Haha okay. Sooo... Cranial bones: one frontal bone,two aprietal bones, two temporal bones, occipital bone, sphenoid bone, ethmoid bone."
"Good next."
"Facial bones: mandible, two maxillas, two palatine bones, two zygomatic bones, two nasal bones, two lacrimal bones, vomer bone, two inferior nasal conchaes."
"Um...o-kay, it seemed like Chinese to me, let's try this. Name all the carpfhal bones."
"It's carpal dear."
"Two scaphoid bones, two lunate bones, two triquetrum bones, two pisiform bones, trapezium...two bones... two trapezoid bones, two capitate bones and two hamate bones. My mouth hurts."
"Very good! Now what do I have to do next?"
"Um, well, I got to the conception chapter hehe"
"Oh God... I saw and did almost everything, I'm ready for this!"
"This is going to be embarrasing."
"Let's just.. finish this fast so we can move onto the blood circulation, you have to practice at that, I saw that it's kinda difficult for you."
"A bit. Okay, let's get down to business."
"Give me the definition of ual first."
"Look, I'm not kidding hah."
"ual , also known as ion or , commonly refers to the act in which a male's enters a female's for the purposes of ual pleasure or reproduction. What? YongGuk, stop smirking."
"AHEM. I am not. Go on."
"Pregnancy is the period of time during which the fetus develops, dividing via mitosis inside the female. During this time, the fetus receives all of its nutrition and oxygenated blood from the female, filtered through the placenta, which is attached to the fetus' abdomen via an umbilical cord. This drain of nutrients can be quite taxing on the female, who is required to ingest slightly higher levels of calories. In addition, certain vitamins and other nutrients are required in greater quantities than normal, often creating abnormal eating habits. Gestation period is about 266 days in humans."
"I wonder how our children would look like...."
"Once the fetus is sufficiently developed, chemical signals start the process of birth, which begins with the fetus squeezing through the , and eventually out of the mother. The newborn, which is called an infant in humans, should typically begin respiration on its own shortly after birth.... WHAT?"
"Okay let's pass. Onto the blood circulation and organs."
"The circulatory system is an organ system that passes nutrients such as amino acids, electrolytes and lymph, gases, hormones, blood cells, etc. to and from cells in the body to help fight diseases, stabilize body temperature and pH, and to maintain homeostasis."
"Okay now onto the blood vessels and other stuff like that."
"Well, the major blood vessels, capilars and veins are all over our inside body. They are also connected to the organs, assuring them oxygenation and transfering nutrients."
"Tell me the upper body organs. And show them on my body while you tell them."
"Salivary glands, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines...."
"You forgot something."
"Oh right! the heart or the cord. Right here,on the left side of your chest. "
"Eah. Wrong."
"What? It's on the left side?"
"I'm sure I'm right."
"You're right silly, yeah it's my heart. But it's that heart that loves you."
"YongGuk, you're making things hard...you know I have to study."
"Yeah I know but still, you haven't slept for days. We haven't slept in the same bed for days. You fall asleep under the table. I miss you."
"We really have to do something about this, you're sick."
"What? I'm not, I'm perfectly healthy and I know that."
"Nope. You have some serious disease and you need some stong medication."
"And that is?"
"My love. I'm gonna love you and hug you and kiss you until you get better."
"I wanna take a break...let's stay like this for a while, eh?"
"Love you."
"Me too."
After all this "studying session", I started to understand medicine better. So, when I went to take my exam, it was so easy. I got to take my pediatrist license. 
But, I had to postpone everything since I'm pretty....let's say busy with some things.
Me and YongGuk are getting married in two months. And we're expecting! I prefer to keep this as a secret until then hehe. We're gonna have a little Gukkie!
So, this is my love story and how I got cured with the most important medication in the world.
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Chapter 1: it's so cute >o<
Chapter 1: Gyaaah~~!! XD Sweet story~! I couldn't believe Soul Connection was like that, tsk, tsk... Haha, kidding Author-nim~ Thank you for the story Author-nim~ Keep writing and supporting B. A. P~ \(^0^)/ Hwaiting~! p(^-^)q
hyogyeong #3
its really sweet. XD
@dongsowon thank you for your kind words :)
yeah >3< he will be absolutely sweet T^T /suddenly envy of his future or now girlfriend xD hehe
@EunKiGfs thank you ^^ well I always Imagined him like this, although he looks like a tough guy on the outside, if he would have a girlfriend I bet he would be beyond sweet
wow. super sweet... well I personally think that if YongGuk has a girlfriend.. he will definitely act like this :) iono but I think the way you describe him felt so real >3<
my lovely daughter that was lovely, even more with the fact that medicine is what i want to do :)) too bad i'm not craddle buddies with yong guk though :D <3 i LOVED it!!