Where Are Wendy's Clothes?

little bits

Wendy steps out of the shower, wet hair dripping down pale bare shoulders. She clutches the towel closer. It's a little colder today.

Scurrying to her closet, Wendy resolves to wearing her warmest set of clothes. She removes the towel to wrap it around her hair before opening closet doors.

Only to be met with bare shelves.

"Park Sooyoung!"

Wendy rips the towel from her hair and wraps it around her body once more. She stomps out of her room and knocks at her younger roommate's— and soon-to-be ex best friend's— door, annoyed.

Sooyoung opens the door with bleary eyes, yet doesn't fail to match the annoyance in Wendy's stare.

"What," she grunts.

"Where did you put my clothes?"


Wendy rolls her eyes. Sooyoung has this thing about Wendy having "unfashionable" options of wearables so she sometimes "cleans up" her best friend's closet.

"My clothes, Sooyoung."

"I don't know. Did you not wash them?"

Maybe there is a lump of laundry waiting to be cleaned overflowing the hamper in her room but that's besides the point. Wendy clearly remembers having more clothes than that.

"Where are my clothes," Wendy presses on.

Sooyoung sighs, pulls Wendy inside her room ignoring the older girl's yelp and throws a bunch of clothes she grabs from her own closet. Sooyoung doesn't even spare the disgruntled girl a glance before collapsing back in bed.

"These aren't mine."

"Just wear those and shut up. It's still o'clock in the morning. Let me sleep."

Wendy sighs. She picks something more her style and goes back to her own room to get dressed.

That afternoon, one of their friends come over with the usual bounce on her steps and the smile in her eyes.


Kang Seulgi bounds inside Wendy and Sooyoung's shared apartment unrestrained and heads straight to the kitchen.

"Mm, it smells good in here."

Wendy slaps off the hand sneaking for a grab at her freshly baked cookies. Seulgi rubs at the offended area and gives her friend a pout.

"It will burn your tongue, stupid. I just got those from the oven."

She takes something from the fridge and gives those to her sulking friend instead.

"These are yesterday's cupcakes. They should still taste good. Have some."

As if nothing happened, Seulgi gives her a happy smile and digs in. Wendy notices her friend carrying a paperbag on her non-cupcake hand.

"Whatcha got there, Sseul?"

"Hmm? Oh, this."

Seulgi s the bag towards Wendy and takes another bite of her sweets.

"Clothes I borrowed before. I couldn't get the paint out on the sleeves though."

Wendy opens the bag and finds one of the shirts she hasn't seen in months inside. With paint splatter.

"Thank you for returning these, I guess."

"You're welcome!"

Wendy takes a look at her friend and frowns. She points at the shirt Seulgi is wearing, crumbs already all over it.

"Isn't that my shirt, too?"

"Oh, yeah. We had to wear something yellow for that christmas party so I borrowed yours."

"That was two weekends ago."

"I know. It was so fun!"

Wendy takes a deep breath and lets it go. At least now she knows some of her clothes are with her friend. She knows Seulgi will return them. If she remembers, that is.

The doorbell rings while they talk and Seulgi lights up when she sees who the newcomers are from the monitor.

"Hyun unnie!"

Joohyun walks inside with her usual jeans and hoodie combo looking as ethereal as the first day Wendy met her.

"Hey," she greets.

Wendy meets her halfway to take some of the takeout in her hand and greets her with a kiss. Joohyun gives her that smile that never fails to melt her insides and Wendy finds herself unable to move.

Seulgi takes the food away from the couple before they start doing things she would rather not see and retreats to the kitchen.

Sooyoung comes out of her room a little later in full makeup and casual clothes to announce she has somewhere to be.

"You sure you don't want to eat with us?"

"I promised Yerim we'd watch a movie today. Gotta go, unnies!"

Sooyoung rushes to the door with rushed yet graceful steps and leaves Wendy and Joohyun standing closely together in the living room.

"Hey," Joohyun softly calls again.

Wendy feels the breath of a whisper before she hears it. Her eyes traces the face of the person she has fallen in love with. Of the person she keeps falling for.

Joohyun closes the very small distance between them and gives her a kiss. A quiet remembrance of physical reconnection.

Joohyun smiles into Wendy's responsive lips and pulls her closer by the waist. Wendy's arms lightly traces Joohyun's figure, from her hips to her waist up until they find purchase around her shoulders.

"I missed you."

Wendy can't stop ther happiness from showing on her face as she gives Joohyun one last peck.

"I missed you too."

"I missed you both so can you please come to the kitchen so we can eat, please?" Seulgi calls from the kitchen.

Wendy and Joohyun laughs at their hungry friend. Their hands naturally gravitate towards each other as they make their way to the kitchen.

There's a variety of foods, including Wendy's baked goods, neatly set on the table by an impatient Seulgi, already sitting down with her chopsticks at the ready.

"I'm surprised you didn't just dig in without us."

"Of course not," Seulgi scoffs. "I've got manners, you know."

Joohyun doesn't comment on the sauce on Seulgi's chin. If Wendy noticed, she doesn't say anything either.

The three girls talk as they eat. With different job, they don't always see each other so they organize weekends to catch up with each others' lives.

Wendy is in the middle of telling them a story about her neighbor's cat when Seulgi interrupts, gaining the attention of the couple.

"Unnie, you didn't go to RHHS."

Joohyun and Wendy look at Seulgi in matching furrowed brows. The girl points at the hoodie Joohyun is wearing.

"Unnie's wearing an RHHS hoodie but she didn't go there."

Wendy takes a look at Joohyun properly. She gently brushes aways Joohyun's hair at the back before lifting the hood and confirms that yes, her name is on the back.

"Huh," Wendy only chuckles.

A light shade of red dusts along Joohyun's cheeks. She spins out of Wendy's hold and subtly glares at Seulgi. The girl gives her an apologetic smile.

"In my defense," Joohyun says as she forces herself to look at Wendy, "we haven't seen each other for days and I—"

Turns out Joohyun's too embarassed to continue so she buries her face on Wendy's shoulder and hugs her close.

Wendy chuckles and runs her fingers along her girlfriend's hair, lightly scratching at her nape.

"It's okay, Hyun. You can have my hoodie. It looks better on you anyway."

Joohyun hugs her tighter in response before finally letting go. Seulgi fakes a gag before ignoring the two in favor of the delicious goods on the table.

"You sure I can have this?"

"Of course! You can have as many of my clothes as you want. I like seeing you in them."

Joohyun's eyes light up and she gives Wendy a look. A very dangerous look that has Wendy swallowing hard and reaching for the closest glass of water. Seulgi groans out loud in complaint.

"You guys are so gross. Can't you please do this when I'm not here? I would like to have my appetite back, please."

The couple laugh at their friend but tones it down. They continue to chatter about other topics and Seulgi releases a sigh of relief. It's hard being third wheel, you know.

On the other side of town, a disgruntled Yerim impatiently taps her foot on the ground with her arms crossed along her chest.

"Sorry I'm late!"

Sooyoung strides with her usual confidence towards her obviously fuming friend. Yerim was not having it.

"Late?! Yah, Park Sooyoung. It's been an hour. Is your that heavy that you couldn't even get here on time you stu—"

Sooyoung rolls her eyes, pulls out a couple of VIP tickets and taps them on Yerim's mouth to shut her up. It took her a few connections and several favors to get those. Not a big deal.

"Am I forgiven," she asks boredly.

Yerim takes the tickets. She pretends to check them out, struggles to maintain the annoyance on her face.


"Stop asking questions you know the answer to."

Yerim turns on her heel and starts walking towards the movies. Sooyoung smirks and follows the younger girl.

They choose the best seats, of course. Nothing less for this duo. They begin chowing down on the unlimited popcorn and drinks even before the movie begins.

"Your getting crumbs all over your sweater," Sooyoung whispers. "Such a child."

"Don't care. It's not mine anyway."

Sooyoung raises an eyebrow. There's enough light in the darkness of the movie theater for Yerim to see the question on Sooyoung's face.

"I stole it from Joohyun unnie's closet. It has Wendy's name on the sleeve."

"That's gross."

Yerim snorts. "You should see her closet. She has most of Wendy unnie's clothes there, too. Wears them when she's being lonely and gross."

Sooyoung makes a face. "That's cute but since they're our unnies, kinda disgusting."


The movie begins and the two girls respectfully stops talking to pay full attention.

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rereading my own works to see if there's anything i can write a sequel to haha


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