One Last Dance (us the duo)

little bits

Seungwan stares at the warm hand guiding her forward to where the dancefloor awaits. She wasn't particularly partial to dancing but when it's Bae Joohyun asking for her time with those sparkling eyes and that playful little smile, well, Seungwan would be an idiot to say no.

Strange, Seungwan thinks, how the light seem to glow about Joohyun as if an ethereal being has descended and Seungwan is but an unworthy mortal.

Strange how Seungwan somehow dances to the beat when she can barely hear the music beyond shared laughters.

Strange how her heart screams and whispers and beats one name and oh.


There should be poetry there somewhere, beautiful words to describe such a perfect moment with such a wonderful person on a perfect winter's night.

But Wendy doesn't know much about poetry so she settles for holding Joohyun a little closer, hands clasped a little tighter, and Joohyun just knows and they both fit.

The night is long and Seungwan is certain there's no one else she would rather spend it with than this woman in her arms.

Seungwan isn't one for relationships but she ends up dating Joohyun anyway.

Joohyun who liked dancing under streetlights and twirling under the rain and feeling the grass on her feet as she pulls Seungwan to sway along to the rustling of the trees.

Seungwan stares at the way their hands intertwine and feels the now familiar warmth crawl straight to her chest.

Relationships is like dancing, Joohyun tells her. Seungwan doesn't really understand. There's still a lot about Joohyun she doesn't really understand.

What she does know is that relationships are tricky and Seungwan isn't naive but there's no one else she'd rather share this dance with than Joohyun.



The white dress flows past Joohyun's heeled feet. She sways to the sweet music played by the live band, fully aware of Seungwan's mesmerized eyes trained towards her.

"It's our song," she says.

Seungwan smiles up at her bride. Her wonderful bride who has only gotten so much more beautiful as the years they spend together pass.

It still feels so surreal how only hours ago Joohyun had walked down the aisle and Seungwan smiled through the tears her happy heart couldn't contain.

It's feels so surreal how she's with the person she loves the most. It's so surreal how she's with the person who loves her the most.

Her heart feels full but her body feels light.

Seungwan pulls Joohyun closer and gives her a happy little kiss, making sure their lipsticks stay intact.

"I love you."



The memories of I do's echo in Seungwan's ears as she sits beside her sleeping wife on the bed.

It takes talent, Seungwan thinks, for one to make a hospital gown look good, especially worn by one ripened by age.

They have been together for many seasons, time long enough to watch their children grow to be parents and their grandkids to learn to ride bikes.

Lines have marked Joohyun's face and yet it only manages to make her look even more enchanting, no less so than the first day Seungwan has ever seen her.

Joohyun is a beautiful reality that Seungwan can still barely believe is hers to love.

Seungwan greets her wife with a smile when she openes her eyes. Joohyun returns it sleepily as she reaches a shaky hand out, a silent demand to be held.

Her hand still has that familiar warmth that Seungwan has held close to her heart through the years.

"Is there any music?" Joohyun asks softly.

Seungwan laughs and kisses her wife's hand fondly.

"You haven't changed at all."

There isn't any music to play but that has never stopped them before.

Seungwan opens and sings so Joohyun can pretend they're both dancing on their feet, dedicating their breaths to wistful memories of what once was.



Seungwan remembers the warmth of Joohyun's hand, even when it was turning cold as it held on to hers.

She remembers that small smile, a silent goodbye, as her last breath envelops the room.

She remembers days and nights of twirling and swaying and laughing and tries her hardest for them not to fade.

The seconds tick and Seungwan feels the warmth slowly leaving her body. It's a little scary. For a second, she wonders if this was how Joohyun felt too.

Briefly she longs for the soft laundry smell she had grown used to to surround herself with instead of the strong disinfectant that ensconced the plain walls of the room.

A memory plays, fuzzy and hazy but it's warm and familiar and it makes Seungwan smile.

She will be okay.

Seungwan closes her eyes and tells Joohyun she's on her way.

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rereading my own works to see if there's anything i can write a sequel to haha


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