Cordially Invited...

Innocent Intentions

The field was decorated so beautifully you could have sworn it was done by professionals rather than a rag tag team of werewolves ordered around by their very particular mates. An archway covered in wildflowers pinpointed the end of the aisle that was flanked on both sides by round tables decorated with pure white table clothes and the most beautiful yet simple centerpieces you’d ever seen. You were so busy admiring the layout that you’d completely blocked out Tao’s voice trying to get your attention.

“Hello? Anyone home?” A blurred hand waved back and forth a few centimeters from your nose, making you jump.

You frowned at Tao. “What?”

That little snap made him pout. “I’m over here trying to compliment how nice you look and you’re completely ignoring me.”

You rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t help the smile burning your cheeks. “Thank you.” Reaching out, you fixed the collar of his white button down. The suit jacket he wore was probably a little too over the top for a wedding with its embroidered sleeves and hem, but you didn’t expect anything less from your wolf. “You look very handsome, too.”

“I always look handsome,” he teased, sending you a wink before kissing your cheek.

The two of you continued to walk through the field, joining the small group that had gathered at the end of the aisle.

“-just think we should be cautious, that’s all,” Jongdae was saying in a rather serious tone that was unusual for him.

“Cautious of what?” Tao asked as you approached.

Baekhyun, who didn’t seem as worried as the others, shrugged with his hands in his pockets. “Chanyeol remembered the premonitions that witch had. You know, the ones saying something was coming for us. I say it was Luhan’s mate and that it’s over now, but they don’t agree.”

You glanced over at Luhan and his mate. They were sitting with Hae In at one of the back tables, away from everyone else. A majority of the pack was still cautious of the ex-hunter, even though it’d been a few weeks since she arrived back with Luhan. You thought she was sweet and shy, but some instincts were hard to overcome, you guessed.

“She didn’t do anything that would cause for real worry,” Kyungsoo reminded the group. “We all came out fine and she made sure that no one else in her old organization could find us again.”

“If she wasn’t the ‘big bad’, then what could it be?” Chanyeol wondered.

“I doubt there is anything coming for us,” Sehun sneered. “The witches just like getting worked up over nothing. Remember the issue with Jiyoung?” The wolves nodded in agreement, but you were confused. Even after the time you’d known about the pack, you were still learning about how the different couples came together. After hearing about some of them, you were thankful that you and Tao had a much simpler story.

“Can we stop bringing that up all the time?” Jongdae whined. Sehun simply smirked before walking away to sit at a table he could have all to himself. Jongdae sent a glare in the youngest wolf’s direction. “I can’t wait until that boy finally joins the club. Then I’m going to get revenge. And then some.”

“That’ll be an interesting day,” Kyungsoo mused.

Baekhyun shook his head. “Sehun with a mate is just a weird concept.”

“Why?” you piped up. Wasn’t that a natural occurrence for all wolves?

“He’s been resistant to the idea for so long,” Kyungsoo explained. “I’m not sure how he’d react to finding his mate. Some tend to be a little more resistant than others.” A very pointed look was sent directly at Tao. You frowned, confused, and turned to glance up at the wolf who refused to return the gesture.

“I think the ceremony is about to start,” he said nervously, pulling you away from the others. “Let’s go find a spot.”


Tao sighed. “I’ll explain later, okay?”

Your curiosity was burning, but the desperation in his eyes made you agree.

The table Tao picked was right near the front with a perfect view of where the bride and groom would be standing to exchange their vows. No one else was seated there, but you figured it was alright given the lack of “reserved” sign. The two of you sat down and Tao went in to distracting you from your earlier inquiry. He was talking about all the fun the boys had at the bachelor party last weekend when he suddenly stopped.

Lanie had told you about the other pack that would be arriving for the wedding and about how unusual they were for having a female wolf in their midst. From what she explained to you, the female wolf was not a common occurrence. When you asked how it was possible for one to be born, she said it was something about the mother also being a descendant of a wolf and therefore the gene was passed on from both parents, giving the girl the ability to shift as well. It was all very science-y and a bit confusing since biology wasn’t your forte.

Right now, however, your confusion wasn’t coming about because of the unusual guest, but due to the melancholy expression on Tao’s face as he stared at her. The two of them made the briefest of eye contact before Tao looked away. The female wolf had tried to offer him a small smile, but then turned her eyes to you. Unsure of what else to do, you gave a small wave. The smile disappeared and she turned her face away. Tao kissed your cheek, either to distract you or reassure you in regards to the exchange. Timing was on his side as the speakers began to play a soft, warm tune. Others began to join you at the table. You’d have to save that question for later as well.

Kris began to walk down the aisle with little Mei in his arms. She looked like a small angel with her ever-growing black hair and pure white dress. You giggled as Mei hid her face in her father’s shoulder, shy from all the people staring at her. Kris met Junmyeon – who’d gotten his license online to conduct the ceremony – under the archway and they both turned to face the white curtains that cut off the view of the house. Mei was wiggling, so he put her down and she clung to his leg.

The music began to change to a love song you’d heard sung around the house before.

I remember meeting you for the first time

I remember the mottled times

You are by my side

I’m finally no longer wandering

Everyone stood as the curtains were pulled back. Evie stepped into view and took your breath away.

She was beautiful, absolutely stunning. Her short veil fell to her elbows and her dress was simple, but fit in perfectly with the outdoor setting. Tears were evident in the groom’s eyes and you nearly started to cry yourself. Kris tried to wipe them away, but it was too late. The big, scary alpha was melting at the sight of his bride.

I remember familiar streets

I remember the beauty gone adrift

There is a place only you and I know

My heart is beating

Your smile

Is quietly giving me support

Tao grasped your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. Throughout the entire ceremony, he didn’t let go. You leaned your head on his shoulder, completely content. Both Kris and Evie choked up when reading their vows allowed and the audience laughed when Mei tried to take the microphone away from Junmyeon.  

From what you’d been told during set up the night before, weddings among wolves and their mates were unheard of since the couples were already committed to each other for life. But this was what Evie wanted and Kris was willing to give her anything.

Sitting through the ceremony, you couldn’t help but imagine you and Tao in their place, declaring in front of your friends and family to be together for the rest of your lives. As out of place as it might be, you decided right there and then that maybe you’d defy that tradition, just like Evie. You didn’t know when it would be, but you wanted a small wedding of your own, to make Tao cry as you walked down the aisle and have that first dance as a married couple. The perfect happy ending to the story of you and Tao.

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199 streak #1
Chapter 15: On to the gonna be sad when I finish....will just have to reread them all again!
11 streak #2
I LOVED THIS!! Tao's mate story was so damn sweet!! And the part where Kris' daughter came along and Tao pouted at Charlotte, LOL

Please continue making such adorable fics!! >.<
Baekdreamer #3
Chapter 15: Such a sweet ending to the story..tao's story was not complicated as the rest but still engaging to me.. Thank you for your hard work in writing these stories.