
one floor away

Horror comes in many ways. Everyone has their fair share of horrible things they experienced and in Jongin’s case, it’s always the same thing. It’s opening his empty fridge.


He isn’t a fan of cooking and he prefers canned or microwave food as long as he has his coffee but he knows very well a cup of coffee isn’t a meal. What’s worse about the situation isn’t just about going outside to shop but the fact that the spirit of Halloween is haunting him. He doesn’t enjoy the sight of cheap props around not because he’s scared. It annoys him.


Knowing that the groceries stores are packed, he resorts to convenience store. The lines are shorter though the prices are higher. It’s just a few stuff he’s going to buy that will last him a few days and to hell with online shopping. He doesn’t trust people picking his food and dropping them outside his door on the floor.


The second he steps inside the store, he’s met with his all-so-jolly upstairs neighbor hoarding chocolates and candies from the shelves to his basket, grinning at him. “Look who’s here! It’s not too late to buy last-minute treats for the kids!”


He merely acknowledges the shorter with a shake of his head before picking a basket on the side, heading towards the refrigerator for his own survival kit. Right there and then, Kyungsoo starts following him around the small venue, making it uncomfortable to walk through the narrow spaces between the shelves. He ignores every little comment the shorter gives in everything he picks out from the shelves.


“Did you prepare a costume? I think you’ll look great as Slender Man! I mean, you’re tall and if you’re shy, you can just cover your face with a white cloth-.”


Once he reaches the counter, he turns back with a sigh, matching with a roll of his eyes. “What do you want from me?”


“I’m trying to converse with you.” Kyungsoo answered so casually, probably not taking the hint. “Why are you always grumpy anyway? Really in the mood for Halloween?”


Instead of giving an answer, he turns his back and proceeds to pay.


“You didn’t buy any candy though,” the shorter says behind him. “Here!” He sees a pack of candies tossed right into his basket, the cashier not wasting any more time to scan the barcode.




“That would be 35,000 won,” the cashier announces, expectantly looking at him after putting the last item he didn’t want to buy in his plastic bag.


If he was to argue about it, he’ll need to stay longer than he needs to and his neighbor is trying to start another conversation. He hands the bills and quietly hoping to get his change fast.


Successfully escaping the situation, Jongin finally relaxes in the comfort of his own space. He really hates outside. It's bearable until someone talks to him.


A Doh Kyungsoo has recently made it even worse for him, the guy popping almost everywhere. There isn't a time that Kyungsoo didn't approach him when they cross paths.


He hasn't really seen the guy talk to anyone else besides him but that's not his business anymore. He keeps his nose where it belongs so he couldn't judge.


And the plan to move? He can't. His parents already paid for the whole school year and he isn't one to waste money unless it's threatening his safety and comfort like that pack of candy he paid for just to get away.


Talking to the landlord was useless. He found out that the person he's complaining about is the man's nephew. It instantly backfired. Mariah Carey and Wham! had been on repeat for a few nights now. He swears he hates those songs now.




Lights off, Netflix and chill. A good way to spend the 31st of October night until a knock comes.


Jongin ignores, loathing the kids and parents who clearly don't read the sign he posted outside his door that says no one's home. The knocking continues, persistent as if the person knows he's there.


Kids, he sighs, walking up to the door and grabbing the pack of candies from the kitchen counter on the way. He can surely shoo them away with these cheap treats. It finally comes in handy.


He opens the door to four neighboring kids accompanied by no other than his annoying upstairs neighbor.


"And here, kids, is the scariest man alive in this lifetime," Kyungsoo, wearing a grim reaper costume, is presenting him with a point of his scythe. "What do we say?" 


The kids in chorus, "Trick or treat?!"


He tosses the whole pack towards the eldest of the kids who scrambles to catch it. "Aren't you too old for this ?"


"Aren't you too young to be a grumpy old man? No wonder you don't have friends."


The kids are whispering among themselves, giggling at the last word he said. Immature. 


"Go away."


His annoying neighbor straightens up and leads the kids away, "Says the scary grumpy old man. Let's go to the brighter future ahead of us, kids! Away from that dark side he is in."


If he only he can move out, he will. Well, he can but he won't. It would be a waste of money because the policy strictly says no refunds.




Good thing it was the only disturbance the whole night. He meant, four hours. He's done binge watching his series and is about to take a shower before bed when another series of knocking ruins his night the last minute.


There can only be one person and he isn't wrong.


"What the do you want? Go back to hell where you belong. Halloween's over!"


The shorter his head to the side, checking what's behind him though it's dark inside his unit. "Didn't look like you were sleeping. Let's go!"


Without any warning, Kyungsoo grabs his wrist, dropping his scythe prop on the hallway and leads him away.




The shorter continues to drag him up the stairs, not even considering if he closed his door nor if he wants to come along. They reach the unit above his, welcomed by a small party of guys their age in costumes.


"Hey, guys! This is Jongin! He's shy. Don't scare him. Be cautious when you approach. He might bite."


He stands there, frozen. It's everything but comfortable with all eyes on him. He sets his on Kyungsoo who stares back at him. "Rather than stressing out you can't sleep because of the noise, you should just join us. Make friends."


He has a point but this is useless.


He doesn't need friends.


"Also," the shorter leads him to a vacant solo couch, "he's a man of very few words."


He can't find himself leaving when everyone seemed nice anyway and he can totally relate with all the school talk though he doesn't say a thing. Eventually he relaxes since no one's really paying attention to him and he's somehow enjoying the stories the other guys are telling.


In addition to his comfort, maybe it's because Kyungsoo remained next to him, offering him drinks and snacks, and just being a good host.


Sometimes he's asked a few things and he'll merely respond with a nod or shrug.


This isn't so bad.


He learned a few things about his upstairs neighbor. Kyungsoo is taking up a business major and he has even more annoying friends in his opinion. They're all chatty and undeniably filled with humor.


There's one named Baekhyun who's ten times more energetic than his neighbor. He seriously can't keep up with them. Listening and just sitting there drains his energy like these guys are feeding on his remaining energy to socialize.


Thankfully, Kyungsoo notices his discomfort and asks if he wants to leave. He doesn't hesitate to nod. For goodness' sake, it's barely an hour and he has enough of it.


"Okay, I'll take you back to your place!" What Kyungsoo says is what Kyungsoo does without second thoughts. The shorter makes an announcement of him leaving and despite the disagreeing party, Kyungsoo leads him out the door the same way he was dragged up.


As soon as they get to his unit, the shorter bids goodbye, picking up the prop he left earlier.


"Wait," he calls out and Kyungsoo chuckles for an unknown reason. "What's funny?"


"I'm just starting to think that's your favorite word."


It's not funny in his opinion but Kyungsoo is a different breed. He shakes his head. "I kinda liked hanging out with your friends. It was fun."


The shorter swoons, hugging his scythe. "Even if you barely said anything, that's so cute coming from you!"


"Shut up."


"Geez," Kyungsoo scoffs. "A Thanks would be appreciated."


"Fine. Thanks."


"Half-assed." The shorter leaves in quick steps, disbelieving his sincerity.


Is it his fault he's like that? He's not expressive of his intentions and feelings but he means almost everything he says.




At last, time to rest. That unexpected social event was exhausting. After a long, relaxing bath, he's in the comfort of his bed.


It's all peaceful and quiet.


Until he hears Ariana Grande asking Santa if he's there, asking him not to make her fall in love again if he, whoever that is, won't be here next year.


Maybe he should hang an old sock by his window and hope for Santa to drop by and give him a pair of ear plugs.

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Nicole121314 #1
Chapter 2: Hahaha Jongin will have so many sleepless nights and moooore knocks and disturbances coming all the way to his apartment hahaa.
Nicole121314 #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha. Poor Jongin...
doksoo1201 #3
Chapter 2: kyungsoo is so bold ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: This is good ilysm
Helysoo #5
Chapter 1: I hope for everything that will happen ^^
Chapter 1: This is so funny and cute! I can't wait to see what happens next!!!
Chapter 1: kyungsoo is such a mood, i love him already <(‾︶‾)>
thank you for sharing this dear author, can't wait for next chapter \(*T▽T*)/