Choi Min

I don't want to be a lotus blossom.

The white, wooden chair let out a groan as a small woman bearing a humble dress sat down. 


She pondered for a while, her eyes looking out a small window with a dazed expression. 


The room was filled with silence, the only sounds being those of a small toy car and the ticks and tocks of a nearby clock.


As if to have finally noticed, the little boy beside her stopped playing with his toy car, large and curious eyes staring at the woman above him.


She beckoned for him, with a movement of her hand, to come and sit on her lap.


He obliged, and got up as quickly as a child his age could.


The woman smiled warmly, picking him up carefully, and placing him on her lap. 




She spoke softly. Her hand reached out to gently carress his soft brown hair.




He responded, craddling her hand with both of his smaller ones. 




She repeated his name, but her voice was laced with both warmth and a feeling he couldn't quite place. 


"Min, I love you..."


"I love you so much... my sweet baby boy..."


Her beautiful chocolate-colored eyes filled with tears, threatening to spill at any moment.


She caressed her child's face again, she realized he was cold.


The child only stared at her blankly, his eyes showing traces of confusion. Oblivious.


"I hope.."


She squeezed the boy's pale and small hands. 


"I hope you find someone... someone you truly love, someone, who will make you happy,"


The last part was almost inaudible as her tears started falling down her rosy cheeks. Her little boy let out a soft gasp, and reached out to his mother to attempt and dry her tears.


She smiled sadly again as she looked on at him.


Her eyes showed sadness, and regret. Contrary to her beautiful, warm smile.


"And I hope,"


She spoke softly, holding his cold hands with her warmer ones.



"I hope you will forgive me, Min." 




And Choi Min only remembers his hands feeling cold again. 

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