This Is Not What I Expected

--Chapter 22--




“This is awkward.”

“No, this is not. Just tell me about your boyfriend, Kai.”

“What do you want to know? You are his best friend, you know him better than me.”

“Tell me, does he treat you like a princess?” I slammed the table with my hands and stood up. This brother of mine had lost his mind. “Oh come on, I just want to check on my baby sister.”

I scoffed. “I’m not a baby anymore Taemin, deal with it.”

“But you are my baby sister.” He pouted, making me want to throw thousands of brick to his face. I rolled my eyes at him then left to the living room. Today is Saturday, my parents luckily didn’t have a work today so they decided to spend their weekend with us.

Mom was preparing lunch for us while Dad was reading the newspaper with a cup of coffee beside him. This scenery was something I hadn’t seen for a quiet long time, it felt so nice seeing both of your parents staying at home after almost two years spent most of your time with your brother only.

Smiling, I plopped down on the couch and peeked at my father who was reading the business section in the newspaper. I couldn’t see it clearly, but the article was talking about this businessman called Kim Tae Won who just signed a contract with a foreign company. His face features somehow reminded me of Jongin’s.

As if my Dad could read my mind, he flipped the page and there was a photo Kim tae Won with his family. He has three children, two daughters and one son. One of the daughter had a warm smile plastered on her face, while the other one was frowning and that was Ah Ra. The younger boy had one side of his lips curled upward and his arms were crossed, showing his arrogantness through the photo.

My jaw had dropped and my eyes were popping out, couldn’t believe what I just saw in the newspaper. My Dad looked up from his newspaper and raised his eyebrow as he saw the shock expression on my face. He folded the newspaper carefully then asked me why did I look so shocked earlier. Being a good daughter I am, I told him the truth.

Not entirely, but the ones that I could tell.

“So, you never knew that your boyfriend was one of the richest kid in Korea?” I shook my head. I knew he was rich, but I never knew he would be THIS rich. “This kid.... He’s Taemin’s best friend right?”

“Yes.. How did you know?” He smiled. “I have my ways.”


“Soyoung! Your friend is here!” My Mom yelled from the outside. I quickly stood up from the couch and walked to the door just to find Oh Sehun standing in front of my house with a small smile plastered on his face. His hair was neatly arranged and the fact that he wore a denim shirt and jeans made him looked even better.

“You want to see Taemin?” I asked him, hoping he would say yes then I could continue the chat with my Dad again. “No, I came to see you. I want to...ugh, talk to you.”

Oh crap. I don’t want to go talk to him right now.

“Let’s talk then.”

“Not here! Somewhere else..... Somewhere peaceful and quiet.” I raised my eyebrow in confusion and told him to wait because I wanted go change. After changing my clothes into something decent, I went downstairs and said goodbye to everyone.

Sehun brought me to his car and opened the door for me. He went in to the car afterward then we drove away to wherever that peaceful and quiet place was.




Something is definitely wrong.

Sehun kept fidgeting with his hands as he stared at the river with a hint of sorrow in his eyes. He didn’t speak to me ever since we arrived at Han River and it made me worried.

We were sitting on a bench, I scooted closer to him ‘till our arms brushed and he shifted his gaze to me. He gave me a lopsided smile.

“What do you want to talk about?” I asked him. He didn’t do anything but stared into my eyes with so many emotions flashed in his eyes. His brown orbs were twinkling and his cute, pink, lips were a little bit blue-ish as the wind blew from the east.

I almost forgot that I had a crush on this guy for more than a year. I even forgot that I wrote him a love letter and the love letter was placed in the wrong locker which was Jongin’s. Does the feeling I have for him is already gone?

Sometimes I questioned myself; who am i belong to? Jongin or Sehun?

I’m not gonna lie, these past few weeks I and Jongin had gotten closer and there was no doubt that we had something going on between us. Or maybe it was just me...

Jongin never said anything about his feelings toward me. He treated me like a princess instead of his playtoy. Sometimes, he acted like a lovesick teenager around me and it gave me two conclusions. Either he wanted to play with my heart or maybe..... He liked me.

For now, I would go with the first conclusion.


[Play this: I Don't Have The Heart]


“I like you.” Sehun said in a low tone. “I’ve liked you since the first time we met. Taemin always talked about you and he said you were really cute and pretty, but I didn’t believe it. Untill I met you two years ago and I had to admit, you were really pretty.” He widened his eyes.

“I mean.... I was blinded by your beauty and it’s still going on until now. It started as a physical attraction but as the time goes by, I grew fond of your personality. You are......” He breathed.



“Indescribable.” I was supposed to be jumping up and down right now, but why did Jongin came up to my mind? Sehun stared into my eyes, hoping I would get what he said and could give what he wanted but.... I don’t know.

I do like Sehun, I really do. But somehow, the feelings I had for him right now weren’t the same as what I had a few months ago. This is definitely ridiculous, but spending three months with Jongin made me feel so alive and secure in his arms. This feeling was so magical and powerful, the feeling you got when you think he was the one.

“I’m sorry, I can’t. ...” I couldn’t believe I rejected my long-time crush for someone I just knew, but I did it anyway. Sehun looked really disappointed at first but still managed to give me his signature smile. He leaned forward to me then wrapped his arms around me, making me feel so guilty for doing this to him.

“Just stay like this for awhile...”

“Hmm..” I mumbled. After a few minutes, he let go of my body and asked me to go home, but I refused. I had to confess my feelings to Jongin first then went home, with or without him. Before I walked to the bus stop, I hugged Sehun for the last time and told him something that I should’ve done two months ago.



“Soojung is a great girl, you should go for her.” He didn’t say anything after that, but I knew he would do the right things to do.

I casually walked to the bus stop as I arranged the words to say when I arrived at Jongin and his friend’s place. I was only a few yards from the bus stop when I saw a familiar motorbike parked not so far away from where I stood. I looked around the streets, but couldn’t find the owner until I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I turned around to find a furious Jongin.

And guess who was standing behind him?

His older sister, Kim Ah Ra.




A/N: Hi thar! A new chapter from me~ Drama on the next chapter teehee. Thank God for giving me a chance to update something since I was supposed to update on Saturday and Sunday but I was busy with SS4 lmao so sorry ;~;

so, I went to SS4INA yesterday and the show was really awesome! Kyuhyun made an eye contact, smiled and waved at me oh my God I couldn't believe what he just did to me, so I cried TvT. I watched EXO-M too and hell, they are so handsome in real life. Luhan and Tao are really cute, Kris is so tall and his english TuT Chen and Xiumin are so flawless, and I could see Lay's armpit hair lol

Anyway, thank you for those who have subscribed and commented on my story. I'm sorry i cannot reply all of your comments one by one, but you know I really love you right? :3

Comments and subscribers are loved! <333 

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hi guys! I'm sorry for not updating any chapter last week T_T i'll try to update one or two chapters this week, please wait :D


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Queenka94 #1
Chapter 27: Omo! In love with this.
I love it!! Gomawa author-nim!!!
*blubbering incoherent things because she's just so touched by the story* ♡w♡
Chapter 27: This fic was A++ ;D I'm glad I found it((:
Chapter 7: Omg he didn't do anything with that girl, did he?? ㅠㅠ
Chapter 27: This story is jinjja daebak ! so sweet !! omo~~~
xiaoLu_ieyla #5
Chapter 27: aaa i really love this story. ao sweet! >.<
dwifey #6
Subscribed alr *^*
dwifey #7
And today I'm searching the title and found it. Kkk remembered that time I didn't have aff account yet
dwifey #8
Annyeong authornim
For TBVH this is my first ever fic in AFF that I've had READ lol Love it♥
one of my fav story <3
pinott #10
Finished you story!! I like it, no, LOVEEEEE it so much!! :3

I like kai's character here, as well as taemin, nyahahahaha XD
Glad they've met their destined couple, it include sehun and soo jung of course ;) but, i kinda curious that you didn't tell us the love story of sehun's .-.

Anyway, it's alright.. continue your story author-nim, fighting!! :))