
notice me

"Today is the day I wish Youngjae and Daehyun won't ruin the good vibes." Junhong said, his hands folded in prayer as he stopped in his tracks.

Youngjae looked at his best friend, eyes already at the back of his head because Junhong wouldn't stop bothering him about Daehyun. "Very funny, Junhong. We don't argue that often."

"No, you do." 

"Alright," Youngjae said in defense, frowning for a second because Junhong seemed to mean it this time. "Alright, I got it."

Youngjae knew that Junhong was right. Whenever he and Daehyun accidentally ran into each other, which was mostly because of Seunghee, they would end up throwing passive aggressive insults at each other. Very much to Seunghee's dislike, since she just wanted them to finally get closer to the other.

And it wasn't because Youngjae didn't want his best friend to be happy with the guy she was seeing (they weren't officially dating yet), it was because Daehyun would always find a way to rile him up.

It was as if Daehyun didn't want them to be friends.

One day he'd be telling Youngjae to stop talking back at him because he was annoying, and the other day he'd be all over Youngjae, teasing him in the most ridiculous ways. Giving Youngjae absolutely no privacy with how close he would be, closing in on him until Youngjae would be trapped in between Daehyun's body and a wall. Which was often, if not always, followed by a comment about Youngjae being sure about if he only wanted to be friends with Seunghee.

Youngjae got that Daehyun was one of those jealous kind of guys, always wanting to know what their girlfriend was doing and with who she was with. Which was odd, because Youngjae often noticed the way Seunghee would stare at her phone, unable to reach Daehyun and with no clue what he was up to.

So whenever Daehyun would spout nonsense about his friendship with Seunghee, Youngjae wondered if Daehyun even knew what friendship meant.

But it hadn't always been like that. The both of them may have had a rough start, but during the first few weeks of Youngjae's freshman year at their university, Daehyun was actually pretty decent, if not even nice to him.

Daehyun was in the same major a year above Youngjae and they had met each other during Youngjae's orientation week. Daehyun being one of his seniors who was involved in the project preparations.

Looking back at it, Youngjae wasn't sure why Daehyun had been picking on him during that week, but once classes had started, the older boy's behavior took a drastic turn. He'd come by during Youngjae's lunch break to sit with him, sometimes Daehyun would even buy a drink from the convenience store on campus for Youngjae. Daehyun was never able to tell Youngjae he had bought it for him in particular, having Youngjae teasingly joke about how Daehyun doesn't have to be shy around him.

It had seemed like they could be friends, until Daehyun's parents wanted him to accompany them to a dinner with a possible business partner, who just so happened to be Seunghee's father.

Youngjae understood that their parents wanted them to spend time together, for strange business connection reasons. Although Youngjae really didn't get the reason behind their children having to date due to the fact that they would be able to maintain a stable relation. But that didn't really bother him, he had thought of Daehyun as somewhat decent by then, and Seunghee, being his best friend since middle school, seemed to have taken a liking to him so it should all have been fine.

The only problem Youngjae had been left with was that Daehyun, within the matter of a week, started bothering him whenever he had the chance. The most annoying thing was that Youngjae couldn't seem to be able to figure out why Daehyun thought the way he was teasing Youngjae was normal.

The verbal quarrels didn't bother Youngjae all that much, but Daehyun's apparent lack of understanding how the invasion of someone's private space to such close proximity could be seen as odd, had Youngjae thinking about the older boy a little too often than he would like. It's not an every day occurrence that the guy your best friend is seeing closes in on you until your lips are nearly touching, only because he's teasing you.

So Youngjae thought he had every right to be annoyed with Daehyun, the boy just didn't make any sense and Youngjae hated the fact that he wasn't able to understand him.

Junhong's voice thankfully had Youngjae snapping back to reality, it was starting to become really irritating how Daehyun was able to infiltrate every thought he had.

"Make sure you won't. At least for Seunghee, I don't want you to ruin her birthday because you can't stop yourself from throwing snarky comments at her guy."

"I'll try, it's not only my fault, you know." Youngjae said, recollecting all the incidents Daehyun was the one to start their petty bickering, which was most of the time.

Junhong shook his head and Youngjae missed the way the younger rolled his eyes at him, fully concentrating on the figure which was approaching them.

It would be an understatement to say that Daehyun was handsome, from his dark, expressive eyes to the way his lips twitched into a smirk, Youngjae often found himself staring at the older boy. And it was never followed by a smile because Youngjae knew boys like Daehyun meant nothing but trouble.

Disregarding the fact that Daehyun was sort of dating his best friend, falling for a straight boy was the last thing Youngjae wanted to happen to himself. 

That sadly didn't change the fact that his heart beat sped up the slightest bit and his hands got a tad more sweatier when Daehyun reached him and Junhong.

Junhong and Daehyun greeted each other and Youngjae tried to avoid looking Daehyun straight in his eyes as he mumbled a "hello", which was instantly followed by a light nudge in his side and a semi angry side glance coming from Junhong. "Be nice," Junhong whispered after Daehyun had only given Youngjae a look before heading into the bar where Seunghee was celebrating her birthday.

"What did I do?" The pout on Youngjae's face revealed that he knew exactly what he had done, but Youngjae truly didn't care that much. Junhong always only ever criticized his behavior, without even knowing what Daehyun was capable of. It was insanely annoying.

"Just don't be a passive aggressive ," Junhong said with a smile so bright, Youngjae nearly left out a laugh as he followed his friend into the building.


Youngjae didn't know too many of Seunghee's college friends, since they usually met up as just the two of them. He knew Jongup, who always stuck to her side whenever they were on campus. He was a nice guy who shared most of Seunghee's classes, a little oblivious at times and absolutely unaware of every envious look he got from nearly every guy on campus, being so close to Seunghee and all.

Another close friend was Yaeji, but Youngjae didn't know her all too well and it would be a little awkward if he were to just go over and start a conversation. Junhong had left him after Seunghee had cut the cake and encouraged everyone to "have fun, get drunk, but make sure you'll get home safely later".

Parties weren't really Youngjae's thing, and talking to people he didn't know was very, very high on his list of things he wanted to avoid. So Youngjae had resulted to just sit by his table by himself, occasionally scrolling through his social media as he sipped on his glass.

It was some sort of fruity champagne mixed with berry juice, nothing too heavy since Youngjae knew he was a lightweight and also didn't particularly enjoy getting drunk. Especially since he knew that although Junhong had driven them here, he wouldn't be able to drive them back home.

Youngjae didn't mind too much, he liked to leave earlier than Junhong anyway and getting a taxi wasn't too hard at this time on the weekends. He had planned it perfectly, really, he would leave around midnight and get a good night of sleep since he had promised Yongguk to meet up with him the next day. Youngjae felt content, knowing how his evening would play out. A glimmer of anxiety left his body as he leaned back against the soft cushion of the couch he was sitting on, his elbows resting on the table in front of him, playing with the purple shimmering straw of his drink.

It didn't take too long until his peace was being interrupted as Seunghee slid into his booth.

"The look on your face doesn't scream I'm turning 21 and it's the best ing night of my life," Youngjae said with a quick look at Seunghee's face where a small frown had taken over her gorgeous smile.

"Youngjae." Seunghee just sighed, resting her head on Youngjae's shoulder.


"You're the only one who really cares about me." The little slur in her words was ringing the alarm bells inside of Youngjae's brain, indicating that she's close to being the most drunk out of all of her friends.

Youngjae shifted in his seat, trying to properly face Seunghee even if she was currently leaning her entire body weight against his one arm. "I swear to you, I'm not the only one who cares about you. Everyone here loves you!" Youngjae was at least around 95% sure of that, he didn't know all too many of the people who were in the club that Seunghee had rented out for the night, but he knew that Seunghee was the most lovely girl he knows.

"Noo, it's only you. Not even Daehyun gives a ," Seunghee says, her dark eyes staring right up at Youngjae who was not too familiar with the concept of Seunghee being drunk, hence the nibbling on the short nail of his thumb. "I don't even know where he went off to."

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere, Seunghee."

"No! I searched for him everywhere, he left, I'm sure of it," Seunghee cried out, removing herself from Youngjae so that she could bury her head in between her arms that were resting on the table.

"Seunghee, come on," Youngjae tried, but his lack of experience when it came to comforting a lovesick (?) girl was rather permanent, "As much as we don't get along sometimes, I know Daehyun wouldn't leave."

It was true, Daehyun might be the most annoying guy Youngjae knew, annoying being an understatement but Youngjae let it slide this one time, but he would not just leave Seunghee on her birthday.

And sure, they weren't dating for real, not yet at least, Youngjae just had a feeling that Daehyun wasn't someone who would intentionally hurt a girl. Even less so the girl his parents wanted him to date.

Seunghee gave out a loud sigh, seemingly exhausted from even thinking about Daehyun. "It's just, he's been so distant. I know we're not dating, but I thought he would at least start to like me at some point." The words poured out from in between her lips, like a secret she's kept for too long. "We never kiss, Youngjae, we don't hug each other goodbye and he doesn't even want to hold my hand!"

Youngjae was unsure of what to say, the desperation in Seunghee's voice pierced the air into uncertainness and Youngjae was at a loss of words. "You should give him some time," he said finally, scared of saying too much, of riling Seunghee up even more.

"Youngjae, can you go look for him? Just to see if he's still here." By now Seunghee was close to tears, her voice was trembling and Youngjae could see how her shoulders were shaking the slightest bit.

"Sweetheart, hey, don't cry. I'll see if I can find him, don't worry too much," Youngjae said, pulling Seunghee into a tight hug. He swore to the Snorlax plushie he got from Junhong for Christmas, he will beat Daehyun up if he had left.


After almost giving up on looking for Daehyun, Youngjae found the boy lingering outside of the club; casually leaning against a wall that reached up to his hips and was perfect to sit on.

Youngjae absolutely hated the nonchalant look on Daehyun's face, and how he was scrolling through his phone, uninterested, as if he had nothing better to do. Youngjae could think of at least one thing Daehyun could do instead of distancing himself from everyone else.

"Hey," Youngjae called out, it was less of a greeting than just to grab Daehyun's attention, "not to sound mean or anything but what the ?" 

Daehyun looked up, almost as if he had expected someone to come and look for him. As if he had expected Youngjae to come look for him, seeing that instead of the question mark Youngjae thought would appear on Daehyun's face there was a growing smile. Teasing, and for a second Youngjae felt the urge to turn around and leave Daehyun out here. But he had promised Seunghee.

"What?" was the only thing that left Daehyun's lips, that unnerving smile still in its place, irritating Youngjae much more than it should.

"What are you doing out here?" Youngjae asked, closing in on Daehyun until he was standing in front of him. "Seunghee's been looking for you."

Daehyun's lips parted, and a soft ah escaped through them before they twitched back into a grin, so subtle that it was almost unnoticeable but Youngjae was way too familiar with it. "And here I thought you were looking for me."

"I did, look for you?"

"No, I meant because you wanted to see me, not Seunghee," Daehyun said as if it was the most common thing to do, as if Youngjae and him were a lot closer than they actually were.

"Why would I ever want that?" Youngjae frowned, already regretting giving in to Daehyun and listening to the he had to say. But it would be a lie if Daehyun's words weren't stirring up something inside of him.

"I don't know, how would I know that?" Daehyun talked as if he had nothing to hide, as if he was sure every word spilling out of his mouth had the right to do so and it made Youngjae want to punch Daehyun's handsome face. Bust a lip or something.

"You're so irritating," Youngjae said as his firsts clenched by his sides, taking a step back as Daehyun finally stood up from where he was seated, "anyway I just came to tell you that Seunghee's looking for you." 

Youngjae should be going back inside, he should leave Daehyun to do whatever he wanted to but for some reason his feet stayed glued to the ground, unmoving as Daehyun took one step closer.

"You're aware that Seunghee and I aren't dating?" Daehyun asked, almost expecting Youngjae to say yes but Daehyun didn't wait for him to answer. "I told her not to expect anything from me, so don't tell me I'm leading her on."

As if pulling the words right through Youngjae's teeth, the latter closed his mouth before saying exactly that. Daehyun was right, after all, they've never made it official. And Youngjae only knew Seunghee's side of the story, but he hated how Daehyun didn't seem to care about Seunghee's feelings at all.

Youngjae swallowed before speaking, something in his throat closing tightly. "You're still an for just leaving her alone on her birthday," Youngjae said, his voice coming out fainter than he had hoped.

Daehyun didn't respond immediately, his expression almost turned into one of hurt before he let out a puff of air, as if what Youngjae had said was humoring him.

"You always say that to me, you always tell me I'm an but you never take action," Daehyun said, stepping closer until there wasn't much space left in between them, "You never leave, you never tell me to stop or to leave you alone."

Daehyun grabbed Youngjae's arm, face twisting into confusion and Youngjae couldn't bring himself to answer him. Too close, Daehyun was always too close and it was so difficult to think when their eyes met, when he could almost feel Daehyun's breath over his cheek. Youngjae hated it, how Daehyun was able to rob him of his words and how he could never shake off the other's hands. 

"You're the one who starts this, over and over and I just don't get it," Daehyun said, his hand tightening around Youngjae's arm, "what do you want?"

Youngjae doesn't know what he wants, but there's something telling him that it would be so easy to figure out, to just let go once.

And Youngjae does. His heart drops as he grabs Daehyun by the back of his head and pulls him in, their lips crashing together and Youngjae couldn't help but let out a desperate sigh.

He felt Daehyun's hand leave his arm and reaching up to cup his face, his lips moving against Daehyun as if he was a starving man. Daehyun's body was flush against Youngjae's, almost as if to make sure that he would't run away but that was the last thing Youngjae would think of.

Not when Daehyun was kissing him like he had waited for years to do so, frantic but with so much care that Youngjae started to feel dizzy.

Daehyun pulled him closer, hands by Youngjae's hips as his tongue slipped in between Youngjae's lips, prodding softly but with a desperation Youngjae was hardly able to describe.

Daehyun was so much and Youngjae wanted to feel all of him - Daehyun's soft hair in between his fingertips, his warm body embracing Youngjae, hands grasping at his clothes, his lips moving against Youngjae's own. And they felt like heaven, warm and plush yet slightly chapped and Youngjae knew he could continue kissing Daehyun until his lips were the only thing he could think about.

Youngjae had wanted this so badly, wanted him so badly that he was only able to pull Daehyun closer, allowing his tongue to slide against his own as they tried to close any space left between their bodies.

Daehyun was the first to pull away, panting softly as he looked at Youngjae in his arms. And Youngjae swore his heart melted at the smile that appeared on Daehyun's face.

Youngjae had known that kissing Daehyun was something he shouldn't do, that he would hurt Seunghee but Youngjae finally could tell why he had thought of Daehyun as so unbearably annoying. Because Daehyun had never taken action, he would always take his time riling Youngjae up but never dared to cross the line. And Youngjae had wanted him to.

"You don't know how long I've waited for this to happen," Daehyun said with his smile still too blinding for Youngjae to even comprehend that Daehyun leaned down to kiss him once again, quickly, but as if he had all the time in the world.

Yes, maybe Daehyun was a litte bit annoying, but he was just as good at kissing that Youngjae was able to forget that.

So Youngjae pulled him in again, lips meeting lips and Youngjae's mind went blank as he felt Daehyun tightening his arms around his waist.





hello! it's not much and I know, poor Seunghee, but we all knew Daehyun was already whipped for Youngjae

I really love hearing what you guys thought, comments really are close to being my only motivation so please don't hesitate to leave one <3

with that said, thanks for reading <3


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Chapter 1: ♡♡♡♡♡
Chapter 1: I feel like Seunghee got so drunk she ain't even going to remember rambling about nobody but Youngjae liking her. I'd at least like to think that after this, they come clean about it. Maybe not while she's wildly drunk though. Like, yeah they weren't dating, but she was still hopeful that it could become that while Daehyun was on the far opposite of that spectrum and tried to make that clear. Like 'yeah, I was never going to be into you the way you wanted me to be because uhhhh I'm hella whipped for your best friend bye' EXCEPT FOR PROBABLY MORE ELOQUENT THAN THAT LOL
Chapter 1: that was cute! thank you for writing this <3
DaeJaeGyu #4
Chapter 1: I loved it 💙 good job auther nim