Chapter 8

The iWish app

Still Minwoo's POV


I grabbed hold of ______'s hand and we left to go to the cafe.

"TADA! Isn't it cute?!" I asked.

She nodded and smiled. "Just like you."

"Ani. Its cute like you~"

I saw her cheeks tint pink and I couldn't help grin.

"Hi! How may I help you today?" The waitress asked while batting her eyelashes at me.

I paid no attention and ordered for the two of us. "We will order 2 hot chocolate and 1 slice of coconut cream pie and 1 slice of strawberry short cake please!"

She pouted noticing that I didn't even spare a glance at her. "Neh."

I looked at my ______ and noticed her smile.

"______ why are you smiling?" I teased.

"Ani. No reason." She quickly said and tried to hide her smile.

" you like that I didn't even pay attention to the waitress and only my princess?" I asked.

She blushed and nodded.



End of POV



The waitress came back with our order and slipped a piece of paper onto Minwoo's side of the table. I wanted to say something, but was too late.

"YAH! I don't know why are you giving me this in the first place when you can seem my girlfriend right here!" Minwoo shouted at the waitress.

Everyone's heads were turned towards our table. I tried to hide my facial expressions, but couldn't help but let out a giggle.

"Minwoo-ah. Why are you so cute?" I asked.

"Because I love you!" He answered.

'Not what the answer I was expecting but okay.' I thought.

"Anyways, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable _____ noona." He apologized.

"Aniyo. Its not your fault."

He smiled and gave me a hug.



I'm sorry for not updating for a long time and sorry if its kinda short!

I know I've been saying that I will update more but always procrastinate and stuff.......but I'm going to try my best not to procrastinate xD

Anyways I hope you enjoyed the update!

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Chapter 17: I loved this story so much!
Chapter 16: Hehe so cute!
hibaharu1886 #3
Chapter 17: It was very cute
Chapter 17: aw... that was a cute ending :')♥
Chapter 17: The End! ^o^
Chapter 17: awww that was a quick ending c':
good job! ^^
Chapter 16: Auww! update pls
Chapter 4: wow she agreed so easily, and it's too early to say I love you's but still cute
Chapter 3: that was gr8!
Chapter 16: your story is cute. Hope you update soon~