Chapter 1: The Beginning Of It All

Journey Of a Lifetime

Yeonjun groaned as he slowly woke up with the sound of the bell ringing, he say up and looked at the time seeing that it was 6am and knew he was in for another long day once again. yeonjun wished that at least on the weekends he would have a break from this and could just get a proper sleep, but no it still continued no matter what. Yeonjun knew the reason espacally now after everything that had happened in this world and is still happening at this pint in time, he finally got out of the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for another long day of school and trainning.

"i guess this is going to be another hard day today, but now point in complaining about it now" he mumbled to himself after he got out of the shower, he dried his body and hair, brushing his teeth and washing his face before finally getting dressed in his milatary training wear, it was a black top with half sleeves which had gold lining around the shoulders which showed what rank he was in, the trousers where baggy bu tight enough for the trainning that would take place, he also had thick black boots that where comfortable for the long hours of the day and training but still felt great when he did take them off. Yeonjun honestly didn't know what he could do espacally since he had no talent with the elements at all, he walked out his room and saw Huening Kai walking towards him waving with a bright smile on his face. Yeonjun called Kai his fall name since there where more then one Kai that was in the orphange. He smiled back softly with a wave waiting for him to get closer to him before he started to walk to the class.

"you seem tired today hyung, didn't get any sleep again last night? Are you really ok?" Kai asked looking at Yeonjun with worry clear on his face, he know that he was the eldest in the orphange but he was still worried about him since he was still young aswell. Yeonjun looked over to Kai before putting his arm around the others shoulders trying to reasure him that evrything was all right with him, he had to admit though he had always been protactive of Kai but it was the first time that the other had worried about him this much and if he was honest, it made him happy to know that he cared that much about his well being.

"your right, but this isn't the first time after all so don't worry so much i'll be fine, just like always" Yeonjun said with a soft smile ruffling the others hair gently, but honestly it was hard to sleep when terrifying things keep on flashing through his mind like that. Yeonjun didn't know if it was something that happened to him or just dreams of what he thought others where going through and he was honestly scared but he wasn't going to say that to Kai, he was young and didn't want to scare him with these stupid dreams of his. Yeonjun looked forward and saw the other students lining up outside of the training room, he looked at Kai and smiled softly before letting go of him and went into his line with the other students in his rank.

"hey Yeonjun hyung, you look even more tired then ususal, have the dreams been getting worse?" Yeonjun looked up to see Soobin standing in front of him, Soobin was like a brother to him and the one he could tell everything to without worroying about freaking him out, he was also in the same rank as him so he was happy that he had someone there with him all this time, he just hoped he would always be there in the same rank with him. Yeonjun sighed slightly before giving a nod at the question, he just wanted to know what the dreams mean but at the same time he was scared to ask anyone for help since he was an outsider.

"yes, they are getting worse and longer, i'm acurally starting to get scared to close my eyes, the only reason I can sleep is because I use all my energy in training" Yeonjun said letting Soobin know how he was feeling since he knew it was no good, he hoped that it wouldnt get to the point where he could not sleep at all or he would be in big trouble, especially in this kind of world. Soobin was worried about Yeonjun but when he was about to turn and speak to him the teachers came, he quickly faced forward again standing to attention so he wouldn't get punished like last time he was seen talking to Yeonjun. Yeonjun could tell that Soobin was going to say something before the teachers came but he would ask him after or some other day not wanting to get either of them in trouble again.

"S-rack students, today we are going to learn which element you will choose, we will help you learn to control it!" Yeonjun let out a sigh knowing this was going to be a hard and long day since he didn't know anything about the elements, even if he chose an element he doesn't know how to even use them, if they found out he would be put down into a lower rank and he didn't want that to happen, not now, not after everything he had to go through. Soobin herd the sigh and know what was wrong, after all Yeonjun was not born here he was found outside alone with no explaination on how he got there or who he was.

"A-rank student, you will be learning combat moves since the S-ranks need some back-ups that know how to fight!" Yeonjun was glad that he know at least one of the people in the A-ranks and hoped that they would be put into the same team when the time comes to got out into the distroyed world, from the corner of his eye he saw Beomgyu with a slight smile showing on the other's face after the news and couldn't help but smile aswell. Beomgyu hoped that he would be put into the same group as Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun and Kai since they where the only people in the ophange that he got along with or even talked to.

The B-rank that Taehyun was in where going to learn nevagation and other technology that would help in tracking and other things, the H-rack that Huening Kai was in would be in charge of healing if something goes wrong outside, which was likely. Yeonjun had a feeling that they may be put all in the same group since they only really talked to each other no matter where they were, or that's what he hoped would happen when the time would come. Once the speach was over each rank got toke to the respacted places to learn everything they needed, Yeonjun was nervous and hoped that the teacher wouldn't be to hard on him.

"Ok, each of you will step forward and will choose which element you think matches you, from there we will teach you how to use and control it, it isn't as hard as it sounds and we will give even extra help to those who need it, is that clear?" Yeonjun had notice the way the teacher looked at him when she had said extra help and felt a little relife that they where not going to let him make a fool of himself, he wondered where he had actaully came from and why he wasn't like everyone else that was in this sheltar, he wanted to know but he didn't want to risk everything he had right now.

"Ok let us begin!" Yeonjun watched as each student went up to choose the element that represented them and there personality, there wasn't a lot of S-rankers at all the most that would become one is around six or seven. Yeonjun watched as Soobin went up to choose his element, he had always belived Soobin to be like the Earth element because of his personality and the fact that he liked to be in nature most of the time even if it was fake. Soobin stepped forward before looking at each element and choose earth, he had always listened when Yeonjun would always say that he reiminded him of the earth element so he went with it.

"Yeonjun step forward, its your turn" Yeonjun walked forward looking at each element wondering which one one would match him, after a while he went with fire not knowing what he actrully matched himself with when it came to the fire element, he just felt his body being pulled towards it. Yeonjun looked at the teacher who had an unreadable look on her face and wondered if he did something wrong by choosing that element, without another word he headed back to his spot looking forward once again waiting for the next instructions of what was going to happen for today's lesson.

"Ok, each of you will get into the groups of elements you choose and will have an instructor, i will be helping out yeonjun since he was the only one that chose fire" Yeonjun was surpised but didn't ask what was happening and just stayed where he was as others got into thier groups, he watched from the corner of his eye as they started to learn how to control there element with ther instructor, he walked over to his teacher when she indicated for him to follow her. Yeonjun walked over to her and saw a glass box like room before looking back at his teacher curiously woudering what was happening.

"All fire element trainning take place in here, even i was trained in here it helps make sure no one gets injured, fire is more hard and dangorus to control then the other elements, for the user and the people around them" Yeonjun nodded slightly as he listened to his teacher now intructor talk feeling nervous now, he woundered if he had made the right choice or not. Soobin watched from the side of his eye to see what was happening with Yeonjun, he knew that the teacher was also a fire element user the moment he saw her but he was surprised that Yeonjun chose fire since it didn't match him at all. Soobin went back to concentrating on his own element contral since he wanted to be of help to Yeonjun since he knew that he may need it when it came to the real world and having to use his element.

"Ok, in we go Yeonjun lets get practicing, this may take longer then others since you wasn't born here so i'll have to teach you from the very beginning. From the feeling to the control. you ready to learn about everything from the beginning?" Yeonjun toke a deep breathe nodding his head determaind to get on with the learning, he wanted to learn as much as he could in the time that they had and hopefully not put anyone in harms way especially his friends, they where working just as hard as he was to get where they are now and to where they where headed in the next few years.

Yeonjun learned how to connect to the element and how to feel it go through his body, he honestly didn't realise how easy it was to get connected to the elements and felt stupid of feeling anxious about it all. Yeonjun was glad that he had a good teacher that was going through eveything with him step by step without rushing or getting annoyed if he did something wrong, he learned how to breathe properly, how to feel the fire going through his body and how to let it go so he wouldn't burn his insides which could happen especially with the fire element.

"Good, that will be enough for this lesson today, you will have to come back here tomorrow after your other lessons to catch up with the other students" Yeonjun nodded understanding and not minding one bit, he was ready to have extra lessons anytime even late night ones. Soobin waited for Yeonjun seeing him talking with his teacher, he was woundering what they where talking about but decided  against getting involved since he was learning from the basics. Soobin smiled as Yeonjun walked towards him getting a smile in return, he could tell that Yeonjun was tired but also fired up.

"so how did the lesson go? learn anything intresting?" Yeonjun gave a nod at the questions not really being in the mood to talk as they walked out of the class, as they excited the room he saw the other three waiting for them. Yeonjun smiled as they stood up qucikly and walked over to them with curiosity written all over their faces, he was grateful that he had the four of them with him no matter what happened or where they where.

"Soobin hyung, Yeonjun hyung how was your lesson? did you get your element already?" Yeonjun chuckled softly seeing how exsited Kai was being before humming slightly, he wasn't going to talk just yet since he wanted Soobin to talk first, after all Soobin had started to learn how to control it already unlike Yeonjun who was still learning what an element acturally was right now.

"Oh i'm starting to learn how to control it, it takes a lot of work I've got a couple of bruises from it but it's all a part of the process" Yeonjun smiled slightly as he listened to Soobin and the way he talked, he knew that it was taking a toll on him but Soobin still smiled and talked like a pro that he was. Yeonjun could feel all of their eyes on him and knew that they wanted to knew but he was scared to tell them, after all the only ones that know that he wasn't burn here was Soobin, all the teachers in the school and the leader of the shelter since he was the one that had found him at the entrance.

"Oh he's doing great to, he's just tired since he has the hardest element to master" Soobin answered for Yeonjun knowning that he didn't want the others to find out just yet, he knew that it was going to get out eventually but for now he would protect Yeonjuns secret and hopefully their friendship when it does finally get out in the open. Yeonjun was grateful for Soobin since he knew what to say or how to change the convonsation into something else, he smiled slightly actually feeling tired with everything that had happened but he had to stay awake they still had other lessons to go to before the day ended. Soobin could tell that he was having a hard time but seeing how much he does in a day he wasn't surprised, he had to learn about the shelter from the very beginning and also all the normal lessons that all the young adults, teens and children had to go through to see where they would work.

"I see, then you should get a little rest before the next lesson. we have a 15 miunte break to get back our enorgy after all" Taehyun said as he sat down on one of the chairs near the next class, he knew about Yeonjuns dreams but he still needed to get at least a little bit of rest or he was going to overwork himself, he wasn't going to admit it but he was really worriedabout Yeonjun. Yeonjun nodded know that he should do that but he didn't knew if he could or not, he lay down across some of the chairs and closed his eyes hoping that just this once he would be able to get a proper rest without being haunted by the dreams. Soobin looked at Yeonjun sitting in the chair that was next to the one that Yeonjuns head was on ready to calm him down if the dreams did happen to come while he was resting there.

Outsise the shelter there where a group of servivors huddled together waiting to get killed by the supernatral or for someone to come and help them, one of them had gone to a near by shelter hoping that they would help them get to safty. Yuna manged to get to the gate with just a couple of scratches and hit the door as hard as she could hoping someone was up, to her relief the door was open and she fell inside out of breathe an tired.

"What happened?" she heard a voice ask unable to make out any faces since she was to tired, with the last bit of energy she had she reached out her hand that was holding the latter. As soon as Yuna felt the letter leave her hand she collaped into the arms of one of the gards there, she just hoped that they would get to her family before it was to late or to at least save as much if them as they could.









hello, this is the first chapter i hope you like it. i dont know where i got inspration for this to be honest.

maybe its from all the anime i watch and all of TXT MVs i have watched but either way it made me come up with this

hope you enjoy! 

sorry for any spelling mistakes or grammar mistakes, my dyslexia is getting in the way once again :( you got to love auto correct at this moment lol

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