Seungwan's Lap

little bits
this is only okay because here, seungwan and joohyun are comfortable around each other enough to know their boundaries. consent is always y so everyone practice it okay? hehe


It's a known fact among their friends that Seungwan's lap is Joohyun's favourite seat. From train rides to dorm hangouts, Joohyun will always find herself a reason to park on her girfriend's lap.

"It's comfortable," Joohyun defends when Sooyoung questions her about it one day.

"I'll believe it when I try it."

Sooyoung sports a poorly hidden smirk as she teasingly strides towards an innocently sitting Wendy. Irene pummels her with a couch cushion before she could even attempt to straddle the girl, though.

Seulgi waves the controller back and forth in a weak attempt to make the two stop. Yerim, sweet youngest baby that she is, yells at them to stop blocking the screen because she's about to throw her Seulgi-unnie off of Rainbow Road.

Of course, the laughing Sooyoung is barely intimidated. Joohyun even less so. Seungwan just raises an eyebrow at the chaotic duo before pulling Joohyun close.

To no one's surprise, Joohyun melts into Seungwan's touch and pliantly molds her body on her girlfriend's lap, face burrying into her girlfriend's neck with a whine.

Yerim fake vomits over Seulgi's awww, eliciting another round of laughter from Sooyoung.

"Eugh, you guys are so gross," the youngest says in a mocking tone.

"Look away then," Irene quips.

"I'm not even looking."

"Then shut up."

Yerim's response get's cut off by a whooping Seulgi who doesn't hesitate to do a victory dance teasingly in front of the maknae.

"Eat dust, Kim Yerim!"

"You guys made me lose!" Yerim screams pointing at the couple.

"I'm next! Give up the controls, loser." Sooyoung snatches the controller from a sulking Yerim and moves to a better seat close to the screen.

Seulgi raises the one she's holding. "Am I playing against you or is someone else supposed to go?"

"Joohyun unnie," Sooyoung shrugs. "If she can detach herself from Seungwan-unnie, that is."

Seungwan tries to protest by principle but it sooner dies down in when Joohyun shifts on her lap and cuddles closer into her.

"No thanks, I'm good here."

Sooyoung makes a face.

"Okay, Yerim's right. You guys are gross."

"Told you! I lost because they're being gross."

Seulgi sticks out her tongue at the youngest, laughing loudly when Yerim attempts to kick at her.

"Like I said, Seungwan's lap is comfortable. That's not my fault at all."

"Am I ever going to get a say in this?" Seungwan attempts to in.

"Not unless you hate it when I sit here." Joohyun detaches her face from her girlfriend's neck and sits up to look her in the eyes. "Do you?"

Seungwan shakes her head no.

"Bottom behavior," Yerin remarks in a poorly done fake cough.

Sooyoung talks over Seungwan's weak protest and Yerim and Seulgi's snickers.

"Bottom that she is, I bet Joohyun unnie wouldn't even last a day without sitting on Seungwan unnie's lap."

"Yah." Joohyun'a warning glare is promptly ignored in favor of excitable bet placements.

"I call a week!"

"On second thought, I'll go for a week and two days."

"A month!"

Everyone looks at Seulgi — Yerim and Sooyoung with affront while curiousity stems from Seungwan and Joohyun's gaze.

"What? I believe in Joohyun unnie," she shrugs.

A claim to which Sooyoung scoffs at. "Please. She'd probably die."

"This is boring. I wanna see a ."

Kim Yerim's face meets a pillow, courtesy of a blushing Seungwan.

"Yah! You're too young to be saying those things!"

"I'm legal age!"

"A does sound good, though."

Seungwan flashes a look of utter betrayal towards Seulgi, her soulmate and confidant who only gives her an innocent smile in return.

"I think it will be interesting," Seulgi says and shrugs.

Sooyoung turns to look at Joohyun who seems to be nonchalantly observing the chaos around her, unperturbed. This won't do.

"So which is it, unnie. or no lap seat for a month?"

Joohyun raises an unimpressed brow. "Neither. I'm not gonna play your stupid game."

"Aww, is Bae Joohyun too weak? Are you too scared to lose? How embarassing for you, unnie. Truly embarassing," Sooyoung  says tauntingly.

Yerim catches on quick. "I can't believe I used to see you as a role model for always winning," Yerim says in a barely convincing sob.

But Joohyun remains firm.

"Shut up, both of you. I'm not an idiot, the answer's no."

"I don't get a say in this?"

Seungwan's question is met with a chorus of three No's, with Seulgi too busy reaching for and munching on a pringle to participate any more than she already has.

"Come on unnie. Can you really resist a challenge? Do you even deserve to be called the Queen of Games?"

"Yah, watch your lane, Park Sooyoung."

Sooyoung meets Joohyun's glare head on. She knows Joohyun absolutely hates it when her skills get questioned so much so that she can't help getting riled up. This win is almost too easy.

"Why, unnie? Am I wrong?"

The air around them crackles as the three onlookers stare silently mesmerized, knowing better than to attract the two girl's attenrion. Sooyoung refuses to back down. Joohyun subtly bites on her bottom lip before finally opening .

"What's in it for me?"

Bingo. Sooyoung bites back a smirk, successfully this time. Serious face.

"No crashing on your next date after the challenge ends."

Hook, line, and sinker.

The three has always loved leeching off their date meals and Seungwan, bless her pure heart, is too nice to say no. Or at least to not send them off without a pack of food.

Joohyun runs her tongue over her lip and crosses her arms on her chest.

" is too easy. I pick one month of no Seungwan-lap."

"Seungwan-lap–" snickers Yerim. "That's so lame."

Joohyun threatens to fake throw another pillow at the maknae.

"Deal," says Sooyoung.

"Ground rules?"

"Just that. No sitting on Seungwan unnie's lap for a month. Easy peasy."

"Can I still have her lap as a pillow?"

"Oh, that. I guess that's a no." Sooyoung looks around and settles her gaze at Yerim.

"Let's just make it easy. Joohyun unnie's not allowed to sit on or do anything that involves Seungwan unnie's lap," the youngest contributes.

"Seulgi unnie?"

"What do we get if Joohyun-unnie loses?"

"Free date food, duh."

"But we always get that, tho—"

"—Good enough for me," cuts in Sooyoung. Any more demands and Joohyun might back out. The older girl seems to contemplate on this before nodding her approval.

"Fine, but it starts tomorrow."

Joohyun gets off of Seungwan's lap and pulls her girlfriend up to stand.

"Where are you guys going?"

"To make the most of tonight."

"That's not even what the game's about!"

Joohyun stops at her room door and smirks back at Sooyoung.

"Lock the doors when you leave," she says before pulling Seungwan into her room.

Wide eyed, the three scrambles to pick up their stuff and immediately books it out of Joohyun's apartment. 

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rereading my own works to see if there's anything i can write a sequel to haha


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