I Owe You and You'll Owe Me

Those Things Called Love Triangles.

" Uhhh. I highly doubt that." said Jessica.

" Welllllll. There's a chance." said Yuri.

" I highly doubt that." said Jessica.

" I'm just saying. There's a chance." said Yuri in return.

" I highly dou-" said Jessica.

" I know, I know. You highly doubt that."

" Soo anywaysssss. Who are you gonna pick unnie?" asked Seohyun.

" Why do you care. You don't even have any time for love and you don't give a chiz about it." said Jessica sarcastically.

" Woah attitude much Jess?" asked Yuri.

" I was being sarcastic." said Jessica with an attitude.

" Woah watch the tude dude. Who peed in your cornflakes." said Yuri.

Everyone laughed. Half of the girls left and went to bed. Yuri, Yoona, Jessica, and Seohyun were left in the room together, so Yuri turned the t.v. on.

" Breaking news. We've just spotted another scandalous picture involving Im Yoona's relationship(s). She was spotted in a hospital kissing Ok Taecyeon. An insanely hot, muscular, built hottie mchottie pants from the band called 2PM."

" Woww. Someone's a tadddd obsessed with your boyfriend Yoona." said Jessica.

" I know. Everyone loooooveeeeesss Taecyeon." said Yoona confidently.

" Yeahhh.. Sure.... Uhh.. Yeahh. So anyways... let's just watch the news." said Seohyun.

" Don't talk to us like that! We're your unnies." said Jessica.

" Uh. Sorry." said Seohyun.


In the 2PM dorm

" Dude come watch the news." said Junsu to Taecyeon.

" Heyyy that's me." said Taec trying to sound excited.

" And Yoona." said Khun.

" Yeahhhh. Soo anyways. Thanks for letting me go out with her again. I owe you biggggg time." said Taec.

" Yeah. No problem. So since you wanna repay me in a way. I have an idea." said Khun as he smirked.

" Sooo, how can I help you?" asked Taec.

" Welll. . .  You know Jessica?" asked Khun.

" Yeah." replied Taec.

" I kindaa.. sorta... uhhh... like her." said Khun.

" So do you want me to set you up with her or something?" said Taec.

" That'd be nice." said Khun with a smile.

" Well... I don't know if Yoona would be to happy about it." said Taec.

" But you already promised me." said Khun.

" But... I don't know." said Taec.

" Well then, whatever. Just forget it... I'll just go on Millionare Matchmaker or something." said Khun as he walked away.

" Ehhhh. But you're not a millionare." said Taec.

" Oh whatever." said Khun walking away like a dazed toddler.

" Uhh. Khun... I guess I'll help you." said Taec.

" Really! Thanks. I'll owe you big time if me and Jessica end up together!" said Khun.

" ahuhoh. Uh. Yeah." said Taec awkwardly as he ran to his room like a little boy.

" Well thanks Taec. Goodnight...." said Khun as he went to turn off the lights and take a shower.

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this was cute!
missmaknae #2
@totoro_fan<br />
I hate to say it but yes. We're nearing the end :(<br />
There are two chapters left. Ahhh. I'm gonna miss writing this story and reading your guys' comments :( but who knows! I might make a sequel! :D
totoro_fan #3
yay! khuntoria! are we nearing the end? cause I kinda want some more drama
Woofany khuna !~ Love this :D
awwww minyul cute >.<
that was real sweet!<br />
Minyul moments are jjang!<br />
Update soon!
kpopwoohoo #7
awwww~!!!!<br />
minyul is so cute~!!!!
missmaknae #8
@ totoro_fan<br />
LOL. No problem, It's kinda my job XD<br />
Thanks for commenting!<br />
<br />
@LoveMinYul<br />
Haha. I'll get some MinYul action in there for ya! :)<br />
Thanks for commenting!<br />
<br />
@ roxxi1993<br />
LOL. Yeahhh. Thanks for commenting!
haha! problem resolved-<br />
woofany's part was real cute though-<br />
update soon!