New Employee

Paying It With Marriage



                Chunji was busy writing something on the files when his assistant suddenly came in, smiling like a retarded guy who just got his monthly salary. He eyed him from head to toe, a bit weird why his assistant was acting that way.

                “Uhm, Daemun, what is wrong with you?” Chunji asked. He had a good relationship with Daemun since Daemun was pretty good at work and sometimes could be a good adviser to the company. Long short story, he’s the best assistant he ever had.

                “Oh, nothing, I think I’ve found the best person to fill in the position as this company’s International Marketing Executive.” Daemun chimed as he kept grinning. Chunji raised an eyebrow at him. There’s no way the man in front of him could find a very professional guy to handle that position in a short amount of time. It’s hard to find a person who really wanted to get employed with such job. It’s hard. It’s really hard.

                “That was… fast.” Chunji clasped his hands together and motioned his assistant to take a sit in front of him. “I’m not doubting you but I thought I fired the last one about.. 2 weeks ago?”

                Daemun chuckled. “You don’t have to worry about this one, Mr Lee. He’s definitely the best out of the best for that position.”

                Chunji still couldn’t believe it but he had to nod at him anyways because as said earlier, he’s the best assistant he ever had. “Are you sure he’s really perfect for it?” Those teeny weeny amount of doubts still suffocating his train of thought.

                “Yes, Mr Lee. You will love him.” Daemun beamed.

                “Alright, then.” Chunji jotted down a few piece of reminders on his sticky note in which he stamped it right below the screen of the monitor. “When he will be here?”

                “Tomorrow, 8 in the morning.”


                “Oppa?” You waved your hand in front of Chunji’s face but he didn’t seem to give any reaction. You poked him a lot too but he still looked like he was zoning out.

                “Oppa!” Chunji snapped out after he heard you yelling loudly into his right ear. He ruffled his hair messily before leaning back on the couch, sighing.

                “Hey, are you okay?” You asked. You offered him a slice of pear to him but he quickly pushed it away with a low groan. You pouted when he did so yet felt curious at why he was behaving like a person with tons of problems clouded inside his head.

                “Oppa?” You poked his cheek but you got a hiss as a reply. You frowned and turned your body around, to show him that you’re mad at him. Chunji noticed it and heaved a sigh. He moved closer to you and rested his chin your shoulder, lightly rubbing it.

                “I’m sorry, I’m just tired.” He sighed. You patted his head lightly and kissed his forehead.

                “Too much work at the company?” You asked. He nodded.

                “You shouldn’t stress out too much because of it.”

                “Okay, but I don’t know it would be this hard.” He said, taking away the pear from your hand and ate it. You just let him did it because you didn’t want to annoy him much, especially when he’s tired.

                “What do you mean, oppa? I know you can do it. Are there too many problems at your office? Because you look.. pale and exhausted.” You cupped his face and gave his cheeks a few light pats afterwards. He laughed, but not as full as usual.

                “I don’t know but there’s this one thing that keeps bothering me since this morning.” He sat up properly.

                “Tell me. I’ll listen even though I might not be much of a helper.” You said.

                “My assistant said he has found a guy who can fit the role of International Marketing Executive. Everyone in the company knows that it is really hard to find someone who is 110% perfect for the position. The role requires a lot of effort and if someone can’t do it properly, it would bring effects to our international purchasing. I’m confused of what should I do, to be honest.” He sighed.

                You didn’t know much about what’s going on at his company so you just told him to give it a go. Who knows his assistant was really right and Chunji would be impressed by his choice?

                “You’re right. I’ll look up on him when he comes to my office tomorrow.” With that, he gave a soft peck on your lips before going to the kitchen to grab some paracetamol for his headache.

                You followed him to the kitchen and waited for him to finish gulping down the water. Slowly, you walked to him and gave him a good hug. He replied it back by hugging you back firmly, swaying both of your bodies together. You knew he needed it.

                “Hyojin.” Chunji called you softly. You pulled away from him, giving him a confused look of yours. He let out a chuckle before pulling you closer by the waist and kissed your forehead.

                “Thanks for being my wife.” He smiled. He was really thankful to have you as his life partner since you were always there for him when he needed someone to comfort him. He wouldn’t know how his life would turn out if he didn’t meet her.

                “You’re welcome.” You giggled. “You should go to sleep now. I don’t want you to wake up feeling tired tomorrow.”

                “I have some to prepare something for my meeting tomorrow. You should go to sleep first. I’ll join you in 10 minutes.” He tried to prevent himself from yawning but he just couldn’t help it. You saw him covering his mouth with his hand but you just kept silent.

                You shook his hands gently. “Fine. But 10 minutes only, okay?”

                “10 minutes.” He assured.


                Chunji was greeted with bows by his employees as he entered the building, looking smart with his executive suit. He bowed back and even wished them a great morning. After glancing at his wrist watch, he rushed to the elevator with his briefcase, knowing that he had to meet the new International Marketing Executive in a few more minutes.

                He almost stepped back as soon as he opened the door of his office. There were two young men standing right in front of his desk. Chunji was familiar with one of them. Oh well, Daemun, his assistant. But he couldn’t remember anyone from higher positions that had the same face as the guy he was looking at that time.

                “Oh, Mr Lee, you’re here!” Daemun chimed when he saw Chunji stood still in front of the door.

                “Yes, I thought I was late or something.” Chunji replied as he walked to his office desk, placing his briefcase on top of it. He eyed the slim guy beside Daemun. The guy was wearing black suit and his hair was neatly dressed. He also had glasses, which gave Chunji a good vibe of him.

                “Mind introducing him to me, Daemun?” Chunji asked.

                Daemun smiled widely and proudly said, “This is the man I was talking about yesterday. Hanbyul, introduce yourself to Mr Lee.” He patted the young man’s back.

                “Good morning, Mr Lee. I’m Song Hanbyul, the new International Marketing Executive.” Hanbyul bowed a little and showed a smile.

                Chunji reached his hand for a handshake and Hanbyul welcomed it warmly. Both Hanbyul and Daemun were asked to get seated by him as he called his secretary to get some coffee for three of them. Soon, a young lady appeared and served them with the coffee just like how Chunji wanted.

                “So, what do you think you can give to this company?” He sounded. Hanbyul smirked a little before coughing to draw attention from him.

                “I believe I can help this company to increase requests from our international buyers.”

                Chunji kept silent. He realized the slim guy was a little too boasting about his plans and being a big boss, Chunji didn’t like it. He didn’t like it when people just knew how to do the talk rather than showing it first to him. Plus, Hanbyul came out of nowhere and Daemun was sure he really could have that job? Letting out an airy breath, Chunji sipped on his coffee.

                “Is that all?” Chunji looked straight into Hanbyul’s eyes and he could feel the tense coming from the latter.

                “I’ll show you more in the future.” Hanbyul nodded.


                “Yes, future, why?”

                Chunji chuckled. “You sound confident.” He found the so-called new worker smirked, as if agreeing with what he was saying. He didn’t like the way Hanbyul trying to show off yet he felt he could be trusted to hold the position.

                “Because I know you can count on me.” Hanbyul sang.

                “Sure. But you don’t know me when I get pretty upset.” It was Chunji’s turn to smirk. He never liked it when people didn’t work hard enough to meet his expectation.

                “I won’t make you upset, Mr Lee.” Hanbyul said. “I won’t.”


                You went home early since your schedule was cancelled at the last minute. Realizing that you have a lot of time to cook lunch, you decided to prepare some food to eat with Chunji at his office. Ever since you knew he had a lot of things to do at the company, you felt like telling him to take a rest for a while.

                After cooking a few dishes and satisfied with it, you placed them neatly into the lunchbox and then got changed to comfortable clothes. You rode on a taxi in order to reach the building. With hands holding a bag of food and herb drinks, you walked pass through the entrance. A few workers bowed to you in which you bowed back and flashed them your beautiful smile.

                 A tall, slim guy bumped into you when you were on your way to the elevator. Thankfully, you still could keep balancing your body or the food might spill all over the floor. You looked up to him to apologize but before you couldn’t even do it, he said sorry first.

                “It’s fine, you are probably rushing for something.” You smiled.

                “Yes, oh and you look familiar.” The guy tapped his chin. “Wait, you’re a model, right?”

                You nodded. “Not a big one, though.”

                “What are you doing here, by the way?” He asked. You held up the bags on your hands a little high.

                “Having lunch with someone here.” You beamed.

                The guy gave you a confused look. He closed his eyes for a while but then snapped his fingers afterwards, making you jumped a little. “Are you Mr Vice-President’s wife?”

                “Ah, yes…” You wanted to scratch your head to hide the fact that you actually liked the title. Oh well, you’re a wife to one of the famous young heirs in Korea.

                “I’m really sorry about earlier. I should have been more careful next time.” He bowed repetitively.

                “Hey, it’s okay.” You chuckled. “And what’s your name, if I may ask you?”

                The guy blinked and smiled. “Hanbyul. Song Hanbyul. And it’s my first day today.” He chimed.

                “Really? Good luck with your stay here, Hanbyul-ssi.” You grinned. You noticed him glancing at his wrist watch and he looked like he had to go somewhere else as soon as possible.

                “Hmm, I think I have to go now. See you around, Mrs Lee.” He bowed before disappeared through the crowd of employees who wanted to go out for lunch.

                When you reached the floor that you’re confident Chunji’s office was around there, you asked a few people there the way to go to his room. They told you the direction and you thanked them for helping you.

                You knocked on the door and peeked through the glasses to see him pressing his fingers against the temple of his. You assumed that he didn’t hear the knock so you just opened the door slowly and closed it back before walking to his office desk.

                “Oppa.” You placed the bags on the floor. He looked up to you and a smile appeared on his face despite feeling really tired. He reassembled the files, placed them into the drawer, and then heaved a sigh. You sighed as well seeing him working hard. He probably skipped lunch if you didn’t come over to pay a visit.

                “Lunch?” He asked, scanning through the items in the bag.

                “Yup.” You answered. Before you couldn’t even reached for the bags, he already moved them to them to the table situated in the middle of the office and arranged the side dishes on top of it. Smiling, you helped him to scoop the rice into the bowl.

                “Hyojin-ah, come here.” He motioned you to come closer. You moved to him and tilted your head, curious off what he wanted to do. To your surprise, he leaned closer and planted a kiss on your lips, lingering around there for a few seconds before pulling away with a wide grin. You lowered your head, hiding your red face from him but he lifted up your chin, giving your lips one more peck.

                “Aish, what is wrong with you?” You scrunched your nose. He chuckled seeing your response and proceeded to eat the food you prepared.

                Both of you chatted about his work most of the time. Chunji told you about the new employee he talked about the night before and how much he anticipated the new guy’s achievement later on. You just nodded fervently to his words, not knowing how to talk further about that topic.

                Chunji wiped his mouth with a napkin after the delicious lunch and left you alone at the sofa to get a document from his table. He brought it with him and sat down next to you, flipping the pieces of papers. He stopped midway and his eyes wandered on someone’s portfolio. You scooted closer to him to see what he was looking at.

                “Oh, is this the new employee, oppa?” You blurted out. Chunji looked at you and nodded.

                “He’s a snob, to be honest. I don’t really like him.” Chunji said, lazily.

                “But he looks good to me.”

                He simultaneously narrowed his eyes at you. “Have you met him?”

                “I bumped into him when I was on my way to the elevator. Don’t worry, he didn’t do anything to me.” You shrugged.

                “That’s good, then.” He hummed. You leaned against his arm to get a better look of Hanbyul’s profile. A list of great universities he attended was there and you felt yourself admiring it.

                “He’s a brain.” You commented.

                “What’s the use of a brain if personality a lot?”

                “Can’t you just please be positive, oppa?” You slapped his chest, earning a soft grunt from him.

                “Alright. If that what my wife wants.” There’s a mock tone in his voice. You smacked his chest once again and pinched his arm. He yelped in pain and apologized for giving you dull response.

                Chunji gave you a great warm hug before you stood up to set back the dirty plates into the bag. You hugged him back just as tight and even nuzzled his shoulder to make him feel less tense and tired.

                “Do you want me send you back to the apartment?” He asked.

                “I’ll take the taxi.” You smiled.

                “Are you sure?”

                “Yes, oppa. I’m not a baby.”

                “Okay, then.” He pouted. “And thanks for the lunch.”

                You smiled. “You’re welcome.”

                “And take a rest for a while when you feel tired, okay? Or call me if you want to.” You continued.


                “Hey, Yul! How’s it going?” A hoarse voice asked from the other line. Yul loosened his tie as he sipped on the coffee, a little annoyed with the man who was calling him.

                “Good.” Yul replied. He’s not in the mood to talk about the stupid plan they’re doing. The old man pushed him hard enough to make him work like a dog.

                “Good?” The man scoffed.

                “What more do you want, Mr Park? Do you expect me to destroy everything in split second?” Yul slammed his palm on the table, startling other customers who were enjoying their lunch in the café.

                “Hey, don’t be rude to me, young man. Why? Is it impossible for you to take care of it today? I’ll give you extra money and even Sena, if you want.” Mr Park simply said.

                Yul felt furious with his mocking. He didn’t understand why the man wanted to make The Lee disappeared. He used to enjoy doing this but after working under The Park, he started to have less interest in doing such illegal things.

                “I can. But I have to take times to explore the building. The security system at the company is very superb, Mr Park. If I’m going to jail, I am so going to mention your name Mr Park, remember that.” Yul stated.

                “But you won’t do that, right?” Mr Park chuckled. Yul took off his glasses and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Why on earth did that old man made him feel like slapping himself? He swore that would be the last time he worked with the old man.

                “I won’t. But don’t give high hope. I can’t guarantee 100% on this.”

                “Alright, Song Hanbyul. Take your time and do what you want.”

                Without further replies, Yul hung up the call and looked outside the window of the café, organizing the steps of his plan inside his head. 


do you guys remember Yul?

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can't do Friday update because I don't have the time. Will be doing double updates on Saturday. Sorry :(


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AisyahFA #1
I always love this story..and re-read again and this story so much ..your story are great
authornim ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I re-read this and I cringed throughout the whole chapters. What went into my head when I wrote this story? Seriously.
derpwoon #3
Chapter 51: I read this a few months back, I re-read it all this morning... this is one of my favorite fics. It's so cute and perfect. ;;
-B2STfreakk #4
Chapter 52: I was just going to start reading that!! Hahah. XD
Chapter 3: Haha! Starting the story! Its sounds fun so far? I cant wait to read it!!
Chapter 35: Damn Niel you smart
Chapter 52: Done and I hope you'll maintain your GPA sweetie ^_^
Fighting and good luck! <3
Chapter 52: I've done the survey, i wish you luck ! Hopeful you could maintain your GPA :)
Chapter 35: Woah~ Niel is kinda smart....
Chapter 30: This is getting exciting !!!