Under Arrest; Settled

Paying It With Marriage


                Niel, Chunji, and Ljoe stepped out of the car with a box of related files. The laptop was with Niel. He had transferred everything to that laptop and he was ready to show and explain every single detail to the police.

                “Are you ready?” Chunji asked. He leaned on his car as he watched the two of them rummaging through the stuff in the box, making sure nothing important was left at Chunji’s office.

                L.joe nodded. “Yeah, I guess we’re ready.” He carried the box. Thankfully, it wasn’t that heavy for him.

                The three of them walked into the police station, feeling confident as they received curios stares from the officers there. Some of them recognized Chunji but not his other two friends. Probably because the station was having hard times handling the recent case about the murder.

                Soon, they bumped into the person they wanted to face. The Chief Inspector. There was still stain of his breakfast on his tie. Hmm, crumbles from churros and some sparks of coffee stain. Rush brunch, they guessed.

                Chunji held out his hand to greet him. “Chief Inspector, it’s nice to see you again.” Niel and Ljoe just stood like a wall behind him. They wanted Chunji to lead them that second and they would take care of the rest.

                The Chief Inspector took Chunji’s hand and gave it a little shake. “It’s nice to meet you too again, Mr Lee.” The man rubbed his lips with palm to make sure there were no crumbs on them. Niel muffled his laughter when he watched the scene. Ah, could he be really busy to actually grab some bread and eat peacefully? Poor policeman.

                “How’s it going with the case?” Chunji asked, his face looking bored. He just wanted to tease the man in front of him.

                ‘Oh, w-we’re still looking for clues. The detectives are working hard. They have no time to play around.” The inspector said. He looked at Chunji’s companions at the back and kept looking at them. He felt strong aura coming from both Niel and Ljoe. Their gaze was too strong and he shuddered.

                “Of course they’re working hard. But they should have worked their off harder.” Chunji chuckled. Oh it turned out to be really fake and Ljoe just grinned at his best buddy’s acting skill. Ah, he suddenly remembered of those good high school days when Chunji just turned down all the ladies’ call just like how he did with this timid policeman. “Sorry, but all your efforts are now flowing into the drain.”, “Try again because you’re still not there.” Chunji and how he really hated girls from their school.

                The Chief Inspector lowered his head down. It looked like he was trying to build defense but it was destroyed when it wasn’t even there. “Sure, Mr Lee. We’ll do that.” He smiled sheepishly.

                “Really?” Chunji narrowed down his gaze at him. Quit the lies, he thought. He was not in the mood to play Let’s-exchange-awkward-smiles game, so he just went straight to the main topic.

                Chunji motioned Niel and Ljoe to stand beside him and both of them did so. They stood proudly with Chunji’s hand rested on one side of their shoulders. They guessed their friend was going to say it now.

                “Well, I think you guys do not have to be in such troubles anymore as I have these two friends who have helped you guys to solve the mystery.” Chunji nodded. He gave encouraging pat to his friends. He was really amazed by them, indeed. They worked together to take everything’s out of the box in just one night. But more props to Niel, of course. He’s the genius.

                “Uh, I still don’t understand.” The man in front of them puzzled. He fixed his tie repeatedly while staring at Ljoe who looked a little intimidating and cold that afternoon.

                Chunji smirked. “Let me introduce them to you first. This tall boy over here, his name is Niel. Niel, say ‘It’s nice to meet you’, please. We have manners.”

                Niel found his hyung to be very ridiculous. Maybe the new president of Lee Automobile just wanted to have some fun for awhile. Being a good little brother he is, he obliged. “Nice to meet you, inspector.”

                “And here, we have our L.joe. Say, Ljoe. Do I have to repeat?”

                Ljoe rolled his eyes at him and nudged his friend’s ribs playfully. He then bowed a little and flashed that infamous smirk of him. “I’m Ljoe, pleasure meeting you, sir.”

                The Chief Inspector nodded at both of them. “So, what does these two have with them?”

                Chunji rubbed his palms together before doing the talk. “These friends have discovered the main criminal of this case and of course, the ‘Song Hanbyul’ was involved too. They went through my company’s data base and found out a lot of related evidence that proved Hanbyul was the one who murdered Hwang Siwoo and stole the money, obviously.”

                “Yes, and we checked Park’s company data base as well and we got more juicy news for you. It was not that hard to find all these evidence but it took some time for amateurs like me to work it out. Your experts are still the best, though.” Niel smiled cheekily. Chunji just chuckled at Niel’s witty comment.

                The Chief Inspector startled. He thought he already knew something about the thing they were talking about. “Go on. What’s the main core?”

                “The stolen money was found in Park Automobiles’ account and we believed that Park Hyunsim was the mastermind of the murder and the money-laundering.” Chunji nodded.

                The man frowned but then his forehead softened. “Let’s discuss this with our detectives and experts to prove them true.” He coughed. “Mind following me to the main office?”

                The three friends looked at each other to confirm.



                Everyone in the room felt the tension. When Mr Park really blew up, that was when the world would come to an end for them temporarily. People who worked under him rubbing their sweaty palms against the fabric of their pants while waiting for the said man to slam the door of the board room and yelled.

                Unexpectedly, Mr Park came in the room with his assistant calmly and not grumpy as usual. He heaved a sigh before settled himself on the big chair. Taking out his pen, he jotted something on a piece of paper that was already laid out in front of him.

                “Where’s Sena?” Mr Park asked his assistant.

                “She couldn’t make it today. She had to look for the productions in Japan.” The assistant explained.

                Mr Park grumbled something but only he listened to his own words. “When is she going to come back to Korea?”

                “She just boarded off, sir.”

                “I asked you when she’s going to return, right?” Mr Park growled.

                The assistant nodded his head nervously. “Y-yes, she’ll be back in two days, sir.”

                “Alright.” Mr Park stared at his people with that fierce look again. He smirked because he knew they probably thought he was in a quite good mood. Hell, they were entirely wrong.

                Who would be happy when he was going to be kicked inside the prison and just looked at the scenery of bunch of criminals behind the bars? Mr Park took in a deep breath and then lit up his cigarette. Cigarette would do him good. It’s been a long time since he held one, though.

                “I want to know why the hell did you guys couldn’t get into our account? Tell me. What happened, actually?” Mr Park obviously pointed it to the ones who managed the economy of his company.

                “We don’t know, Mr Park. Someone has locked down that account and all the IDs are either deleted or blocked.” The representative of the financial team spoke. His face was pale and he could pass out at anytime God wanted him to.

                “Don’t you kids know how to trace the little prick who did this?!” Mr Park shouted. The windows could turn into broken glass if he yelled any louder.

                “We couldn’t find him, Mr Park. We’re truly sorry.”

                Mr Park smoked in the taste of tobacco and let out a heavy cloud of gray. “All of you are useless.”

                All the people inside the room went really quiet. They were going to get it if any of them began to speak up. It’s like a tradition. More like a cruel leadership. Or teamwork. If they happened to talk back, they would be fired right there and then.

                When Mr Park’s cigarette almost came to an end, his eyes went back to the face his employees. “I want you people to know that Sena is currently holding this company. She’s still under my observation and it means that you still have to obey me.”

                Silence again.

                Suddenly, a flock of armed force barged into the board room with guns aimed to all of the people inside of it. An outstanding-looking man stepped out among all the armed policemen, showing his badge of honor to Mr Park, right in front of his face.

                “Park Hyunsim, you are under arrest for money-laundering and illegal crimes.”

                Mr Park shuffled at those words but he did not raised up his hands just yet. Instead, he just folded his arms under his chest and smiled.

                “Don’t do anything to me. I’ll just follow you.”

                With that, Mr Park walked out of the room together with the inspector who was in charge of taking him away. He was not happy, he was never happy. The only thing he could be happy of at the moment was Janey.

                Janey was his last and only hope.


                Chunji limped all the way back to his apartment. He was really tired after spending most of his times giving details to the detective. Ljoe and Niel were still there to help out and explained some things to them. Hanbyul and Mr Park were already caught and they just had to wait for interrogation or whatsoever the term used. The press didn’t help either. As soon as he walked out of the building, all the reporters approached him. Hmm, juicy news always turned them on.

                Opening the door, he found you sitting on the couch while watching the 8pm news. And the main event of their opening was the case he just went through that evening. You probably didn’t notice him as you were too immersed with the television in front of you.

                Chunji plopped himself on the couch and rested his head on your lap. You almost shrieked at his action and was about to slap him hard but when you noticed his tired-looking face, you sighed. He placed your hand on his cheek, closing his eyes as he began to doze off.

                You just played with his hair and hummed to some sort of familiar tune to lull him to deep sleep. Hmm, but he must hadn’t had his dinner yet, you guess. Slowly, you leaned to his face and gave his temple a kiss.

                “Oppa, dinner?” You softly asked.

                He patted your hand and shook his head. “I just want to have a long sleep. Today was tiring.”

                “But you can’t skip your meal.” You pouted. “Hmm, please wake up and eat dinner with me?”

                Chunji jolted up from your lap. “What?! You haven’t had your dinner?”

                You nodded. “I planned to eat with you if you arrived here before 9.” Looking at the clock, you smiled. “Since you’re here, I’ll go heat up the food, okay.”

                Chunji pulled you back to sit when you rose from the couch. “But I just want to sleep.” He whined and placed back his head to your lap. You chuckled.

                “I’ll feed you if you’re too lazy, then.” You sighed. Babying him again, huh? Well, you couldn’t think of other thing that would make him feel like to eat.

                Chunji looked up to you and pouted. “Come on, sleep with me. Let’s not eat dinner together.”

                “Hey, I’m hungry. If you want to sleep, then just go to sleep. But sleep in your old room because you’re not allowed to sleep with me if you do not want to eat dinner.” You pushed him away, causing him to roll off of you and fell on the floor. He rubbed his head, feeling the pain while you just laughed happily.

                Walking to the kitchen, you felt Chunji tailing you from behind. You turned to see him looking sleepy and dreamy. Stupid Chanhee. Stop being so handsome even though you are so tired, you cursed.

                “I thought you wanted to sleep. Kitchen is not the place to sleep.” You pretended to be mad at him.

                Chunji rubbed his eyes and refrained himself from yawning. “Ahhh~ I’ll go wash up and then I’ll eat. Only if you feed me.”

                Pfft, he still wanted you to feed him. You huffed. “Fine, Lee Chanhee. Now go and do what you have to do.” You messed up his hair, patted his , and pushed him out of the kitchen. He cackled lazily on his way to the bedroom to refresh himself.

                15 minutes later, you were already shoving a spoonful of rice into his mouth. He looked way better than he looked when he just got back from the police station. You wondered how a person could be so attractive with just a white v-neck and boxers. Curse Lee Chanhee.

                “Hmm, I want more eggs with my rice.” Chunji pouted and pointed at the said eggs using his lips. You hummed and placed the egg rolls on top of the rice. After you fed him with that spoon and let him had his time to chew, you scooped some for yourself and sip on the stew.

                “Hmm, oppa.” You muttered and it got his attention. His wide eyes waiting for you. “How are you today?”

                Chunji swallowed the food in his mouth. “I’m good and tired.” He asked you to feed him more as he opened his mouth widely. You giggled and placed the spoon in front of his lips. He happily ate the food and oh, his eyesmiles were really charming.

                “So, the case is settled now?”

                “Mhmm, I don’t have to care about all of this stupid crazy stuff anymore. Mr Park is finally arrested. I couldn’t be any thankful than that.” Chunji nodded. He took a glass of water and drank the content.

                He still looked tired. You felt bad for him. Scooping the last spoon of rice, you placed a lot of dishes on it and then let him eat all of that. He really in need of those so he would be more energetic.

                After the meal, both of you laze on the carpet, rolling around. You pushed the coffee table earlier just because you had the urge to lie on the rug and played around with Chunji a little. He didn’t seem that sleepy anymore and you were really glad that he actually ate his dinner. Lee Chanhee was a baby who was trapped inside an adult’s body. Really.

                Chunji took the remote control and the television to see which channels had interesting tv programs. You looked at the screen for about a few seconds but the screen went black.

                “Screw this! TV is boring!” Chunji rolled and laid on his tummy. He buried his face into the rug with his legs flailing to the air.

                You scooted towards him and knocked his head. “Oppa, you said you wanted to go to sleep.”

                He turned his face to the side and pinched your nose. “Entertain me. Until I feel really sleepy again.”

                “So, you’re not going to sleep?” You asked.

                “I want to sleep here.” He mumbled.

                “Ah, that’s great too! But it’s pretty cold out here. I’ll go to the bedroom and take our pillows and blankets, okay?”

                He stopped you from going. “Entertain me first and then you can go.”

                “What do you want me to do?” You sighed.

                “Do that thing that they do these days. Kwi… I don’t remember what was it but you have to do this pointy fingers to your.. hmm I don’t know how explain it.” Chunji shrugged as he rested his elbow on the rug and place his head on his palm.

                You shook your head. You really knew what he was trying to say and you hated to admit that you didn’t like doing kwiyomi. It was… it was frustrating. Kwiyomi would never work on you. And Chunji would be laughing his off.

                “I don’t want to do it.” You frowned.

                “Aww why?”

                “I just don’t want to.”

                Chunji chuckled. “You’re not feeling confident, eh?”

                “Yah!” You slapped his shoulder. You did not want to admit it that you were not feeling comfortable doing it. “Let’s not do it tonight. I promise I’ll do it some other time, whenever you want me to do it.”

                “Fine, I’ll let you off this time.” Chunji laid on his back and watched you as you walked pass him to get the pillows and blankets.

                Then, both of you cuddled up under the warm cover, waiting for time to hit you and tell you to sleep. Chunji stared at you lovingly as he played with your fingers, slowly grazing it against his cheek. You turned to your side and yes, the mini staring contest started and ugh, how to make your heart to slow down the beat? Chunji’s doe eyes always killed you. You blushed after a moment and blinked, turning your gaze back to the ceiling.

                “Hyojin-ah~” He called.


                He held your hand tightly. “Let’s go out this weekend?”

                You looked at him and blinked. “Huh? Aren’t you going to be busy?”

                “No.” He blinked back. “I’m free this weekend. Let’s go out and have some fun!” He said in cheery-sleepy tone.

                “Sure. But you have to get a lot of rest before that, okay?” You ruffled his hair.

                “Okay! Hmm, my eyes are threatening me now.” Chunji yawned. He tapped your shoulder and you turned to look at him again.

                “Give me a goodnight kiss.” He pointed to his pouty lips. You rolled your eyes but ended up kissing him anyway. He smiled through the kiss and gave you a peck on the nose before you pulled away from him entirely.

                “Sleep well.” He said.

                “You too.”



there you go! :)

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can't do Friday update because I don't have the time. Will be doing double updates on Saturday. Sorry :(


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AisyahFA #1
I always love this story..and re-read again and again..love this story so much ..your story are great
authornim ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I re-read this and I cringed throughout the whole chapters. What went into my head when I wrote this story? Seriously.
derpwoon #3
Chapter 51: I read this a few months back, I re-read it all this morning... this is one of my favorite fics. It's so cute and perfect. ;;
-B2STfreakk #4
Chapter 52: I was just going to start reading that!! Hahah. XD
Chapter 3: Haha! Starting the story! Its sounds fun so far? I cant wait to read it!!
Chapter 35: Damn Niel you smart
Chapter 52: Done and I hope you'll maintain your GPA sweetie ^_^
Fighting and good luck! <3
Chapter 52: I've done the survey, i wish you luck ! Hopeful you could maintain your GPA :)
Chapter 35: Woah~ Niel is kinda smart....
Chapter 30: This is getting exciting !!!