Chapter Six

Faded Star

Chapter Six


Do you have any questions you would like to ask me?" Doctor Ha Rin asked Tae Kyung, who nodded.

"Go ahead and ask me," Ha Rin said with a smile.

"Um, who were those people earlier that were in my room?" He asked, causing Doctor Ha Rin and Yuri to looked at each other for a moment. Then they looked back at Tae Kyung.

"Those people who were here earlier in this room are your family and friends," Doctor Ha Rin answered. "You don't recognize them?"

Tae Kyung shook his head.

"Why don't I recognize them? What's wrong with me?" He asked in frustration.

"You need to calm down and don't stress out. We will figure out what's wrong with you," Doctor Ha Rin reassure him and looked over at Yuri, who immediately understood what she need to help Ha Rin with. She walked up closer to Tae Kyung's hospital bed side, adjusted the bed to where Tae Kyung was sitting up and leaning his head back against the pillow. After that, she placed her hand on Tae Kyung's shoulder, comforting him.

"Everything is going to be alright,"  She softly said to him.

As if her words got through to him, Tae Kyung closed his eyes,  took a deep breath, and calm down.

Ha Rin took out the Ophthalmoscope from her pocket. "Alrighty then, I'm going to do a quick test on you. Is that alright with you?" She asked.

Tae Kyung nodded and Ha Rin used the Ophthalmoscope and shine it in Tae Kyung ' eyes. She did this for several seconds before pulling it away from Tae Kyung's eyes. "Done," she put the Ophthalmoscope away in her pocket.

"What's happening to me?" Tae Kyung asked a moment later.

"You are experiencing amnesia because of the head injury that you had from the car accident, which is why you have that nasty bump on your head and the scar on your forehead," Doctor Ha Rin explained as Tae Kyung touch the small bandage on his forehead and slightly wince. "But don't worry, those will heal eventually".

Tae Kyung quietly took all of this in and begin wondering what to do now. "Those people who were in here earlier, where are they now?"

"They're waiting outside your room, anxious to see you. Do you want to speak to them?" Doctor Ha Rin asked. "If you don't want to, I can ask them to leave and come back later to visit you when you're ready".

"Actually, I would like to see them," Tae Kyung told her.

Ha Rin smiled and said, "Okay, I will go get them now and let them introduce themselves to you. Is that alright with you?"

Tae Kyung merely nodded.

"I'll be right back"

Doctor Ha Rin turned to leave when she heard a soft question drift across the room. "Will I ever get my memory back?"

She heard the desperation in Tae Kyung's voice and turned to answer him.

"I'm afraid I don't know. I can't even imagine what you must be feeling right now, but your family and friends care so much about you and were by your side since you had been in a coma. It would be best for you if you allow them to help you. I know it may seem a lot to ask, but please trust what they say, ok? Hopefully they could help you to remember." She told him and then left the room, leaving him alone with Yuri.

"Here," Yuri held the cup of water and pills in front of Tae Kyung, who stared at it for a minute and then at Yuri. "It's water for your dry throat and medicine for your migrate headache," She told him.

"Thank you," Tae Kyung said as he took the cup of water with the pills, and drank it. Then he gave the cup of water to her. "Thank you...," He tried to remember her name that Dr Ha Rin had told him earlier. "Yuri," He said, hoping that he got her name correct.

Yuri nodded and gave him a smile that show him that he got her name correct. "Is there anything else you need me to help you with?"

"No thanks, it's okay," Tae Kyung told her. 

"I'll be back later on to check on you and to see if you need anything else," Yuri said to him as she grabbed the two empty cup of coffee on the table next toTae Kyung's hospital bed and tossed it in the trash can that was beside the table. 

Tae Kyung stared at Yuri and wondered if they knew each other because she does look a bit familiar to him like they had met before. Where and when did they met?  Maybe, they haven't and its probably him being overwhelming from trying hard to remember his past that cause him to think that way.

"Have we met before?" He suddenly asked and Yuri swiftly turned to look at him.

"What made you say that?" Yuri asked him.

"I don't know. I just have this weird feeling and curious to know," He told her.

"I don't think we had met before. The only time we met was when you were here because of the accident and were in a coma for a month and I was assigned to take care of you during that time and now," Yuri pointed out and Tae Kyung looked down at his hands, still confused. Something was telling him that Yuri was hiding something and was not telling him.

"Do you have any other questions or do you need anything else that I can do for you?" Yuri asked.

Tae Kyung looked up, over at Yuri, and shook his head.

"Get some rest and don't force yourself to remember. It will just stress you out and make you frustrated. Please try to relax and rest, alright?"

Tae Kyung nodded and watched Yuri walking away and out the door. He was left alone with his thoughts. He felt so lost and alone. Why can't he just remember about who he was and who his family and friends were?  Also, the woman face that he kept seeing in his mind. Who is she and why does he have this feelings that she's very important to him. He lifted his hand up and touched his heart on his chest.






A.N Entertainment Building

President Ahn's Office


President Ahn was sitting at his desk in his office on his computer. He was reading the news article that was published by Reporter Kim. The headline read "Hwang Tae Kyung is returning next week" in bold dark letters.

He sighed and shakes his head. "I really hope the guys has a plan soon". He muttered when his desk phone rang.

He reached for the desk phone, press the speaker button and spoke into it. "Yes, what is it?" He asked.

"Sir, there is a woman here who would like to speak with you about A.N.Jell leader, Hwang Tae Kyung," His secretary said over the speaker on the desk phone. "If you're busy, I could tell her to leave and come back later".

"Great, here we go with questions about Hwang Tae Kyung absent. Must be another reporter". He thought to himself.

"No, that's okay. Just send her in and I will talk to her,"  He said to his secretary.

"Yes sir," His secretary replied before she ended the call.

President Ahn turned off the speaker on the desk phone and got up from his seat. He took a deep breath and then walked over to the door to open it. 

As he opened the door, he was surprised to see a woman standing behind it with her hand raised up, preparing to knock on the door.

"Yoo He Yi?" He recognizes the woman and was surprise to see her at his door. "Are you here to ask me about Tae Kyung?" He asked, opening the door wider and step aside to let her in.

Yoo He Yi stared at President Ahn in confused. "Why would I be here to ask you about Tae Kyung?" She walked passed by President Ahn and into the office. 

"You're not?" President Ahn asked in confused after he closed the door and turned to look at Yoo He Yi. He had assumed that Yoo He Yi was the one that his secretary was calling about. 

"I'm not," Yoo He Yi turned around to looked at him and replied in annoyed. "I'm here to ask you about Go Mi Nam. Do you know where he is? I have been trying to get in contact with him but he has been avoiding me and ignoring my calls and texts". She told him.

President Ahn chuckled. "He has been very busy with recording his new album that's going to come out soon. I'm sure that's reason why he didn't return your calls, Did something happen with you two?".

Yoo He Yi turned away and face her back toward President Ahn, thinking to herself. "He didn't tell anyone about the break up or maybe because President Ahn didn't know about it." She bit her lips in frustration. "Still, I need to find out where Go Mi Nam is at, to deal with this situation".  She swiftly turned around to looked at President Ahn and gave a fake smile. "No, I'm just worried about him and want to see if everything is alright with him. That's all". She told him.

"I see," President Ahn smiled and clapped his hands together. "Well, I'll surely tell him to give you a call," He walked over to Yoo He Yi, ushering her to leave the office. "I'm really busy at the moment and have a meeting that's about to start". He guided her to the door and was about to open the door when Yoo He Yi pulled away from him.

"But, can't you call him now and see if he would answer your call, please," Yoo He Yi insisted, refusing to leave the office.

President Ahn sighed, knowing that Yoo He Yi wouldn't leave his office unless she hear from Go Mi Nam. "Fine, I will call him for you," He gave in and pulled out his cell phone which made Yoo He Yi smiled and said, "Thank you".

He clicked on Go Mi Nam name on his contact list and pressed the call button. Then he placed the phone to his ear and waited. "Go Mi Nam, please pick up". He muttered.


Doctor Ha Rin opened the door and walked out into the hallway.  She immediately was ambushed with questions from Shin woo, Go Mi Nyu, Jeremy , and Go Mi Nam, who were waiting and was anxious to know about Tae Kyung and had swiftly rushed over when they saw her came walking out from Tae Kyung's hospital room.

"How is he?"

"Is he alright?"

"Is there something wrong?"

"Did he say something?"

She held up her hand to silence them and cleared . "From what I can determine, Tae Kyung appears to have amnesia because of the head injury he sustained in the car accident". She told them and there was a collective gasp from the group.

"What?" Go Mi Nam immediately said with mix emotions of anger and confusion on his face. "What did you say?" He asked.

"Tae Kyung has amnesia," Ha Rin said it again.

"So, he doesn't remember anything?" Coordinator Wang asked in shock by the situation.

Go Mi Nam glanced over at his sister, who was standing beside him and notices the hurt and stunned expression on her face. He can't stand it and hated it to see her like that. Without saying a word, he placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Beside his own name, he couldn't give me an answer to the questions I asked that were mainly about him," Doctor Ha Rin told them with sympathy. "I've spoken to him and he wanted to see you all to see if he could remember you. Try to be as normal as possible around him and answer any questions he has. Remind him about his memories with all of you. It may help trigger his memory, but make sure you don't stress him out," She explained as Yuri came walking out from Tae Kyung's hospital room.

"We understand," Shin woo replied and turned to see Go Mi Nyu approached up to Doctor Ha Rin with concern plasters on her face.

"So when will he get his memory back?" Go Mi Nyu asked for herself and everyone.

"As I had told Tae Kyung , I don't know. It may never come back, but being around his family may help so there is hope."

"Thank you Doctor Ha Rin " Shin Woo said.

Ha Rin nodded; "I will be back later to check on Tae Kyung. Remember, act as normal as possible and answer his questions. Don't crowd him too much and be patient with him. I understand this is hard but try to imagine what he is going through." She told them before leaving with Yuri down the hall to check on the other patients.

The group glance at each other before entering into Tae Kyung's hospital room,


Tae Kyung turned his head towards the door and saw six people entering into his room that Doctor Ha Rin had told him were his family and friends. He watched them slowly approach up to his bed. They kept their distance from him and stared at him, thinking about what to say, and who should speak first.

Sensing the tension in the room, Shin woo decides to break the silence and speak first. " I guess I'll start off with introducing myself. My name is Shin Woo, your friend, a guitarist of the A.N.Jell, which is our group band name," He clarified.

Tae Kyung nodded and looked towards Jeremy, who smiled at him.

"I'm Jeremy,  also your friend, and drummer of A.N.Jell." He said to Tae Kyung.

Coordinator Wang smiles and waved her hand. "Hi, I'm Coordinator Wang,  stylist of A.N.Jell". Manager Ma stepped forward, restraining himself not to cry in front of Tae Kyung. "I'm Ma Hoon-yi, Mi-nam's manager". He said and took a step back and stood behind Go Mi Nam.

"Go Mi Nam, a vocalist and keyboardist, and member of A.N.Jell," Go Mi Nam simply said as he folded his arms and got elbowed in the arm by Coordinator Wang, who cleared to grabbed his attention and was glaring at him. "And a friend," He added in annoyed.

"Something tell me that we don't get along that well," Tae Kyung said as if he remembered something.

"You're correct about that," Go Mi Nam agreed and Manager Ma fake coughing, giving him the "You shouldn't say that" look. He turned and glared at Manager Ma, only to realized that Manager Ma was trying to telling him to say nice thing because Go Mi Nyu was behind him, standing a bit far from the group. He glanced back at his sister to see how she was. From looking at his sister's face, he can tell that she was feeling devastated and was quiet throughout the conversation, staring down at her feet. He looked back at Tae Kyung and decided to say something else. "But we do work hard to get our job done without any complain and I do kind of consider you as a friend".

Tae Kyung stared at Go Mi Nam while thinking to himself. "The name Go Mi Nam, why does it sound familiar to him? Its like he had heard and said that name a lot". 

Suddenly, the woman face appeared in his mind. She has short hair like Go Mi Nam, the person that he was staring at right now.  His eyes slightly widen. Could it be that the woman face that was in his mind had use the name Go Mi Nam before? Is that why it sound so familiar to him. How come her face and this gentleman here with the name Go Mi Nam look alike? Is it possible that they are twin sibling?

"Hyung, did you remember us or anything at all?" Jeremy asked, hoping that Tae Kyung might remember something when he and the others introduced themselves.

Snapping out from his thoughts, Tae Kyung turned his head toward Jeremy and shook his head. "I'm sorry I don't remember anything". He apologized.

"That's okay," Jeremy smiled. "It just take time, but you will eventually remember everything". He said, trying to cheer Tae Kyung up.

"Oh," Coordinator Wang said all sudden and everyone looked at her. "There is someone else that didn't introduce themselves". She turned around, walked over to Go Mi Nyu, and grabbed her arm.

"Wait a minute," Go Mi Nyu said in surprised as she tried to pulled her hand back but Coordinator Wang held her hand tighter and pulled her over to the hospital bed, closer to Tae Kyung.

"Go ahead and introduce yourself," Coordinator Wang gently nudged Go Mi Nyu forward with her hand. Go Mi Nyu nearly stumbled forward but manage to hold her balance.

"Um," Go Mi Nyu turned her head toward Tae Kyung and her eyes met with his eyes, who lit up in surprise when he saw her face.

Tae Kyung was taken aback by the woman, whom Coordinator Wang had pulled over to him to introduce herself to him and the immediate thoughts that came to his mind was, "She was that woman face that kept appearing in his mind. Who is she?". He willed himself to remember who she was, and her name, but his mind came up with nothing. Although he couldn't remember who she was, she felt familiar to him.

Go Mi Nyu looked at Tae Kyung, debating how she should introduce herself. After few minutes of thinking, she settled on "I'm Go Mi Nyu, Go Mi Nam's sister and a friend to you," It really hurt her to say those words to him, but she didn't want to confuse him further by explaining their relationship.

"Do you have any questions you would like to ask us," Shin woo asked.

"Doctor Ha Rin said that my family and friends were here by my side, but all of you said that you're all my friends. Does this mean, you're also my family as well?" Tae Kyung asked.

"Of course, we're your family since we do live together," Jeremy answered with a smile.

"What?" Tae Kyung become confused at Jeremy's response to his question. " Wait, I live with all of you?"

"Actually, you lived with Shin woo, Jeremy, and Go Mi Nam because you all are a group band and you're the leader of the group," Manager Ma explained. "Me and Coordinator Wang don't live with you," He added.

Tae Kyung slowly nodded and understood. He then glanced over at Go Mi Nyu and wondered if she lived together with him since her brother was part of A.N Jell and was also living in the same house with him.

"Any other questions you have?" Go Mi Nam asked, interrupting his thoughts.

"Where's my parents?" was the next question Tae Kyung asked.

The group looked at each other uncertainly. This wasn't going to be as easy as they first thought.

"I'm sorry Tae Kyung, but that is something we don't know," Jeremy apologetically said. "You don't tell us much about your parents".

"I see," Tae Kyung looked down at his hands. He was disappointed that his friends doesn't know about his parents. He couldn't blame them. It's not their fault for not knowing. Its his, because he never told them, which got him wonder what kind of person he was. He looked at everyone in the room. "Was he a good friend to them? How did he treated them?"

He closed his eyes and tried hard to remember, but soon regret it when he felt the throbbing pain on his head. His hand immediately touched his head where the nasty bump was and winced in pain.

The others notice immediately and become concern.

"Hyungnim? Are you okay?" Go Mi Nyu asked worriedly.  It hurt her to see him like this and was wishing if she could do something for him or help ease the pain for him.

Swiftly, Tae Kyung opened his eyes and looked at Go Mi Nyu in surprise at what she just said.

"I'm fine. It's just a headache. Don't worry about it," He told her as he stared at her. The concern that she was showing him tell him that she was more than just a friend to him.

"Tae Kyung, we are going to let you rest and leave for today," Shin Woo said.

"Are all of you going to come back?" Tae Kyung asked, worry that they wouldn't come back.

"Don't worry, we'll be back," Jeremy assured him while Shin Woo and Go Mi Nam nodded in agreement. "Get some rest and try not to stress out. Relax and take your time to remember, okay?"

Tae Kyung nodded and gave him a small smile.

Suddenly a ringtone sounded and everyone look at each other.

Recognizing the ringtone, Go Mi Nam dig in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, checking the caller ID. Seeing that it was President Ahn calling him, he looked up and at the others. "Excuse me, I need to take this call outside". He said to them and left the room to answer the call.

"We should get going now," Shin Woo said to Tae Kyung. "We'll come back to visit you tomorrow".

"Okay," Tae Kyung replied and watched as Shin Woo, Jeremy, Manager Ma, Coordinator Wang, and Go Mi Nyu walked over to the door to leave. He stared at Go Mi Nyu, who look reluctant to leave as if she wanted to tell him something, but was hesitating to do so. Maybe, he should ask her to stay with him since he does want to know more about her and what she is to him.

"Wait! Go Mi Nyu," He blurted it out without thinking and Go Mi Nyu's head snapped up, turning to look at him in a bit surprised, but she quickly reminded herself that Tae Kyung hadn't remembered. He was merely calling her by what her name was.

"Yes?" She questioned.

"Could you stay with me for a while?" He asked her.

"Sure," Go Mi Nyu agreed and turned to looked at the others, who gave her "It's alright, you can stay with him" look. Then they left out the door, leaving her alone with Tae Kyung.

She walked over to Tae Kyung's hospital bed side and sit down in the chair she had sat in before.




Outside The Hospital


Near the entrance of the hospital, Go Mi Nam answered the call from President Ahn.


"Go Mi Nam! Thank god you answer," He heard President Ahn's voice said on the phone.

"Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Well, there is...," President Ahn's voice started to say, but got cut off and the sound of the phone rustling was heard in the background. Then another voice spoke on the phone.

"Go Mi Nam, we need to talk".

"Yoo He Yi," Go Mi Nam recognized the voice. "What do you want? I told you that we are done".

"I need to talk to you and I'm not taking no for an answer," Yoo He Yi's voice insisted. "Let's meet up".

"No, I'm busy," Go Mi Nam declined and was about to hang up when he heard her voice again.

"Please, I need to talk to you," she pleaded to him.

Go Mi Nam pursed his lip in annoyed and sighed. "Fine," He gave in and reluctantly agreed. If he meet her this once and hear what she has to say then she would hopefully stop bothering him. "Where do you want to meet?" He asked and quietly listened. "I'll be there". He said a minute later and then ended the call before Yoo He Yi can say anything else.

He put his cell phone away in his pocket and got in the car to drive off to the destination.

Shin Woo, Jeremy, Coordinator Wang, and Manager Ma came walking out from the hospital entrance and saw Go Mi Nam drove passed by in the car.

"I wonder who was that calling him and why did he drove off like that?" Jeremy questioned.





A.N Entertainment Building

President Ahn's Office


Yoo He Yi gave the cell phone back to President Ahn, who took it. "Thanks," She said and then left the office quickly.

"I wonder what's going on?" President Ahn questioned when suddenly there was a knock at the door. This time, he was sure it was the woman that wanted to see him about Tae Kyung.

Quickly, he walked over to the door and opened it to see a woman dressed in suit wearing glasses, greeted him with a smile.

"Come on in," President Ahn smiled and opened the door wider, move aside to let the woman dressed in a suit wearing glasses walked into his office.

"Are you here to ask me about Tae Kyung?" He asked her after he closed the door to his office.

"Yes I am," The woman dressed in a suit wearing glasses replied. She extended her hand toward President Ahn. "My name is Asa Hee-Young, a writer and director," She introduced herself.

President Ahn shook hands with Asa Hee-Young. "It's nice to meet you, but why are you here to ask about Tae Kyung?"

"Well, before Hwang Tae Kyung was absent for a month, I had spoken to him face to face. We had met outside A.N. Entertainment and he had agreed to listened to what I had to say. I had offered him to starred in my film as the lead guy and told him what my film would be about. I had gave him a copy of the preview of my script and I asked him if I could feature one of his song in my film. He had agreed but with one condition," Asa Hee-Young explained.

President Ahn nodded. "And what condition did he want you to agreed to?" He asked.

"The condition was that he get to choose who the leading lady would be for the film," Asa Hee-Young answered him.

"And you agreed to it," President Ahn said in surprised.

"Yes, because I believe that Hwang Tae Kyung is suitable and fit for the leading man in my film that I wrote and will be directing. He told me that when I have the full script ready, send it to him," She grabbed a booklet from her bag and held it in front of President Ahn. "Could you give this to him when you see him? I tried calling him many times but got no respond or a call back from him. If you could, please ask him to give me a call whenever he can".

President Ahn took the booklet from Asa Hee-Young. "Sure, I will give this to him and will ask him to call you whenever he's available". He told her.

Asa Hee-Young got up from her seat. "Thank you for your help and time," She said with a smile, bowing her head down at President Ahn.

"No problem," President Ahn walked Asa Hee-Young to the door. "By the way, did Tae Kyung ever told you who he would choose for the leading lady for your film?"

Asa Hee-Young shook her head. "No, not yet. He did said that he would called me once he made the final decision on who he had selected for the leading lady role for the film".

"Okay, thank you for coming and have a nice day," President Ahn said as he opened the door for her.

"Thank you for having me and for agreeing to give my script to Tae Kyung". Asa Hee-Young told him and then left out the door.

President Ahn walked over to his desk and put the booklet in his bag and stared ahead. "Great, we have another problem to deal with," He said out loud.



To Be Continued


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