Can It Be?

You were putting your converse on when you looked out the window.

"STOP!" The chauffeur suddenly stepped on the breaks making you and Minwoo hit your heads on the seats.

"What is it?!" Minwoo said turning to face you.

"I'll be getting out here. Thanks Jerry. Bye Minwoo." You said while getting out of the car.

*Jerry is the chauffer's name, remember, you live in the states okay?*

"Aww, gonna walk to school with your boyfriend?" You raised an eyebrow then rolled your eyes, and then wacked the back of his head.

"Pabo! You know I always stop here to go to school with CL unnie and Woohyun oppa!! And I don't even have a boyfriend and I'm not planning to! Aish! Can you ever go a day withOUT annoying me?!" Minwoo just laugh at how you got mad. He loved teasing you, especially at home. He likes how you looked when you got annoyed by him, It makes him laugh more to see you explode.

" Owww.. hahaha. I know, I know. And it's called teasing and no. No I can't go a day without teasing my big sis!." Minwoo said grinning. You sigh, and just ran to where CL unnie and Woohyun oppa was.

"______!" Woohyun yelled and ran towards you, giving you a big bear hug.

"H-e-e-y op-p-a,........ c-c-a-n-t-t b-r-r-e-a-"

"Oh sorry ______! It's just I haven't seen you for sooo long. " Woohyun said giving you one of his cute smile.

"It's okay oppa. And you just saw me like two days ago!"

"I kno-"

"______! Come on lets go! We're going to be late if you keep on-"

"Lets go!!" You said cutting CL's sentence while running to school and of course, CL did the same.

"YAH! WAIT FOR ME!" Woohyun yelled while trying to catch up with you two.


You guys reached your guys class just in time and sat down at your usual spot before the bell rung. You and CL had the same class and was in your junior year. While Woohyun was in his senior year.

"Happy Monday morning class!" The teacher said

"Hatfeogujag" The class said at different times making it hard to understand. You sigh, feeling tired and bored already.

You and CL both had math first thing in the morning which you hated. You hated math with a passion while CL on the other hand loved it. Then next hour came, band. You loved band, absolutely adored it! Woohyun was in band to and he loved it as much as you did. Actually, this is how you guys met. Well not exactly, you've two known each other since elementary, but you guys never talk, like NEVER talked. You guys didn't even know each other existed. Not until band camp. He played the trumpet while you played the saxophone. Both of you talked and became instant friends that day. Then, when you wanted to learn how to play the trumpet and he wanted to learn how to play the saxophone, you both taught each other, and after that you guys became close. You found out that you guys had a lot of things in common, like he loved singing and so did you. And you both loved ice cream. Yep, music bought you guys together.

Then there was CL, you meet CL when you were in third grade. She looked mean to the other kids but to you, she looked nice. She didn't talk much, only when the teacher asked her to. Everyone was mean to her because they thought she was poor, but you didn't care what people say and was nice to her, but she still didn't talk to you. While everyone else treated her like trash, you treated her as a friend. Eventually she started to talk to you, only a little. Then one day you were playing with your so-called-friends around the playground, they began to beat you for talking to CL. CL was sitting on the bench by herself when she saw the others kids hurting you. She was furious! It was alright with people hurting her (not really), but you, her only 'friend', that was it! CL ran towards you. She wasn't the only one that was furious, you were to.

*Who dares tell me who to hang out with!* 

"YAHH!! How dare you guys tell me who to hang out with or not! You people have NO right to! Blahblahblah......" And you kept going on and on telling them off how nice CL was and kept on yelling at them. Everyone just stood there, scared, speechless, and shocked. No one would have ever though you, No ______, would say or do anything, and just listen to them like everyone else. CL stood there, smiling. She felt happy that someone stood up for her. After that day, you guys became closer and closer and you both found out that both of you guys were rich. Same goes for Woohyun, he was rich too. No one knew that the three of you was rich because of the way you guys dressed and acted. And you guys liked it that way. No one knew that you were Minwoo's sister, you didn't want people to know. You hated being in the spot light and Minwoo knew it. So he kept it a secret until he met Boyfriend, his best friends. At first you were mad but then you just forgave him because he begged you with Boyfriend soo many times and you just gave in.


*After school*

"______! Over here!!" You turn around to find Woohyun and CL screaming your name and waving you to come over. You then walked towards them, only to find Infinite oppas sitting at on the grass, behind them.

"INFINITE OPPAS!!!" You scream with glee.

"______!!!!!!!!!!" They screamed back. You rushed to them, then all of you had a group hug. Then you heard some:

"______ I missed you!"

"Good to see you ______!"

"How are you ______?"

"How's life ______?"

You guys stayed at the park till 8pm catching up with Infinite oppas about their life, and about yours and CL's life like usual. Then it was time for them to go back home, you were sad because they just came back from Korea and you want to talk more. And besides, you and Minwoo didn't live with your parents. Well on week days, you guys go back to your parents house on the weekends and holidays. Why did you guys live on your own? Because it was closer to school, 'bout 30 minutes away. While your parents house was two hours away from school. Since you guys live alone, CL and (most of the time) Woohyun stay at your place. It's not that they don't have a place to stay, but CL gets annoyed by her sisters. And well, Woohyun just gets lonely at his place because it's just him.


You came back to your place

to find Minwoo in the living room hang out with his friends.

"______!!!!" They all yelled as they ran to you. You smiled at their cuteness/silliness.

"Hey dongsaengs!!" You guys got into a group hug. Minwoo saw that his friends didn't let go of you and started to yell and threatening them, telling them to let go of you or else. You giggled at how your brother could be protective of you sometimes yet annoying.

That night, CL and Woohyun stayed over while Minwoo's friend went home. You had 6 rooms so CL and Woohyun just stayed in the usual room they slept in.

All of you said your goodnights and headed to your bedrooms and slept.


I finally updated chapter two, took me two days to finish it! And as I was typing, my computer frozed on me! I didn't even get to save it, so I had to retyped everything again :(. But it's okay. Sorry if its boring and long. BUT Thanks for reading. Comment and subscribe please!!!! I will try to update as soon as possible. :)

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I don't know if you guys even read this, but, I changed a few things in this fanfic so you should it out. I just changed some stuff, nothing major.


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ParkRinRina #1
Chapter 7: omg what her mom sorry about??please update!!
bella-inspirit #2
umm..update soon!! :D
love the pictures~!
ailisu #5
XD can't wait for update :D
strawaii #6
Update ^^
baek-yeols #7
It's interesting so far! Update soon!! :D
Vietpridekorean #8
I<3 it!
rainbowpencilflower #9
Sounds like an interesting Fanfic. Love the characters!