Next Oneshot [dedicated to Jang Yuhee]

My Friend's Tale




Whenever I said ‘I have infinite clothes, infinite bags, infinite accessories, and infinite this and that’, people mistakenly took it as how rich I am. They’re a bit dumb, don’t you think? Who in the world owned infinite amount of things?


You posted it in your blog. Then you began to upload Second Invasion photos of your favourite k-pop boy band, Infinite. You started to grin when thinking back on the day the concert was held for the second time.

“Daebak” you said in a raspy voice. You cleared your sore throat. It’s the effect you got after giving out all your energy shouting along Infinite’s performances. The weather outside didn’t seem to help you get well either as it was raining heavily. It’s only half past 2 yet it feels like it was already night time. You clutched your blanket tightly to your body as you lay down on your bed, uploading all photos that you manage to capture perfectly. You stopped scrolling down at one picture, Hobaby's abs. Say bye bye to Hobaby and hello to Hogod. You giggled and blushed as your eyes can't stop staring at his body. You delay uploading and started to watch his y performances.

Just then, there’s a loud bang coming from the main door. That made you jolted up from your bed.

"Aish! Shouldn't mom won't be coming back until 8?" you began to get irritated. If mother came home, she should've unlocked the door by herself. So who could it be?  The loud bang came again which made you began to get alarmed. Aish, why should this thing happen to me when I’m home alone, ESPECIALLY when I want to watch my Hobaby's show? You went out from your room and to the main door. As you slowly approached to the door, the sound was getting louder and your footsteps were going in slower pace.


You bit your bottom lip as your hand touch the door knob.

“Who is outside?” you asked. Mistakenly, you already twisted the knob, unlocking it.

Gasping, you were stumbled back to the floor as the strangers came in and desperately locking back the door. When he was done, he stared down at you. You couldn’t see his face as he was wearing a hood on his head, all wet from head to toe. Eyes widened and mouth agape. There’s only one thing that came through your mind.



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leolliepop #1
Chapter 8: + bongobongo
+ 20
+ me x any of my biases kyaaaa!!!!!
+ romance ofc!! ((the shy, cute and fluffy romance one jakxjisjsiw))
+ your call o u o [ LADDER SHOULDER ]
leolliepop #2
Chapter 8: did you update the aff page? o u o I thought I'd be seeing new stories ; ;;;;; im rereading everything again I'm blooshing kya > \\\ < ♡♡♡
leolliepop #3
Chapter 8: ;;;;; one of my most treasure birthday presents♡ I'm totally imagining it was me, in my own house + school, and myungsoo as my neighbour. thank you for this > u < thank you forr writing this in the midst of exam period ;~; u is mi lab <3
leolliepop #4
omg I'm in your foreword speech c': lemme give you some more love (/ *u*)//~~♡♡
leolliepop #5
leolliepop #6
Chapter 7: 언니야~~~ please write more of infinite esp. myungsoo coughsyouknowwhycoughs xD I miss your writingggggg
leolliepop #7
>< i wish this really happens to me ^^ sobsob... saranghae unnie :')
Woogyu? XD
chapter 1;

it's sooo cute :3