Back Rub

Paying It With Marriage


                 Kevin worked on his paper works. He might look like he was focusing on his job but he was actually not. His mind went wandering about what Hanbyul had said before Kevin left for work.

                “The best thing I can say right now?” Hanbyul sighed. “Just think that something really big will happen soon.

                He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. What did that guy mean by that? Kevin decided to shrug it off and try to pay attention on his launching of a set of fragrances. Working as someone who got to deal with perfumes made him happy sometimes. It was weird how people could extract the essence from flowers or plants and then turned them into chemical stuff, keeping the scent strong.

                After he signed a few of documents, he got a call from his secretary that a lady was looking for him. A lady? That was even weirder. As long as he could remember, the only women in his life were his mother and sister. Both of them were in America and please don’t tell him that they were going to make a surprise visit.

                Kevin shuddered at the thought. The last time they made a surprise was when Kevin was in the middle of handling a dangerous chemical in laboratory. They came in with lab suits and goggles and said ‘Kevin, we’re here!’ and Kevin dropped the chemical to the floor, causing pungent smell to spread across the lab.

                Thankfully, if they’re going to do the same thing, Kevin did not have to spill anything since it’s his room. Kevin told his secretary to let her come in and he didn’t forget to ask her to bring some tea for him and the mystery guest. The call was ended with a simple ‘Thank You’ from Kevin.

                Soon enough, the doorknob was twisted annoyingly slowly. It was like the person wanted Kevin to guess who she is. Hell no, he did not want his brain to get tired from thinking about this lady. The door flung open, revealing a lady looking classy and smart. Her shades made her look stunning, or so Kevin thought.

                “Please take a seat, miss.”Kevin offered, he did not how to address her so he thought using ‘Miss’ would be the best option at the moment.

                The lady took a seat across him, her shades was still covering her eyes (and her face). “Thanks, Mr Woo.”

                Kevin felt the presence of this lady might not give him good feelings. He figured he used to see her somewhere because her body language was kind of memorable to him. “You’re welcome, miss.”

                “Do we… by any chance?” Kevin added.

                “No, we haven’t met before.” The lady smiled. It was really fake but Kevin just played along by giving a fake smile to her as well.

                “Oh, so…….?”

                The lady smirked. She crossed her legs and fixed her shades a little. “Let’s make this short, simple, and sweet.”

                Whoa. Bold enough. Not Kevin’s type but he loved how she just said it without caring about his reaction – which he was amused of her – and her chin was up, showing her charisma.

                “Go on.” Kevin motioned her.

                “You’re keeping Yul with you right now, right?”

                Bingo. Kevin smiled mentally. This lady was definitely none other than Park Sena. Hmm, a surprise visit from a beautiful enemy. What a cute encounter. Kevin just shrugged and smiled teasingly at her, to make her feel a little irritated and would soon leave the office. He didn’t want any discussion with her because he’s only asked to look for Hanbyul and watch him. Not to deal with Sena.

                “I don’t want to be rude but is it horrible of me if I said I want you to get out of this room while walking gracefully with your Jimmy Choo?” Kevin tapped the desk using his fingers.

                Sena grumbled. She did not brave herself to face some sort of twig in front of her who kept showing his cockiness. She just wanted to deliver a message. But damn, this guy was playing around.

                “You’re losing your manners, honey.” Sena casually said.

                “Oh, this is our first time meeting and you already call me honey? I’m impressed.” Kevin clapped his hands.

                Sena cluck her tongue at his gestures. “I can’t breathe the same air with you anymore so without wasting any….”               

                “Just say it already.” Kevin laughed.

                “You!” Sena pointed her finger at the young in front of her. Goodness, why must there such people like him exist in this world? “I’m going to say this once only.”

                Kevin nodded. “Tell me.”

                “Keep Yul with you for a while. Don’t let him escape until I come here again and tell you to do so.”

                Okay. What was this girl trying to say to him? He didn’t get it. He didn’t work under so why did he need to follow her instruction? Ridiculous. Or is this crazy woman on her period and she barged into the wrong office?

                “I don’t understand what you’re saying but I’m not going to follow your order. I’m not Yul who always listens to your dad.” Kevin said.

                “Just listen to me, you rude man.” Sena stood up. “Since I don’t want to look at your face again next time, let’s just say you send Yul to the police when my dad is arrested. Soon, to be exact.” She spoke confidently.

                Kevin blinked and froze for a moment, trying to digest all the words that went through his ears. Ha, so someone caught Mr Park on act? But how could his daughter talk about that matter without having any hint of sadness or regret on her face? Kevin was again, impressed.

                “I don’t know. I still have to talk this out with some particular person.”

                “Lee Chanhee, eh?” Sena guessed. By the look on Kevin’s face, she immediately knew who that particular person is. “Did Yul tell anything about anything?”            

                Kevin tilted his head a bit. “Nope. But he was almost there.”

                Sena took in a deep breath. “Just tell Chunji that he needs to be more careful from now on.”


                You woke up that morning with Chunji hugging you tightly. He was still asleep even though it was almost time for him to go to work. And you, somehow felt lazy. Too lazy to get up. You released yourself from his arms and took this opportunity to observe his sleeping face.

                A giggle slipped through your lips as you watched him scrunching his nose when you poke his forehead and cheeks. He looked so peaceful when he closed his eyes. His eyelashes are pretty long for a man like him. His pink lips make him a little bit babylike. His skin is quite fair too. If he was put on some make-up, he could definitely be a girl.

                You slipped out of the bed to get ready with breakfast. You did not know if you wanted to wake up right now or do that after you had done with the meal. Looking at him who was still in his dream and might not open his eyes at any moment, you decided to pull off the cover from him.

                “Chanhee oppa, wake up.” You shook his shoulder.

                He groaned and pulled back to cover. “5 more minutes.”             

                “You’re going to be late if you don’t wake up now.”       

                “I’m going late today.” He mumbled. “Just give me 5 minutes and I’ll be up, hmm?”

                You jumped onto him and sat on his torso. “No. You should do that now.”

                Chunji sighed in defeat and opened his eyes. He looked at you who were staring down at him and you quickly hopped off and swung his arm.

                “Go take a bath now.” You said. He was still in bed, his face showing that he’s protesting. He kept still and let you got tired from swinging his hand.

                “No.” Chunji whined.

                “No breakfast if you don’t listen to me.”

                “I can fix it on my own.”

                You shook your head. “No, Lee Chanhee. Get up now.” You helped him to stand up but he plopped back to the bed lazily.

                “I don’t want to go to work!” He stuffed his face into the pillow.

                You tried to think of things that could make his eyes opened for real. Ah, really. Chunji might have too much food last night and that was why he became lazy this morning. An idea ran through your head but you didn’t know if you wanted to use it or not.

                “Oppa, I’ll give your back a rub and wash your hair so you better get ready in the bathroom now. I’m going to take some stuff from the kitchen.” You pinched his cheeks and skipped to the kitchen. Hopefully the plan worked.

                Chunji chuckled as he saw you walked out of the room. He was still lazy in the bed but knowing that you would be the one who will babying him in the bathroom, he stood up and tidied the bed a little. Then, he grabbed his towel and waited for you in front of the glass door of the bathroom.

                You walked back to the bedroom with a little bench and a pail. Surprisingly, he was already standing there, against the wall with towel on his shoulder.

                “You are such a kid.” You pinched his arm and pushed him into the bathroom. He rubbed his arm repeatedly while hissing in pain.

                “I am not a kid.” He pouted. You handed him a toothbrush that already has toothpaste on it.

                “Yes, you are. You’re a bad kid. You wake up late, you whine a lot, and you’re lazy.” You scrunched your nose and tied up your hair to a messy bun. Taking your own toothbrush, you nudged him and motioned him to stop staring at you.

                Chunji scoffed. “Yah, I’m not a bad kid. I just… have the tendencies to be very lazy. Like today.” He nodded. He started brushing his teeth and would sometimes look at you on the mirror.

                “Yeah yeah whatever Lee Chanhee.” You mumbled. You spat into the sink and gurgle some water.

                “Ah, come on. Don’t be too harsh on me.” He whined.

                “See, you’re whining.” You rolled your eyes. “Hurry up and wash your face.”

                “Alright, umma.” Chunji’s voice trailed off. He pouted and lowered his head to splash the water to his face. After that, he took off his shirt and left himself with his boxer.

                You prepared warm water into the pail and placed all the toiletries onto the floor of the bathroom. Smiling a bit, you sat on the bench and got ready to babysit this kid named Chanhee. Chunji just looked at you as if he didn’t know what you’re doing.

                “What are you waiting for?” You looked up at him and patted the floor for him to sit. He obliged and slowly settled himself on the cold floor. You realized he was shivering so you thought you had to this quick.

                “Are you ready?” You patted him. He’s too skinny and you could feel his ribs by just touching his back. He really needed to eat more or else he would get sick. All this problems made him skipped his meal. Too many plans for Lee Chanhee. Get him eats more, get him relaxed, get him less stress. Now you really felt like a mother.

                “Please don’t be too hard on me, okay? And please warn me if you’re going to pour cold water on top of my head.” He said. Well, almost like pleaded. You giggled silently because he was so cute like that. Truly like a kid.

                “I am not that cruel. Hmm, let’s wash your hair first, okay?” You turned him around to give him a kiss on the cheek. He just laughed and nodded to himself.

                Carefully, you poured warm water to his head and let it wet his hair. The water flowed down to his upper body but it was fine, he was going to take a bath later anyways.

                “Ah, do it now. It’s getting cold.” He hugged himself and pouted. You moved to sit in front of him and pressed some shampoo with strong vanilla scent to your palm. Vanilla was always your favorite and Chunji had to agree with that.

                You rubbed the shampoo to his head softly and massaged his scalp. Chunji looked a little relaxed because he seemed to enjoy it with his eyes closed. The bubbles formed became a little bit too much and they slowly went to Chunji’s face, causing him to become uncomfortable. The moment he opened his eyes, he screamed because the bubbles caused pain to them. You quickly washed off the shampoo and helped him to get rid of the pain.

                “Sorry..” You cooed him while blowing soft air into his left eye.

                Chunji stared at you and flashed a heart-flattering smile that made you blushed. “It’s fine.”

                “Really, I’m sorry.”

                “If you’re really sorry, give me a kiss.” He puckered up his lips. You squished his face, ignoring his request.

                “I am not that easy, my dear husband.” Laughing, you asked him to turn around so you could wash his back. He mumbled something but you didn’t hear it. He was possibly nagging to himself of how stingy you were.

                “Do it properly now, or I’ll splash water to you.” He threatened.

                “I know what I’m doing.” You stuck out your tongue at him even though he couldn’t see it. “Give me the scrubber.”

                Chunji handed you the scrubber. First of all, you poured the same warm water from the pail to his body and had him spread the soap all over his body. Then, when he was done, you started giving his back a scrub. He yelped at first because you were not doing it gently to him.

                “Be careful with me!” There he goes with his little whine.

                “You should stop with your whining.” You chuckled.

                “And you should stop treating me like this.”

                “Quit talking.” You knocked his head gently and continued scrubbing his back. “Are you serious about getting late to the office?”

                He nodded. “I’m going to my parents’ house first, anyways. To take some of appa’s files and stuff.”

                “Ah… then tell them I send them my regards, okay?” You rested your chin on his shoulder and blinked cutely to him.

                “Sure, Hyojin, sure.” Chunji laughed. “Are you done?”

                You gave him one more rub and then bathe his back. “All done.”

                Chunji turned around and splashed some water on you. Hmm, this guy really knew how to make you mad. But you let it slide. It was not fun if you waste your time yelling at him.

                “Do you want me to rub your back?” Chunji smiled teasingly. He must had something planned inside his head if he was smiling like that. You patted his cheeks and gave his lips a simple peck.

                “In your dreams, honey. In your dreams.” As you were about to stand up, he pulled you back to the floor and tackled you.

                “Ha, now you’re not going anywhere!” He settled you on his lap. You squirmed, trying to get away from him.

                “Yah, oppa. This is not funny.” You stopped wiggling and looked at him. He just looked back at you and shrugged. This is not going anywhere, honestly speaking.

                “Since you’ve helped me to wash my hair and even rub my back, you will receive a kiss from me! So yayy!” He reached for your hands and made you clapped over the little celebration. A celebration to him but not to you.

                “Oppa, this is not the time to pla----“

                His lips were already on yours. This man always took advantage when you paid less attention to your surroundings. The tip of his tongue was already tracing your bottom lip, wanting you to open your mouth for him. You fought back by just kissing him back and straddling him, gaining more access for both of you to deepen the kiss. Well, if he really wanted that, then, you had no choice.

                You grounded on him a bit to and it got him . Well done, Hyojin. You smirked a little and wrapped your arms around his neck, sliding your tongue into his mouth. He was in the state of shock when you did that but he was glad you were bold enough to take the initiative.

                His hand went to travel underneath your shirt, caressing the skin of your back. It then fumbled with the hook of your bra and of course, trying to hook it off. Your eyes widened at his action and you pulled away from the heated kiss almost immediately, panting. He frowned a bit and let his hand left your back.

                “What are you trying to do?” You looked into his eyes.

                “Uh.. giving you a back rub?”

                You pecked his nose. “Unfortunately, you can’t.”

                Chunji saddened. “Why?”

                “I just had my period last night.”



                Chunji greeted the guards who had been in charge of protecting to front gate of his parents’ house since he was a little kid. He was glad to come back again to visit even though he just wanted to take a few things out.

                “Chanhee!” His mother shouted as soon as she saw his beloved and only son walking passed the front door looking like a real president of some company.

                The young man ran a bit and gave his mother a hug. “Ah, how are you, umma?”

                “I’m doing fine. Your father is doing fine even though he kept coughing these days.” Mrs Lee said. “Have you eaten your breakfast, honey?”

                Chunji nodded. “Yes, I have. Hyojin made me my favorite breakfast. But I missed yours.” He leaned on his mother’s shoulder and chuckled.

                “You should brought her again and stay here for a few days.”Mrs Lee patted her son’s cheek.

                “We’ll see, umma.” Chunji smiled.

                He then went to the backyard to look for his father but he only saw a maid watering the plants. Wait, this maid did not look familiar. He had never seen her before. Mrs Lee rarely hired new people to work at their mansion but he guessed this girl was lucky. But something looked rather off, she did not have this good vibe on her. She looked rebellious and a little bit wild compared to other maids in the house.

                “Chanhee, your father is upstairs.” Mrs Lee shouted.

                The girl was startled by the shout and she turned around. Chunji looked at her and she looked at him. They stared at each other for a while and Chunji thought maybe it was just his mind messing with him. He left the backyard and walked back to his mother.

                “Do we have a new maid, umma?” Chunji asked.

                “Ah, yes! She’s Junghee. I took her because she was in need of money so bad. Her mother left her when she was 8. Poor girl.”

                Chunji moved his gaze back to the backyard. “Ah, I see~”


Ahh~ I'm late! :(

Thanks for reading, cupcakes. Gotta get ready for my part-time job :OO

Wish me luck because I'm scared :((

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can't do Friday update because I don't have the time. Will be doing double updates on Saturday. Sorry :(


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AisyahFA #1
I always love this story..and re-read again and this story so much ..your story are great
authornim ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I re-read this and I cringed throughout the whole chapters. What went into my head when I wrote this story? Seriously.
derpwoon #3
Chapter 51: I read this a few months back, I re-read it all this morning... this is one of my favorite fics. It's so cute and perfect. ;;
-B2STfreakk #4
Chapter 52: I was just going to start reading that!! Hahah. XD
Chapter 3: Haha! Starting the story! Its sounds fun so far? I cant wait to read it!!
Chapter 35: Damn Niel you smart
Chapter 52: Done and I hope you'll maintain your GPA sweetie ^_^
Fighting and good luck! <3
Chapter 52: I've done the survey, i wish you luck ! Hopeful you could maintain your GPA :)
Chapter 35: Woah~ Niel is kinda smart....
Chapter 30: This is getting exciting !!!