Episode 3

3 Sisters


Junhyung open the door and let MinJae in. His heart was beating so fast that he couldn’t say a word to her. After closing the door, Junhyung quickly get himself in the driver’s seat.

They’ve been in the car for 20minutes but neither both of them start any conversation.

“how long did you know him?” MinJae tried to break the silence.

“huh? Who?” Junhyung lost his focus because he was so nervous when he heard MinJae’s voice.

“wooyoung, your friend. How long did you know him?”

“wh…when I moved to Australia, wooyoung happened to be one of my classmates. But after Highschool we lost contact,” *gulp*

“oh, I see,” MinJae end their conversation with a short response since she’s out of ideas. They’ve been quiet until they reach the hospital.

Junhyung POV :

i was nervous that we have to drive alone. Since we couldn’t talk much during lunch, now would be the perfect time for me to have a nice conversation with MinJae.

I watched MinJae walking towards my car, I wanted to give her the best treatment ever. I quickly open the passenger’s seat door for her. Since she’s the queen of my heart, I want to do everything that pleasures her.

Running myself to the driver seat, hoping to have an enjoying trip with MinJae.

20minute passes by but I didn’t have the guts to start any topic for our conversation. Why am I like this? I used to be so comfortable with MinJae way back when we were still in school. But now everything has changed. MinJae seems mature and now.

She makes me cautious with my words. How am I supposed to break this silence?

“how long have you know wooyoung?”

Is that her voice? MinJae just talked to me. No way, I have to confirm this.


Urgh Junhyung, why do you have to make it so obvious?

“wooyoung, your friend. How long did you know him?”

Okay, it was her. She really talked to me. Ehem…ehem..*clearing throat*

“wh…when I moved to Australia, wooyoung happened to be one of my classmates. But after Highschool we lost contact,” *gulp*

“oh, I see,”

Okay great, she replied in a short phrase. I guess she’s in no mood to entertain me right now. Maybe I should keep myself quiet for a while.


“unnie, there you are,”

“whoah, those crowd are sure his fans. Where’s appa?”

“oh, appa is in that room. Where you can see loads of cameramans lining up,”

“I think I see it. Aren’t you coming?”

“errr, I’m gonna call MinSeul unnie. Appa asked me to call her,”

“okay then, “ turning herself facing Junhyung. “come let’s go and meet your long lost friend,” grabbing Junhyung’s hand and pull him towards the crowd.

Junhyung smiled and followed Minjae to room 221.

“there you are bro! it’s been a long time!”

“hey hyung! Yeah, it’s been a while. How’s your feet doing?”

Before wooyoung could respond about his foot, he saw that Junhyung and MinJae was still holding hands.

“forget about my feet, aren’t you going to introduce me to your girl?”

“oh, sorry hyung. This is MinJae, the girl I’ve been telling you about when we were in Highschool,”

“Ahh~ so she’s the queen of your heart that you’ve been talking about,” quickly took MinJae’s hand from Junhyung and give her a light handshake. “nice to meet you miss Kim.,”

The stunned MinJae only managed to give her short reply “nice to meet you too Wooyoung oppa,” *smile*

Holding back his jealousy, Junhyung asked for Mr kim since he couldn’t see the old man anywhere in the room.

“oh Mr Kim just went out for some fresh air. I don’t think he will be coming back to this room,”

“why? What happened?” the concerned Junhyung was being worried.

“I don’t know. When he got into this room, a reporter came over and asked him about his response towards my scandal. Suddenly his face changed and he went off just like that,”

“one day in Seoul, I mean not even one day, 5 hours in Seoul and you managed to get a scandal already?”

“well I guess my charms works every time. But this new person was different. Whenever I see her, I started to have butterflies in my stomach. She’s the prettiest doctor I’ve ever met,”

“doctor? What’s her name?” asked MinJae

“Min something, I can’t remember. Why? You know her?”

“I think the girl you had a crush on is my sister. She works here and her name is MinSeul. No wonder she wasn’t there for lunch,”

Wooyoung’s eyes widened. “she’s your sister?,”

“if who you meant is MinSeul then it’s a yes,”

Without realizing, wooyoung shouted ‘YES’ out loud.

MinJae, MinYuu and Junhyung was surprised by his reaction.


Mr Kim drove himself to MinYuu’s office to see MinSeul.

‘knock knock!’

The sleepy MinSeul woke up and walk towards the door. She slowly open the door and smelled her father’s cologne. (ommo! Its appa. I’m so dead)

“MinSeul, open the door. Now!” Mr Kim voice was very loud. People can see that he is very angry. The other staff that just got back from lunch quickly turned back to the entrance door.

“Appa, I can explain. Please don’t be mad,” MinSeul was pleading from behind the door.

“Say whatever you want after you let me in. don’t make me say it twice,”

“okay appa,” slowly she pull the door knob and kept her face down. Too scared to look at her fathers face.

Mr Kim was actually smiling. He wasn’t angry at all. He was so happy that finally his living-in-a-busy-life daughter have found her love. Mr Kim hold his daughters chin and lift her head gently.

“why are you looking at the floor? I’m not there you know,” he smiled.

“appa, I’m sorry if I made you embarrassed. I didn’t know he was famous. It all happened so fast, and… and…”

Now, now dear. It’s okay. I’m not mad at you but I’m happy for you. He seem to like you very much. Why don’t you give him a chance. Your life is been very quiet lately, why don’t you add someone to bright it up?”

“appa, are you serious?”

“ofcourse dear,” he opened his arms and MinSeul hugged him.

“komawoyo appa,” tears start falling on her face.

Mr Kim hold her face and wipe her tears. He grabbed her hand and and drove her to the hospital to meet wooyoung.

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awee this is soo cutee! <3<br />
update when you can please and thank youu!<br />
<3 MinSeul and WooYoung are soo cuteee! <3<br />
JunHyung too nervous with MinJae! <3 <br />
soo cuteeee!!!
ohhhkeo #2
update soon ! ^^