He Will Be Loved

He Will Be Loved
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"Kyuhyun.. where are you? Can we meet?" Kyuhyun picked up the call in the middle of the night, it was past 12 midnight as he answered hu bestfriend's call, Ryeowook was sobbing or perhaps crying.

"Where are you?" Kyuhyun asked, immediately getting up and preapring to leave, not bothering to even change his clothes.

"I'm at the abandoned building where we always hang out after school..." He sobbed. Kyuhyun halted his steps, He inhaled deeply, hearing Ryeowook's hurtful sobs.

'What did he do to you again?' Kyuhyun asked himself. He can't stand the fact that someone's hurting Ryeowook... the person he treasure and loves the most.

"Don't go anywhere. Turn off your phone after i drop this call. Stay there. I'm coming." Kyuhyun assured him. He then dropped the call and immediately drove to the said building where Ryeowook is at.

Ryeowook needs me. He thought. He's always ready to throw all the things he was doing if it comes to Ryeowook. Just one call from Ryeowook, he'll be at Ryeowook's side in no time. They promised that, that the both of them will have each other's back and stay by their side forever...

But it seems that only Kyuhyun was sticking to their promise. When he needs Ryeowook, it's either he's busy or he's with his boyfriend. Kyuhyun doesn't complain, he's just Ryeowook's bestfriend after all.

The car almost flew by how fast Kyuhyun was driving. He ignored the stop signs and focused on arriving at their old spot. After 10 minutes he arrived. He saw Ryeowook's car, he immediately went out and walks towards the car.

There he saw Ryeowook hugging the steering wheel, by the looks of him, he's crying. Kyuhyun felt his heart was stepped on how Ryeowook look. He can't afford to see Ryeowook like that.

"Ryeowook-ah..." He softly tap on the window, Ryeowook opened the door and immediately hugged Kyuhyun. There he broke down again, in the arms of his beloved friend.

As he listens to Ryeowook's muffled cries, he unconsciously wrapped his arms around the smaller, he closed his eyes. He can't look at Ryeowook's state.

"Everything will be okay..." He assured him, tightening his embrace to the latter. "Let it all out. I'm here Ryeowookie..." he whispered.

"Kyuhyun..." Ryeowook cried, his words a bit unclear because of all the crying, Kyuhyun doesn't understand the words Ryeowook was saying nut he kept his arms around him, securing him. Letting Ryeowook know that Kyuhyun won't go anywhere and will forever be at his side.

"I'm here now, I won't leave you, I will never leave you." He fought back the tears that were threatening to spill, "I'm here Ryeowook..."

"I'm here, why can't you see me?" Kyuhyun whispered against Ryeowook's hair, barely audible.


"What happen?" Kyuhyun asked, they were at the roof deck of the abandoned building. Ryeowook was wearing Kyuhyun's hoodie, leaving Kyuhyun with his t-shirt, he shivered due to the cold breeze of the midnight sky, but he didn't complain because Ryeowook needs his hoodie more.

"As usual." Ryeowook answered, he was just staring out of nowhere. His eyes bloodshot and his tearstained cheeks glistening under the night's sky.

"Ryeowook..." Kyuhyun spoke, he answered him with a soft 'hmm?' Kyuhyun hesitated whether to continue but he needs to say it. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" The sound of Kyuhyun's voice, Ryeowook can actually sense the anger and frustration, Ryeowook looked at him, his face clueless... or rather pretending not to know what Kyuhyun meant.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Kyuhyun sighed

"This!" Kyuhyun answered. "Why do you always hurt yourself? Why do you always allow him to hurt you? Ryeowook you don't deserve this! You don't deserve anything that he's doing to you... why do you settle for this when you can have more?" He added, he's trying to let Ryeowook know what he meant. Ryeowook just looked away and smiled.

"You don't understand." He simply replied.

"I don't know! Maybe! Make me understand Ryeowook! Why do you want this? Why do you se

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Ryeonggu_01 #1
Chapter 1: hoping for a sequel 🥺