Thoughts Of You

When Boy Meets Girl


Chapter Two:

Thoughts of You



Slowly, he straightened his body up, his eyes never leaving mine. And for what seemed like a long moment, I saw nothing else but him. There was just me, lost in the pool of his brown eyes, and him, curiously staring back.

My heart suddenly pounded hard on my chest, bringing me back to reality and for some reason, it seemed to have snapped the boy to his senses, too.

Carefully, he reached forward and held my shoulders. His brows furrowed once more before he said, “Jaeni! Wake up!”

Funny, he sounded just like Jihyun. He gave me a light shake and said again, “Jaeni! Come on, wake up already!”

I frowned, confused at what he just said. I blinked and the next thing I knew, I was squinting at Jihyun who was shaking me by the shoulders.

“Huh?” was all I could manage to croak out.

Hearing me, Jihyun sighed in relief. “Finally! Geez, what happened to you? It isn’t like you to sleep in.”

Sleep in? I sleepily sat up. It was morning and we were in my room and Jihyun was sitting beside my bed.

Wait. Was all of that a dream? The boy I met... wasn’t real? I never really... met him?

Somehow, the thought dampened my spirits. There was something about that meeting that would have made me happy if I had known that it wasn’t just some part of my imagination. That he was real.

“Seriously though, what’s up?” Jihyun pressed. “It’s almost lunch time and yet you’re still in bed. Is it about your sketchpad?”

“Sketchpad?” I repeated stupidly. Hmmm. I wonder if there really was something wrong with me.

“Yeah, the one you left and wasn’t able to find again at the greenhouse? If it’s about that, then don’t worry. Sihae and I had already placed an Ad for it in the bulletin. You know, the usual If found, please return it to me stuff.”

“You did? Aw. Thanks Jihyun. That really means a lot,” I said with a smile. My sketchpads were all precious to me and losing one meant losing a part of, well, me.

Wait. Did she just say what I think she did?

“Jihyun, I lost my sketchpad yesterday?” I asked.

She gave me a worried look. “Are you sure you’re okay? I could call Sihae if you’re not feeling well.”

“What? No, I’m fine. It’s just, did yesterday really happen?” I asked again, and she probably saw the sudden hope on my face.

She laughed, “Of course yesterday happen! How would we be here then?” She was teasing me.

But it was okay, because one thing was for sure, I did meet him, whoever him was. I don’t really know but I wasn’t feeling down anymore.

Jihyun must have noticed the smile on my face since she suddenly looked at me suspiciously. “Is there something we should know about?”

It wasn’t really a big deal, right? And maybe I was just happy because I knew I didn’t make it all up in my head. And besides, I don’t keep secrets from my best friends.

I shrugged. “Nothing much. I just met someone. Well, more like, he hit me with a basketball kind-of met.”


“And nothing. It was an accident. Anyway, I was just thinking if it was real or if I made that stuff in my head.”

“Was he cute?” Typical Jihyun.

“I didn’t really notice. All I saw was his eyes. They were the most...,” I paused, willing myself to revisit the memory.

“Most what?”

I smiled. She wasn’t going to stop with her questions if I don’t stop first. “Nothing. It was really nothing, Jihyun. Like I said, I was just wondering. We probably would never meet again. So let’s just forget it, okay?”

She gave me one last doubtful look before shrugging. “Alright. If you say so.” Then she bounced up on the floor. “Get dress then. Sihae is waiting for us at the lobby. We’re going on a picnic in the Mini-Forest!” she said excitedly.

I smiled at her sudden burst of energy.


Yesterday had been a long day except for one moment where time seemed to have passed in an instant, not leaving me any time to decide whether it was real or not. For all I know, I was imagining all that stuff. Unclear thoughts sometimes do that to people, you know.

And today, well, it was strange but I found myself thinking about that one doubtful event.

It was only when the guys barged on my day that I was able to take my mind off yesterday, but it was only for a moment.

“Where are we going, Henry?” I asked when we all walked down the dorm.

“To the Theater. Kibum-hyung has a play today. Nobody told you or did you forget?”

I forgot. But I couldn’t tell him that. So I just shrugged and followed him and the rest of the guys out.

Henry must have noticed the confused look on my face when we suddenly entered the Academic Building because he said, “We’re gonna grab some lunch first of course. So right now, we’re headed to the Cafeteria. The Mini-Town’s a long walk from here.”

I shrugged again. I didn’t really care. And besides, wherever these guys are, whatever they want, works for me.

We all settled on our chairs. There were 8 of us so we had to join two tables to fit everyone in. Our group actually consists of 15 boys. Pretty many, huh, but we sort-of bonded with each other ever since I can remember.

So there I was, facing the window, talking to Henry about Kibum’s play, when a familiar brown locks of hair suddenly passed my line of sight. I didn’t know why I said familiar given I had only met her once, but the sight of it, the sight of her, made me abruptly stand up from my seat and rush to the window, startling Henry on the process.

I popped my head out but it was too late. She had vanished in the corner of the Academic Building. I didn’t really know what I would have done if she was still there, but still, I felt a sense of loss not catching her. Weird.

“Kyuhyun, what’s the matter?” Donghae-hyung asked me from his seat.

“Nothing.” I returned to my seat.

We ate lunch and talked about the usual stuff with the addition of the upcoming play. But to be honest, during the entire conversation, my mind kept drifting to the girl.

I could still remember the way she looked at me yesterday. Like I was something she had never seen before. We probably had never met so it should be normal but the way she held her gaze, it was like she was trying to see what I am, who I am, in that instant.

Weird, right? Maybe I’m just being paranoid. There was probably something in my eyes that made her stare at me like that. Or maybe she was just curious.

At least on my part, I was curious. I didn’t know what, but I could swear there was something about her and that our meeting wasn’t really just some accident caused my ineptness at basketball. Or at least I’d like to think that way. That it wasn’t just a coincidence.

Do I sound cliché? Probably. But you can’t really deny that, in a way, I’m right. Because to have me thinking about her like this, there really must be something about her.


Sihae, Jihyun and I are on our way to the Mini-Forest. Sihae was asking me about the boy I met yesterday. Jihyun had told her the moment we had set foot on her room and now, they were both throwing me with several questions.

I couldn’t really answer any of them. I had only met the guy once, after all and it was just an accident and it would probably never happen again. It’s unlikely to see him again anyway so we shouldn’t really make a big deal out of this. Besides, what can happen if we do meet again? I’m not one to socialize and my friends and I doesn’t really hangout with the males.

He probably wouldn’t even recognize me and reminding him isn’t really that much of a tempting idea, especially since I had suddenly turned around and ran away from him the moment I had realized what I was doing –looking into his eyes too much. Yes, I had finally remembered how our meeting was.

And yes, I know I should probably stop thinking about him already. For all I know, he had already forgotten the incident yesterday. So maybe I should, too.

“Sihae, Jihyun,” I began and hoped that they would finally drop it. “The meeting was an accident. And putting so much thought to it doesn’t really get us to anywhere. So let’s just drop it, okay?”

They looked at each other as if saying she has a point then they both shrugged. “Alright, we’re sorry for prying,” Sihae apologized. “It’s just that...” she trailed off.

I know but I didn’t say it out loud. Sihae has a boyfriend, only he’s not in this school and we all know Jihyun could probably get a boyfriend if she wanted, she just doesn’t like anyone in that level yet. So out of the three, I was the only one who was, well, different when it comes to the opposite population.  They were probably worried I would miss out on that particular subject.

But I wouldn’t, I’m sure. I guess I’m really not just interested. And like I’ve said, I’m not into socializing and I’m very shy when it comes to other people.

This, I don’t know really know what to call it but, this thing I’m feeling when I’m thinking of that boy yesterday, I can definitely assure you that it isn’t, in any way, related as to how a girl would feel for a guy. Let’s just say I’m curious about certain things that involve him. Nothing more, nothing less.

But it sure made me wonder why thinking about him brings me into a good mood. Must be a coincidence.

Oh I wish I could just forget about that incident already. That way, I could stop feeling confused.

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PollyPop #1
Update soon~~!! THANK YOU!!! ^_^
Hi sis! I'm so happy that you have a new story.. But what happened to your first story?? Hope you update it too..