Confessions of a Friend


Lazing around in his bedroom, Jinwoon was fiddling around with his phone, hoping for a text from none other than Min. He knew she had practice, and he didn’t want to seem like a bother, so he was being patient.

He almost dropped his phone in surprise when it beeped in his hand. Flipping it open, he read the message.

Oppa, I’m at the practice room. Come here, I miss you.ㅠㅠ

Jinwoon bolted upright, almost knocking his bedside lamp over.

“Woah, Jinwoon ah.” Changmin said. “Why so excited?”

“Gotta go somewhere.” He was on his feet, rummaging through his cabinet for clothes more presentable than his shirt and shorts.

“Guys! Jinwoon has a date!” Changmin called out. The two other members peeked their heads in the door.

“Hyung!” Jinwoon grabbed a shirt and looked at his hyung. “I didn’t say that!”

“But you do, right?” Changmin asked. “I’ve been seeing you do preparations all morning, pacing back and forth, talking to Minjae hyung over the phone.” Asking for this, asking for that.”

Jinwoon ignored the comment, pulling on his shirt, and a pair of jeans.

“Our maknae’s all grown up now!” Jokwon said dramatically and held Seulong by the hand.

“I know!” Seulong chimed with an equally dramatic tone, pretending to wipe a tear.

“Aigo, you guys.” Jinwoon managed to smile.

“So who’s the lucky girl, huh?” Changmin asked, the two others looked at the youngest with much curiosity. “Is it someone we know?”

“It’s uh.” Jinwoon took out a jacket and slipped it on.

“It’s Min!” Seulong cheered, waving Jinwoon’s phone around.

“Hey!” Jinwoon jumped at Seulong, grabbing his phone from the older’s hand. “Invasion of privacy!”

The older members laughed in unison at the way their youngest was acting. Jinwoon gave scowl before laughing along. “You guys, really.” He shook his head.

“It’s Min, right? Miss A’s Minyoung?” Jokwon asked. “My little Kkab baby?” Jinwoon could only nod.

“Aigooooooo.” The other three said. Jinwoon’s face flushed.

“Yah, you three, stop being so weird. I gotta go.” Jinwoon said before running out their dorm.


It had already been a couple of weeks since Jinwoon and Min’s little confession to each other. Every thing had been going well so far, the two had become much closer than they ever were. They spent most, if not all, of their free time together, not that either of them really minded.


Min beamed at her phone upon reading Jinwoon’s reply. I’ll treat you to ice cream! ^^ was flashed across her phone’s screen, and despite the fact that she was tired, her energy spiked up. Min was reading and rereading the message over and over when she felt someone press against her back, two hands covering her eyes.

“Guess who.” A voice whispered in her ear.

“Jinwoon!” Min pried Jthe hands away from her face and turns around, throwing her arms around the boy. “Hey!”

“Hi.” He hugged her back and gave her a quick lift. “Ice cream?”

“Of course!” Min was nodding excitedly. “Your treat, right, oppa?”

“Of course!” Jinwoon replied with just as much excitement, before laughing. “You’re so cute.” He added.

Min blushed slightly. “Okay let’s go!” She took Jinwoon’s hand in hers and led him out of the practice room.


“Ahjumma, please give me that one.” Jinwoon pointed to a chocolate popsicle, taking out a couple of bills from his back pocket, his eyes traveling to each ice cream.

“Ummm, I’ll just get the mint one.” Min pointed to a mint-chocolate ice cream cone. Jinwoon paid for their ice cream and the two happily ate. “Kamsahamnida, Jinwoonie.”

“No problem!” Jinwoon smiled. “What do you want to do now?”

“Hmmmm. We could go to Lotte World!”

“Do you know how to get there?” Jinwoon bit off a chunk of his ice cream, “Coz I’m not sure how.”

“We could take the subway to… Um…” Min stopped walking. “I don’t know either. How about we just… go to someone’s dorm to talk and cuddle?”

Jinwoon laughed. “I love how you never get tired of cuddling.”

“Coz it’s fun!” Min stuck out her tongue. “Wae? Don’t want to?”

“Ani!” Jinwoon finished his ice cream with one last bite. “You could teach me how to make kimbap too.”

“But we don’t have any ingredients!” Min took out her hanky and wiped a chocolate stain on the corner of Jinwoon’s lips.

“Thanks.” He muttered. “I can go buy some ingredients and meet you at your dorm. I’ll text you when I’m done!”


It was already a quarter to seven. Min glanced at ther phone. “What’s taking him so long?” She said under her breath. “It’s a Thursday, groceries aren’t even supposed to be full today.” The doorbell rang. “Yah! It’s about time!” Min called ou and walked to the door. “Omo!”

Jinwoon stood before Min, dressed sharply in a button down shirt and slacks, and shiny leather shoes.

“W-what’s the occasion?” Min had to ask, somewhat stifling laughter. She looked down at her own clothes, loose shirt and a comfortable pair of shorts.

“I forgot to tell you to dress up.” Jinwoon replied, smiling sheepishly.

“Why? Where are we going?” Min asked, hands on her hips. “The kitchen is ready for your kimbap making lessons.” But Jinwoon insisted on her getting dressed. She sighed in defeat, retreating to her bedroom and shutting the door.

Jinwoon leaned on the wall and waited patiently, casually looking around, but his hands were fidgeting, nervous if the event he planned out for the night would go smoothly. He shifted his weight to his left leg,

“Hey, this good enough?” Min stepped out of her room in a simple white cocktail dress. Jinwoon had to stand up straight.

“It’s perfect.” He was able to say. He was completely mesmerized. “You look amazing, Min.”

At this, Min blushed. “Yah! Don’t look at me like that.” She giggled and took Jinwoon’s hand as he led her out of her dorm, and out of the apartment building. “Where are we going?”

“I can’t tell you.” Jinwoon replied, opening a car door for her once outside.

“You drive?”

“Nope. Minjae hyung’s driver.” He slid in after Min and pointed to 2PM’s manager, sitting on the driver’s seat. Min smiled at him in acknowledgement and he smiled back.

“Why aren’t you telling me where we’re going?”

“Because it’s a surprise.” Jinwoon explained. “Don’t be impatient. You’ll see pretty soon. Hmm, do you like the sea?”

“Are we doing to the beach?”

“…No.” Jinwoon faced away and looked out the window. “Just wait.”


The car finally came to a halt. “We’re here?” Min sat up straight, about to open the door when Jinwoon’s hands covered her eyes. “Hey!” She protested, but was unable to pry his big hands away. Minjae helped Jinwoon open the door and helped Min get out. Jinwoon gave a small bow of gratitude.

“Don’t peek, Min.”

“It’s physically impossible for me to peek. Your hands are practically covering my face.” She let Jinwoon guide her to wherever he was taking her, and she followed blindly. Her feet finally came to what seemed to be sand. “Are we at the beach?”

“Just a few more steps.” Jinwoon walked a little bit more, before taking his hands off of Min’s face. “Surprise.”

In front of Min was a simple dinner, laid on the sand on a big mat, surrounded by little candles. Min gasped quietly, putting her hands over . “What’s all of this?

“Just something.” He shrugged, walking to the mat and taking Min with him. “It’s…” She took a seat. “This is amazing, Jinwoon.”

Jinwoon smiled proudly and took a seat beside Min. “It’s not too much, is it?” He took out a plastic container and opened it to reveal neatly made kimbap. He fed one piece to Min.

“I thought you didn’t know how to make kimbap?” She asked after swallowing. “This isn’t bad!”

“I asked help from Changmin hyung.” Jinwoon ate a piece that Min fed to him, “A lot of help.”

“Well it’s good. You should ask him to teach you more.”

“I will, every time we both have some time off.”

The two continued eating the variety of food that Jinwoon bought along. Meat, cut up vegetables, kimbap, and other side dishes.  They talked, laughed, teased, and continued to feed each other until the food had run out.

“The night sky is so beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” Min began cleaning up the plastic containers.

“Yes, you are. Beautiful.” Jinwoon muttered. His eyes were focused on Min. Min felt his gaze on her and look up, smiling.

“Aigo.” She tucked her hair behind her ear. “You’re wonderful, you know that?”

“I try.” Jinwoon said with a grin. The both of them laughed.

“When did you even plan all of this?” Min had to asked.

“Yesterday, and this morning. Did you like it?” After cleaning up everything, he rummaged through his bag.

“What do you think?” Min was watching him. “Of course I like it. I love it.” He saw Jinwoon take out an mp3 player and putting on one earphone. “And what are you up to now?”

“I have this one more thing planned out.” He said, getting up and brushing the sand off him. Min looked him with a questioning stare as he held her hand and gently pulled her to her feet. He handed her the other earphone, which she wore, and pressed the play button. Brown Eyed Soul’s Nothing Better began to fill their ears. “Dance with me?” He said, offering a hand.

Min could feel her face turn red.  “Of course.” She took Jinwoon’s hand and he pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her waist, lightly pressing their bodies together. She s her hands around Jinwoon’s neck.

“Is it too cheesy now?” Jinwoon asked, swaying with the music.
“A little bit.” Min giggled. “But I like it. This… All of this is just…” She smiled, unable to say anything else. “What’s the occasion, anyway? Really, Jinwoon. You don’t just do these sort of things for nothing.”

“I guess I just wanted to make sure you were in a really good mood.”

The music on his player died down. “Really good mood? For what?” She pulled back a little and looked up at him.

“For me asking you to…”

Min kind of felt like she knew where the question would lead, but she didn’t want to assume. She simply kept her eyes on Jinwoon. “To?”

“Well, the past few days. Weeks. Have been… how do you say? Hm… To put it simply, they’ve been great. And I’ve told you that I liked you, right?”


“Now it seems that my feelings have grown more than just liking you. I want to be with you, Min.” He looked at her eyes.

“I want to be with you, too.” She said quietly.

“And I don’t want to think of the idea of you being with anyone else. I guess I’ll just tell you in the simplest way possible. So what I’m trying to say is… Will you be my girlfriend?”

Min was unable to remove the smile on her face. “Of course, Jinwoon!” She threw her arms around him. “I would love to be your girlfriend!”

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Chapter 10: Update please... The 2 of them were a very cute couple... They are so sweet... love this story...
minioninrush #2
good storyline
please update this story
are u planning to never update this story ????
pau05a89 #5
I love it!! <3 update soon please :3
Princ3ss_BubbLee #6
yay! thanx for the update!<br />
yes some drama in the relationship, love it!
nizzyool #7
awww~ so it's the time for some jealousy ^^
talorluvsyou #8
awww so cute <br />
update plzs
Princ3ss_BubbLee #9
i love ths pairing!
nizzyool #10
kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~~` *squealed nonstop