The Kang Family

Seulrene Fanfics

It was a pleasant quite morning when Kang Seulgi woke up from her deep slumber, a good slumber because today is a special day for her, well for her little family too. She stretched out her left hand, expecting to find the small figure of her wife but found nothing except the empty space. She turned her head towards the bathroom door, trying to hear any rustling sounds she usually hears whenever her wife doing her routine inside.

"Baby ? Joohyun ?" she called her wife but received no answer. She yawn loudly once more before heading to the empty bathroom and doing her morning routine, her wife must be in the kitchen making breakfast like she usually do.

Seulgi walked out from the main bedroom towards the living room and was suprised to see a tent with camera in the corner, there's two of it. A few of camera was installed above the wall too like a cctv.

"Baby ?" Seulgi called  her wife when she arrived in the kitchen and the delicous smell of pancake greets her and the pretty backside of her wife.

"Oh you're here." Joohyun turned her head for a bit. Still busily flipping the pancake so it won't get burn.

"Good morning." Seulgi wrapped her arms on Joohyun's waist and realized there was a camera too below the cabinets. And the thing is surely filming the both of them right now.

"Hey behave ! The camera is here.!" Joohyun scolded her playfully, not that she complained though when Seulgi hugging her like this. Seulgi just comeback yesterday afternoon after done with her filming trip for almost two weeks in Jeju and they barely have a time for themselves as Seulgi was busy playing with their kids.

"I don't care. I want to hug you like this and have a moment with you before these little devils snatched you away from me." Seulgi tightened the hug. 

"They are our kids, Seulgi !"

Joohyun nudged her, trying to break free from the hug but failed to do so, she wants it just as much as her wife but feeling shy because there's a camera as well as the presence of the strangers inside the tent watching their interactions.

"It's feel like We Got Married." It was supposed to be inside the cameramen's head but he was thinking out loud and the words was heard by the couple, making them laughed and pull away. 

"Mommy~ Umma~~" The both of them heard the wailing sounds of a baby.

"Guess the devils was up. I need to fetch them." Seulgi said and Joohyun just groaned.

Seulgi opened the short safety gate and turned down the doorknob slowly, silently peeking and noticed the same tent like she saw in the living room. Two cameras was installed on the wall.

"Good morning." Seulgi greets the 3 babies inside the room. The 2nd born and the youngest turned their heads when they heard the voice of their Mommy.

"Mommy~" The youngest wave his tiny hand excitedly while the 2nd born just smile at her. The 1st born still in dream land. Seulgi just smile at the sight.

Seulgi's self cam.

"Please introduced yourself." said the girl while holding a script to Seulgi who's sitting comfortably on the black leather single sofa. She looks radiant with the new hairstyle of her, shoulder length brunette hair with eyebrow length straight bangs, and she wears a simple baby blue v-neck shirt with black jeans. Ready to introduced herself, eventhough she was sure that the whole country know her already.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kang Seulgi, the mother of the 2 years old cute triplets and their name is Kang Daehan, Kang Minguk and Kang Manse, nice to meet you." Seulgi bow her head a bit and clapped. The female staff is squealing at the presence of the famous actress in front of them.

"As you guys know, I just finished with my filming for the new movie. I have been so busy these past few months since last year and barely have a time to spend with my family especially my kids so through this show, I want to spend a lot of time with my kids since I took a break from filming and I personally want to give my wife a rest, it has been a tough day for her. Eventhough she said it was nothing and it was her duty as a Mom but I know how hard it was to raised 3 childs at the same time. I'm not always at home to help, so I want to take this chance." Seulgi finished her explanation. And then, the trio walks towards her and climbed on her lap. Minguk seated on her right thigh, Daehan on her left thigh meanwhile the youngest standing on the back and circle his arms around his Mommy's neck. 

"Boys, say hi." Seulgi said. The trio just wander their eyes around, feeling curious with a lot of people in front of them and the cameras around.

"Come on, say hi. They are nice uncles and aunties. Don't be afraid." But the boys just keep silent. They are shy.

"They are shy...okay so this is our 1st born, Kang Daehan." Seulgi ruffles his hair. "This is Kang Minguk, our 2nd born." Seulgi pokes his chubby cheeks.

"Manse...Manse~~" the youngest child cheered his name excitedly. "Mwoya ?" Seulgi turned her head but the little boy just chuckled. "He is the youngest of the family, Kang Manse." Seulgi smile until her eyes dissapeared into crescent moon shape.

"Thank you for having us and we'll work hard." Seulgi try to bow but the clingy little koala on her back make it hard. "Come on boys, give a polite bow to uncles and aunties." Daehan seems to understand what his Mommy's saying and bow politely meanwhile Minguk just waving his hand since the female staff keep calling his name and the youngest just bouncing up and down. 

"Owh good boy Daehanie." Seulgi ruffles his hair again. 

2 seconds later, the boys struggled out of her embrace because they saw their toys. 

"It must be hard." said the PD-nim after Seulgi let out a long sighed.

"Hahaha yeah it was." 


Seulgi seated beside them and spread her arms, requesting the boys to run into her arms. Minguk and Manse knew the gesture and then stand up and hug their Mommy. 

"Did you sleep well ?" Seulgi asked and then giving a kissing attack on both of their chubby cheeks. The boys just nodded and pull themselves. 

"Now, where's my morning greeting ?" Seulgi asked. Minguk and Manse stand up straight with both of their palms rest in front of their tummy. 

"Good Mowning Mommy." both of them greeted together and politely bowing. Seulgi beamed her proudest smile. She felt thankful that her wife manage to teached them about the small gesture of politeness. 

"Come on, let's eat. Umma's waiting for us." Seulgi stand up and the boys stretched out their arms, wanting to be carried by her.

"Oh Gosh..." Seulgi sighed loudly and pick them up at them same time. Minguk on her left arm and Manse on her right arm. She make a mental note to herself to pay her gym trainer a visit when she has time to boosted up her stamina. Eventhough carrying both of her childs feels like a gym to her already.

"Annyeong~" Joohyun greets the 3 of them. Seulgi drop her childs on their baby seats and the boys fix the position for themselves so they will be comfortable.

"Daehanie ?" Minguk asked his Mommy. Asking about her oldest brother. 

"Wait here. I will pick him up." Seulgi comeback to the babies room.

The oldest brother has wake up and looking curiously at the weird thing inside the room. He realized that his 2 brothers isn't here. 

"Oh ? you woke up." Seulgi came inside and pick him up.

"Did you sleep well ?" Seulgi asked. Daehan just cupped both of her cheeks and smile. 

"Let's smile to the camera." Seulgi take a closer step to the 'cctv' camera near the doorframe. Asking Daehan to smile like before and she beamed her smile too. Both of them really look alike, eyes dissapeared into crescent moon shape. cute.

"Daehanie is here~" Seulgi make an announcement once she arrived in the dining room and drop Daehan on his seat in the middle. Minguk and Manse already wears their bib. Joohyun took Daehan's bib and put in on him.

Manse look at his bib and then look at Daehan's bib. Frowning because he thought that Daehan's bib is a lot nicer than him with a Giraffe head on it. Not that he disliked his bib with the Cow's head but he wants the Giraffe for today. So being the playful one, Manse grab the bib from Daehan's collar, making the 1st born whining to his parents and water spilled on his shirt because Manse grab his bib when he took a sip of water. Good thing, it's not that much.

"No no...give it back to Daehan." Seulgi took the bib from Manse's hand and put it back on Daehan's. Manse cried in displeasure and tore away his own bib. Minguk and Daehan just saw it and then pay their attention to the plate of choco pancake made by their Umma. 

"Manse stop." Joohyun rise her point finger, telling the youngest to stop crying and behave. But the maknae keep crying even after she put the plate in front of him. Seulgi is busy chopping a banana and apple for their dessert.

"Kang Manse stop." this time, Joohyun use his full name while putting the bib back on his neck. And Manse knew it better that his Umma is serious so he stopped the crying and started to eat his breakfast. 


The boys has done with their breakfast and playing around the house, sometimes running and sometimes acted on whatever role they were playing. The parents still in the dining room eating their breakfast while still keeping their eyes on the boys.

"Will you be okay doing all of this ?" Joohyun asked her partner in life while munching on her pancake. 

"Come on. Don't underestimate me on this one. I can handle them so well you know." Seulgi let out a smirk and Joohyun just rolled her eyes.

"Wait until you have to take them out of the house." Joohyun said. 

"I really am want to experience all of that, baby. No matter how hard it was, they are my childs afterall. And it's my duty too as their parents, to teach them a lot of things on my own way. These past few month without seeing them or spend the short time with them really gave me a tortured. And most of it, I really want you to take a rest, a proper rest. It must be hard for you to handle them when I'm not around. I know our parents and siblings help us sometimes but it's different without your life partner right ?" Seulgi grabs her wife's hand and kiss it tenderly. "So you don't have to be worry about me and the boys, just enjoy your time alright ?" 

"I will try. Eventhough it will be my 1st time to live away from the boys and you for 48 hours." 

"'ll be living with my parents you know ? and the house is just 45 minutes away." 

"Yeah I know...okay then. I should be going now." Joohyun stand up and bring the empty plate with her.

"Yah...wait wait." Seulgi followed her after. "Can you wait for a bit ?" Seulgi asked after Joohyun is done with the dishes. 

"What for ? the filming has begun, Seulgi. You'll spend the days with the trio right ?"

"Yeah...I know...I'm going to miss you." Seulgi pulled her into a warm embrace. This is not the 1st time but Joohyun feels embarassed because it's not only them in the house, and the camera is on.

"Alright...enough. I should get going now." Joohyun walked towards the main bedroom to take a bath and bring her luggage. 

Seulgi seated in the living room. Watching her kids playing with the robot toys, that was a gift from their aunty.

"Daehan-ah, Minguk-ah, Manse-ah. Attention.!" Seulgi gave a command like a Captain to her soldier. The trio stops everything and stand up straight. Seulgi held back her laughter, they are so cute.

"Today and for 48 hours ahead, you'll be spending time with Mommy only okay ? Umma will go somewhere but she will comeback later. So please behave well okay ?" 

The trio just nodded like a puppy and Seulgi was sure that they don't even understand the whole thing she said. 

"Boys, Umma will be going now." Joohyun appeared while bringing her luggage. The Kang Family's driver has wait in the lobby of their apartment building to pick her up.

"Umma no~" just like she was expected, the trio is crying and begging her not not to leave.

"Umma will be back. Mommy is here with you." Joohyun squating down and pats their head. "Umma will be back okay ? Be a good boy to Mommy alright ?" The crying turned into sobs and the boys nodded obidently. It's surely hard because Joohyun rarely left them for this long. Working as a model doesn't need to spend the 24 hours doing the job, after she was pregnant and until the trio was turned 2 years old this year, she never get the opportunity to catwalk on runaway again, just a simple magazine photoshoot or CF filming, their parents will be the one who taking care of the trio or when Seulgi is home to take care of them. But it was just for a few hours. And for this show, she will be living separately for 48 hours. 

"Boys, Umma will be back. We can call her later alright ? Come on, let's send Umma to the door." Seulgi said. 

"I'm going to miss the 3 of you. Be good with Mommy alright ?" Joohyun hugged them one by one and kissed both of their cheeks when she is in front of the door. Then she turned to Seulgi and give her a warning glare.

"Yah, what's with the glare ?" Seulgi asked her wife. 

"You too be good okay ? Don't be clumsy." Joohyun gave a light punch on her shoulder. "Bye, see you later." Joohyun wave her hands. 

"Bye bye Umma." The boys waving excitedly like they weren't crying a few minutes ago.

"Hey, am I not receiving any hug and kiss ?" Seulgi asked when Joohyun was about to turned around. Seulgi thought Joohyun will give her a kiss on her cheeks but she was surprised when Joohyun kiss her on the lips instead, longer than a peck. And she pulled away after 5 seconds. Joohyun wipe the lipstick stain in the corner of Seulgi's lips. "Bye baby, be back to you later." Joohyun has leave and the door was closed but Seulgi remain frozen on her spot, she feels shy because the camera recorded it all. She looked down and found no one but the kids laughter erupted in the living room makes her turned around and see what they are doing.

The 3 of them just sitting together on the sofa while watching their favorite cartoon. The 2 years old triplets knows how to the square thing.

Seulgi's self cam

"We just noticed that there were a few safety gates inside your house, especially on the boys's room, the bathroom door and the kitchen. What was that for ?" asked the PD-nim.

"Ah yeah we just installed it about 6 months ago. Since the boys can walked on their own so they were roaming around everywhere. They are so active and one time I accidentally spilled the hot water in the kitchen and I didn't know that Manse has stepped into the kitchen. Good thing that I catched him up before he stepped the hot water. And then, our bathroom door was once broken and Daehan went inside, he fell down because of the slippery floor but he was fine. So me and Joohyun agreed to bought it." Seulgi explained.


Seulgi put the trio inside the bathub, she will bring them outside so she have to cleaned them up. She is so excited since this is will be her 1st trip with the boys without the Umma tagging along. 

"No no Manse, don't splashed the water like that." Seulgi trying to rubbed the shampoo to their heads, her shirt already wet from the splasing water by Kang Manse.

But the playful boy just laughing and accidentaly hit Daehan's back who sat in the middle, the eldest started to whinned. 

"Kang Manse, enough." Her voice sounds at bit stern and the youngest took it as a sign to stop.

The chaotic scene happened after that when Minguk pushed his body backwards and make Daehan sanwiched in the middle of him and Manse, while Manse's back is pressing hard to the bathub wall. Daehan and Manse is crying in protest.

"Minguk-ah ! Yah ! stop that ! you're hurting your brother !" Seulgi scolded him but she wasn't screaming. But the 2nd born won't stop. She has no choice but clean them up quickly and drained the water. The trio screaming in protest. 

"No, enough. We will go outside." Seulgi took them out from the bathub and wrapped them up with a towel. 

She managed to dress them up after for almost one hour because the trio keep running and sometimes pulling their shirt off. She knew they are barely acted like this whenever their Umma is around. 

The trio roaming aroud the house and waiting for their Mommy to get dressed and prepare their things. No camera was installed on the main bedroom so we didn't know about Seulgi's activity inside. 

Minguk curiously approached the camera and waving cutely. But the camera is moving a little bit and he is surprised, he took a few steps backwards. Manse followed him and he is shocked too because the camera keep moving. Meanwhile the cameraman is trying hard to hold his laughter. Minguk and Manse slowly going away from the tent. And what about the 1st born ? He is just quitely playing with his shoelaces.

"Mommy~" All of them cheered at the same time when their Mommy appeared inside the living room while holding their small bags. The 4 of them wears a matching outfit. The trio wears a baby blue t-shirt, short jeans and a pair of white sneakers, Seulgi completed their appearance by putting the navy blue baseball hat and put their own backpack with number 1 2 and 3. Seulgi wears a baby blue button up shirt, blue jeans and a pair of sneakers too without baseball hat, her hair tied up in ponytail. 

"Let's take a picture and send it to Mommy." Seulgi take out her phone from her jeans pocket and take a lot of pictures of the trio and a lot of their selcas together, and then she sends all of that to her wife.

"Let's go~" Seulgi screamed and the trio responded back by screaming like her.


A dashboard camera was installed inside Seulgi's car. She fixed the rearview mirror and turned her head to look at the trio who already sat comfortably on their own carseat. 

"Ready to go boys ?" Seulgi asked them.

"Go go Mommy~" the youngest was the only one who gave her the respons while the other duo just busily looking outside the window. Seulgi drove off towards their destination, followed by the car of the staff.

"I hope I can handle them since this is my first time to go outside without their Umma. Sometimes I feel so clueless about them since I'm not always with them for 24/7 Joohyun always tell me everything about them when I wasn't around. I hope today's experience will be fun. I will take them to the aquarium and lunch in the buffet restaurant." Seulgi said.

"Mommy, a fiwetwuck Mommy~" Minguk excitedly pointed towards the red firetruck outside their car. 

"Hahhh thewe's fiwe fiwe fiwe~" Manse chanted loudly, panicking at the thought that there are a fire.

"No...thewe's no fiwe fiwe." Now, the 1st born was speak up. There's no fire because the firetruck is just parking. 

"No fiwe ?" Manse asked innocently.

Seulgi just smiled at their interactions. The trio is a curious childs and oftenly asking about a lot of new things. 

"Boys, Mommy will take you all to aquarium. We are going to see a lot of fish, do you like fish right ?" Seulgi asked them.

"Fish ? baby swak ?" Daehan asked this time.

"Yeah, there's babyshark, Daddy shark, Mommy shark. We are going to see them."

"Nemo ?" Minguk asked.

"Yeah of course, Nemo will be there too." Seulgi answered.


The Kangs has arrived in Sea World Aquarium. Seulgi put them down one by one and then holds Manse's left hand and Minguk's right hand.

"Minguk-ah please hold Daehan's hand, Daehanie please hold Minguk's hand." Seulgi said. The boys did it right away. "Okay good job. Let's go inside."

"Uwaahh" Manse let go his Mommy's hand and run towards the big aquarium in front of them. He wants to see the fishes closer. Daehan and Minguk ran towards the opposite directions on their own. 

"They're excited. can I survive if they're part ways like this ?" Seulgi just stood in the middle. 

"Daehan-ah, Minguk-ah, Manse-ah, come here please." Seulgi clapped her hands to gain attention from the trio which is a success without failure.

"Mommy swak Mommy swak~" Daehan pointed towards the big shark not to far from them.

"Mommy fish~ fish~" Minguk and Manse cheered at the same time.

"Okay okay...we'll be going together alright ? Don't runaway like that or you'll get lost." Seulgi said. The boys just look at her and she wasn't sure if they're understand or not. 

"Hold Mommy's hand and don't runaway on your own alright ?" Seulgi offered both of her hand and the 1st born quickly holds her right hand and the 2nd born holds her left hand, meanwhile the playful 3rd born running ahead of them.

"Aigoo yaaahh~ Kang Manse come here~" Seulgi called him. 

"Manse Manse come hewe~" Minguk called his brother.

"Let's go on then." Seulgi said, catching up with the youngest.

Seulgi's self cam

"Do you have a hard time today ?" asked the PD-nim

"Actually yes, but it was fun and I learned a lot from them. It's quite impressive that they were borned at the same day but they have a different personalities, but I'm really glad that they get along so well. I look forward to the next days where I get to spend a lot of time with my boys." Seulgi nodded.


The Kangs gathered at one place where the showed of a diver will be inside the big aquarium and do the interactions with small fishes and the sharks.

"Mommy who ?" Daehan asked his Mommy while curiosly pointing at the man behind the glass.

"He is a diver and he will give a lot food for those fishes." Seulgi answered. Manse and Minguk just quitely watching.

The show began and those fishes quickly gathered up around the man until he can't be seen because of the amount of the fishes.

"Hah ? Oh no." Manse gasped, thinking that the fishes ate the man. But not long after that, he clapped when the fishes moved away and the man stand up wave his hand towards them. And then, he pulled out something from his pocket and spread the flag with 'Hello, Daehan Minguk Manse' written on it.

"Oh ? did you see that ? He said hello to you boys." Seulgi said and the boys waved their hands excitedly, but their face started to worried because a big shark swimming near the man.

"Mommy Mommy swak swak~" Daehan screamed. Afraid about the man's safety.

"It's okay. He'll be okay." Seulgi said, but she isn't sure either. The shark indeed looks scary.

The show ended after 15 minutes and the audience has moved to other spot. Seulgi look at her wristwatch and noticed it's almost lunch time. She needs to bring them outside and go to the buffet restaurant.

The boys began making a fuss once they were outside the venue and saw a lot of food stall near the exit gate.

"Mommy dwink~" Manse said.

"Ice cweam~ Ice cweam" Minguk said.

"Mommy, donut." Daehan said.

Seulgi just sighed but she complied their request right away. Thinking that her wife will surely give her a good lectured about giving them sweet threat.


After 30 minutes, the have arrived at the buffet restaurant. The manager greets them at the entrance and bring them to their reserved table. 3 baby chairs was placed for the trio so Seulgi quickly put them on their chair and put their bib.

Seulgi poured the water on paper cup and give them one by one. 

"Wait here okay ? Mommy will bring your food." Seulgi said and walks towards the buffet table to pick their food. The boys was left on their own. 

"Huwaahh." Manse exclaimed after he emptied his cup, felt thirsty after the long journey inside the car. He wants to add more water but the bottle is far from his reach. He looks towards his Mommy but she is away and busy. 

"Mingukie, watew pwease." Manse asked his brother since his cup still filled with a lot of water.

"Hewe." Minguk lifted up his cup and poured the water into the empty cup of Manse. But Manse pulled his cup even before Minguk is finished pouring the water so the content is spilled above the table and wet their pants.

"Oh no..." Minguk said. Manse saw it and wants to reached the tissue box but his hand accidentaly hits the cup and he emptied his cup by spilled the water. Daehan thought his brother was playing so he poured the water from his cup and spread his palm on the wet table. 

"No Daehan-ah." Minguk scolded him. 

Manse was managed to grab the tissue box and pulled the tissue paper and then wipe the table, Minguk did the same but one sheet won't be enough so the both of them pulled another sheet, Daehan just busily wiping the wet table using both of his palms.

"Oh My God...." Seulgi said after she witnessed the mess on their table. Good thing that she brought the plates using a trolley or she will drop all of it due to shockedness.

"Aigoo....It's such a mess." Seulgi pulled their chair backwards and asked the waitress for a napkin so she can wipe the table properly. 

"Okay who's making the mess ?" Seulgi said while busily wiping the table. The boys just keep silent, feeling afraid that their Mommy will be mad. None of them answer the question. After making sure everything is clean even the floor, Seulgi fixed their seats and started serving the food.

"Mommy sowwy." The eldest clasped his hand and asked for forgiveness since he knew that his Mommy is mad but didn't say anything.

"Sowwy Mommy." Minguk and Manse followed their brother's action. Seulgi flashed her smile because of their cuteness.

"Okay, apology accepted but don't do that again okay ? It's bad playing with water or food. Now eat your food." 

The boys can use their baby chopstick since 1 years old so Seulgi and Joohyun always let them eat on their own and sometimes helping them when they had a hard time using the utensils. 

The trio eat their spaghetti quitely. Seulgi at her spaghetti too while keeping her eyes on them. The boys finished their food in no time and asked for another food and Seulgi gave them each slice of pizza. Now, the trio eat using their hands. Seulgi just let them be while sometimes taking a picture of them with spaghetti sauce smeared on their faces.

"You guys always on silent mode when there's a food in front of you huh ? so cute." Seulgi said. 

Seulgi's self cam

"Was this your 1st time brought them to buffet restaurant ?"

"Actually yes. This was my 1st time and I was so happy to finally be able experienced the activity for today. The way the ate so well makes me happy, well of course every parents will be happy to see how their kids eat so well on their own." 

"Do you know that you need to cook the dinner for today right ?"

"Ah dinner ? Oh My God....I'm not a good cook like my wife. Should I order delivery instead ?" Seulgi asked.

"Sadly no. Since your wife just sent a message to us and gave a challenge for you which is making a dinner." The PD-nim showed her phonescreen to Seulgi. 

"Ah..since when you and my wife exchanges message ? And I don't have choice right ?" Seulgi massage her temples.


"We're home~" Seulgi cheered tiredly while the boys running inside the house and slammed their bodies on the couch. Seulgi wants to do the same but she has a task to do. She needs to bath them and then making dinner. 

"Boys, let's take a bath. You guys sweated a lot." Seulgi said. 

"Anniya~" The boys cheered and then running away from their Mommy. 

"Come on, you guys can do everything after Mommy cleaned you up." But the trio refused to listen.

"Come on. I'm tired boys. Don't make me give you a punishment and stand in the corner." Seulgi threatened. 

"Kang Daehan, Kang Minguk, Kang Manse. Should I count from one to ten ?" The trio still running around the house.


And they stopped running around and walked towards their Mommy.

"Should we take a bath now ?" Seulgi asked them and thankfully, they agreed. Seulgi finished her task in 15 minutes since the boys don't make a fuss inside the bathroom. 

The trio play with their toys in the living room after they wore their pyjamas while waiting for their dinner. 

Seulgi is thinking hard in the kitchen, feeling confuse about the food for their dinner since she was forbid to call a delivery. So in the end, she choosed seaweed rice ball and vegetable soup for all of them. 


Seulgi slumped her tired body on the couch, feeling her energy just drained from her body. The dinner was success and the boys like it so much, she was thankful that the 3 of them is not a picky eater. And the fall asleep 45 minutes later after dinner, feeling tired after their 1st outing with their Mommy today. Just then, her phone rang and 'My wife' appeared on the screen. The camera still filming everything. 

"Hello baby." Seulgi greets her wife. 

"Hi, how was your day with the boys ?" 

"It was pretty tiring but I had fun with them. Thankfully, they weren't throwing bad tantrum today. I'm so happy. How about yours ?"

"You did it well baby, I'm so proud of you. And I'm so thankfull about your suprise, you didn't tell me about the spa package." 

"Hey, it won't be called a suprised if I tell you beforehand. By the way, where are you staying at right now ?" 

"Oh sorry babe, I didn't tell you that I stayed in Umma and Appa's house today. I asked Appa and Umma to go with me to the spa, they were so happy."

Seulgi smile, feeling happy that Joohyun stayed at her parents house and she even brought them along to the spa. Such a good daughter in law.

"Go take a rest babe, I know you're tired. You still have another fun day tomorrow with the boys. I need to help Umma with something." 

"Yeah, I haven't take a bath. I will do it right now and go to sleep right away. Send my regards to Umma and Appa, we'll visit them later." 

"Okay, go take a rest and send my kisses to the boys. Tell them that their Umma loves them so much."

"How about me ?"

"Yes yes...I love you dork, so much."

"Love you too wifey. See you again soon. Bye bye."

Seulgi hang up the phone call and then accidentally make eye contact with the camera inside the tent. She lowered her head trying to hide the blushing cheeks when the cameraman giggling teasingly at her. She stand up and walked towards the main bedroom to take a bath. After that, she went inside the boys's room to check on them and giving them kisses before goes to her room and sleep. 




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CassanK #1
Chapter 2: Authornim, would you like to continue this story???