Still in Love

Still in Love

It’s close to mornin'
And can’t I see your face
How’d we end up this way
You were the sun in every day
You’d take my soul
Every time you’d go
But this time I know
The truth is in your heart; we’re dead and gone

*Jaejoong’s POV*

Walking down the streets in Tokyo reminds me of one of my unforgettable experience. When two years ago,  me, Yunho, Junsu, Yoochun, and Changmin walked exactly here, creating a very beautiful experience to remember.

*End POV*

 # Flashback #

"Hyung, I'm hungry. Let's get some food around here." asked Changmin to his hyungs.

"Minnie, don't you remember what the manager hyung said? We must rest because our schedule for tomorrow will be even packed than what we've today." said Yunho.

"I know, hyung. But I'm really starving right now." whined Changmin/

"Well, then just order food from the hotel's restaurant." Yoochun tried to calm Changmin down.

"I don't like the food here, hyung. That's why I asked you to go out." insisted Changmin.

"Hyung, I was told that there are Korean Festival this week. They said it's not too far from here. Maybe we could manage going out without being recognized by the manager hyung." said Junsu.

"Come on, hyung. Let's go there." cheered Changmin

"Allright then. But are you really sure it's not far?" asked Jaejoong.

"Obviously. I've seen the place when we managed to get here." answered Junsu.

"Come on, hyungs. Hurry up." Changmin started to get excited.

"Sssttt! Lower your voice. What if the manager hyung hear us?" protested Junsu.

“Mianhae, hyung.” whispered Changmin.

The five of them finally left the hotel without being recognized by anyone, thanks to their masquerade.

"Su, where do we go from here?" asked Yoochun.

"If I'm not mistaken, we should go there." answered Junsu, pointing to a direction.

"Are you sure?" asked Changmin, doubting Junsu's words. Living with each other forseveral years hade made them know the weaknesses and the surfeits of each other.

"100% sure. Why? You guys still in doubt?" said Junsu, leaving his hyungs and dongsaeng.

"Maybe It's time for us to trust him. We couldn't have bad thoughts about him everyday, right?" said Changmin, following his hyung.

"Haha. That was shocking words, you know. Because it comes from changmin! I'm gonna mark it on my calendar once we got back to hotel." mocked Jaejoong jokingly.

"Whatever you say, hyung." Changmin rolled his eyes.

“Yunnie, you haven't said anything since we got out." said Jaejoong after getting himself next to Yunho.

“It's nothing, Chagy. I'm just thinking what will be our reason if we got caught." said Yunho calmly.

“Yunnie, you don't have to do that alone. You got me, you got us. We'll think about it together, okay?" said Jaejoong.

“Haha. No need to do that. I've thought what will be the best excuse for us. Dont worry." said Yunho caressing Jaejoong's hair lovingly.

“Yah! Appa and umma's romance is starting again.” mumbled Junsu.

“Why, baby-Su? Are you jealous?" teased Yoochun, who only himself and God knows since when he got himself beside Junsu.

“Aniyo. It's just that...It's not properly, you know, in the middle of the night doing something like that." said Junsu, grumbling.

“It's okay, baby-Su. Just let them be.” said Yoochun, hugging Junsu's waist.


“Ssstt. Just make sure this is the right way. We've been walking for a qiute long time ago." cut Yoochun.

“Yes, Chunnie. I'm sure. Juast walk a little more.” said Junsu.

"Hyung, I'm getting tired. Are you really sure it's the way?" asked Changmin.

“I'm sure, Minnie. Let's walk a little bit further.” calmed Junsu.

“But my feet are gettin…” Changmin's words were cut off by the view in front of his eves.

In the middle of the crowded city, Tokyo, there are some traditional korean biuildings which are equipped with colored lights that decorate every corner. Many people sell all kinds of Korean goods ranging from traditional to dress until red-filled kiosks equipped with DBSK posters in front of it indicating DBSK goods sold there. YunJaeYooSuMin deeply moved to see it. But that's not what they care much. However, a stall that sells all kinds of Korean traditional foods had attracted them, knowing that they've been a few weeks busy in Japan and thay couldn't taste any of it.

"Hyung, let's go there. I'm getting starved." said Changmin happily.

"Allright. Let's go!!!" cheered Junsu, runnig to the food stalls.

They passed the night chatting and joking happily with each other, forgetting their lives as members of Dong Bang Shin Ki, the 'Gods of the East' and all their highly dense activities schedule.

End Flashback

Jaejoong just stuck in his car for-who-knows-how-long parked in front of a small gate that read 'Korean Festival'. He stared at the crowd in it with the ever eyes almost filled with tears while remembering the past that may not be repeated again.

"I know you’re tired of broken promises
I had too many ‘second chances’
I’m a lost man for you, will I ever break through?"

*Jaejoong’s POV*

The chance had appeared many time in front of me. the chance to be together again with both of you. It's easy, you know. Just to give up and going on with the slave contract. But I didn't accept. How could I see you all being hurt for such a long time?

It’s painful that everyone knows
It’s so true
I’m nothing but a fool for you
But I don’t care, I’ll always be here
Loving you with all I got
I don’t care if you love me or not

You have to continue your career in the SME without my, Junsu, and Yoochun's existence. Although I know the position of each other in the hearts of each one of us, but I still hope you can survive until the end. Until the justice successfully be established.

I’m still in love (still in love, but)
She’s thinking of (everyone, but)
The very one (I should move on, but)
Who’s still in love?

~ Song: JYJ - Still In Love (Composed by Kim Jaejung, Lyrics by Kyoko Hamler)

~ How was it? haha...don't forget to comment..^^

~ Anyway, there will be the epilog after this...check it out... :D

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