chapter 1

"omo... This is school is huge..." you gaped. You stood at the front of woolim academy, admiring it, with your head tilted towards the sky. "new day new start!!! All the best, -----!" you pumped your fist up in the air, Smiling brightly. "here i go," you blew a raspberry and walked into the school. You skipped down the pathway, grinning at everyonw you see. Suddenly, you bumped hard into someone. You fell to the ground, the books you're holding dropped to the floor. You looked up only to see a guy with Dark and dangerous eyes looking boringly at you. He glanced at you once more, before walking Away withour uttering a word. "shouldnt you say sorry?!" you shouted at him, glaring at his back. Students around started to whisper "omo... She's talking back to L!" L turned back to merely smirk at you, before sauntering away. "he's so rude," you pouted, and picked up your bobooks, irritated. A pair of hands helped you pick up your books abruptly. You looked up only to see a guy smiling cheekily down at you. Your gaze shifted from his captivating eyes to his pink lips, you blushed. The guy smirked at your cute reaction. "hi, cutie pie, im L.joe" he winked at you, Handing you your books. Your heartbeat raced. "t...thanks" you stuttered. He smiled at you, then wlked away with a wave of his hands. *why do i feel that way when i see that guy called L.joe?* you thought as you placed your hand on your chest, puzzled. There you go! New chappie! Do subscribe! Do comment to help me improve in writing! Hope you guys like this chappie! -shiningcookie ;)
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shiningcookie #1
@ lydiaa, k! I'll put up a poll soon! ;)
update soon update soon
shiningcookie #3
Haha! ;) i'll see. But i personally like L more.
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