(! R15) History

little bits

Wendy sits on the floor, back leaning on the sofa where Irene sleeps. Nothing but the quiet hum of the humidifier permeates through the silence of the room.

It's late. Late enough for the rest of the student population to be asleep in a school night like this.

But late never really did matter to Vampires like Wendy. The night has always been her friend.

Her laptop provides the only source of illumination in the room, mocking her with words she cannot think to add anymore to.

Wendy groans, turning to bury her face into soft cushions right by Irene's warm body. The sleeping girl stirs, body twitching awake as her droopy eyes start to adjust to the dim lighting.

"Sorry," Wendy whispers.

Irene yawns, dainty fingers covering . It's one of those things about her that has Wendy easily mesmerized. It's not anything special, really. Just a mundanely polite thing to do and yet somehow, Wendy can't seem to look away every time.

"Did you finish your essay?"

Wendy's mouth tugs to a frown. She sighs, heavy, turns back to face the forboding light of the device containing her hard work for the past several hours.

"History ," she says.

Fingers card through Wendy's hair loosely, playing familiarly with silky strands as she goes. Wendy's shoulders drop, mouth unclenching as she leans further into Irene's warm touch.

"Why are you even studying history? You literally lived through all these," Irene says, her voice quiet but genuine.

"Bold of you to assume I was anywhere near the battlefields during the world wars. I have a healthy sense of self preservation, thank you very much."

She reluctantly disentangles herself from Irene's soothing caresses, capturing that wandering hand to press a kiss on before adding, "And the brothels of old Paris was a divine distraction." Wendy even winks in point.

Irene pulls out her hand and pushes the laughing vampire on the shoulder.

"You're so disgusting."

Wendy simply moves up the sofa to smoothly drape her body over a still pouting Irene, taking the opportunity to capture her sulking lips in a sweet kiss.

"I love you too."

One kiss turns to two and two turns to more, fervent hands wandering over familiar places as they start to lose themselves in the moment.

Irene shivers at the mere contact of Wendy's hands underneath her shirt and the Vampire's chuckles forces their lips to part.

"I can't believe after all these years, I'm still not used to how cold your skin feels against mine," Irene giggles along.

Wendy gives her one last peck before getting up, a smile on her face at her girlfriend's protest.

"I still have an essay to write," she reminds the girl.

"You ," came an eloquent reply.

"Maybe later," Wendy winks. "I still have a deadline to catch."

Irene weakly kicks at the Vampire, not too bothered about not hitting her target. It's the principle of the thing.

Wendy settles back on the floor and Irene rearranges herself to lie on her side. The side with a much better view than their expensive couch cushions.

Soon enough, the rhythmic tapping on plastic keys fills the quiet of the room again. The laptop washes a pale glow of white where it reaches Wendy's skin. Irene greedily traces the sight with her eyes, memorizing planes she's already engraved in her mind.

Wendy's forehead starts to crinkle again, brows furrowed as she transfers thoughts into words on electronic paper. It's cute, Irene thinks, but it's also a little concerning.

"You know," Irene drawls, "I could mix something up so your professor would conveniently not show up for class later."

Wendy's fingers pause on the keyboards as she laughs. "And how, pray tell, are you going to make him consume your potion?"

"I don't know," Irene shrugs. "But I'll think of something."

There's no doubt about that, of course. Irene has always been crafty. It's an occupational hazard, she would say in defense. Wendy just finds that part of her all the more adorable.

"You're sweet but I would rather you not mess with the innocent humans."

Irene hums, turns to lie on her back. Wendy returns to her essay.

"I will finish this soon," she tells Irene.

A very focused Wendy is a very hot Wendy and Irene refuses to look, knowing she won't be allowed to touch her girlfriend while she's in the zone.

She tries to close her eyes but she's too energized from earlier activities to actually fall asleep. Irene sighs.

"I'm bored."


Wendy's fingers don't stop their assault on the keys, making sentence after sentence as she works her way through the kinks of her writing.

Irene huffs, not amused at being ignored.

"Entertain me."


Irene's eyebrow twitches at the obvious nonreaction.

"Wendy's a loser."


"You such a nerd."


Her girlfriend's eyes still refuse to leave the screen, scrolling and reading through constructed ideas and making a few changes. Clicking and saving and more clicking.

Irene finally turns and looks at Wendy's hunched over frame.

"I wanna eat you out while you write your essay."

Wendy's back straightens, making Irene smile at finally getting her attention. Her girlfriend only looks at her with an unamused expression.

"That has never resulted to anything productive before."

Irene shrugs, gets up.

"Yeah but it's always hot."

Wendy rolls her eyes as Irene saunters closer and promptly claims her lap as a seat. Her hands naturally slides to hold Irene's hips.

"Can't I?" Irene bats her eyes coquettishly, arms coming up to sensually drape over Wendy's shoulders.

"We could," Wendy says, lips tugging at the way Irene's eyes light up, "but I've already finished. There's no more to write."

Irene groans, buries her face on Wendy's neck. Wendy, for her part, pulls her closer and cradles her in an embrace.

"I cannot believe I've fallen for such a needy little witch."

Irene slowly sits up, eyes narrowed on the innocently smiling Wendy. The vampire pulls the act off so well that it kinda pisses her off.

"You're not so tall yourself," Irene chastises. "And if you start singing Witchcraft again, I'm going to kill you."

Wendy laughs, the melodious bellow permeating the corners of their apartment.

"Oh, would you now?"

Irene nods, a facade of seriousness that fools no one.

"But if you carry me to the bedroom," she says, her voice intentionally low as she leans in, "maybe I'd forgive you."

Wendy raises an eyebrow, meeting Irene's smouldering gaze with her own.

"Forgive me for what, exactly?"

"For ignoring me." Irene cups her face with a firm hand, sliding down sensually to grip at a pale neck. "And for even thinking about singing that stupid song." Her fingers tighten, a small pressure on the sides of Wendy's neck.

Wendy's darkened eyes sparkle, body immediately responding to Irene's touches. She can hear the thrumming of Irene's blood, heart pumping as desire courses to her veins. Wendy doesn't have the need for breathing but she still finds her breath getting caught at the sensations Irene can evoke from her undead body.

"We still have," Irene peers at the laptop behind her, "about five more hours until you have to get ready for school."

She's lived more than a century as a vampire and yet she feels warmth in the little things Irene does for her. Little things that shouldn't amount to anything considering the events she has had the pleasure of experiencing in her old years.

Irene cups her face, taking her from her thoughts and into the present. The witch brings her closer, close enough that their lips are nearly touching.

"You think you can handle that?" she smirks, teases.

She watches Wendy's self control slowly breaking, her own body buzzing in excitement at what she knows is about to unfold.

It felt like a blink when Irene's back collides with velvety sheets, a smirking Wendy on top of her, issuing the challenge back twofold.

"You think you can handle me?"

A challenge, an acceptance. It's a silent question met with steely eyes, defiant and sure. Irene kisses her with an unwavering reassurance of forever.

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rereading my own works to see if there's anything i can write a sequel to haha


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