Housemates Conflict


Knock knock!

Seen a young man angrily, knocking on someone's door. A woman appeared in front of the door. "What else, Seungyoun?"

That young man or Cho Seungyoun quickly showed a piece of paper that had been crumpled right into the woman's face.

"What?" The woman was lazy, her face looked irritated.

“Aunt, I paid the rent for last month. Why do you say I have not paid yet? ” Seungyoun asked angrily.

Immediately that paper was taken by the woman. "I said you have not paid, it means you have not paid. Sometimes the receipt is not right. ” Cheating, she blew her nails while throwing his gaze to somewhere.

"Serious aunt?" Seungyoun was so angry until fake laughter could only be released from his lips. "Woah aunt. If you want to lie, make sure you do it correctly. It’s okay. I’m gonna look for another rent house!” he decided.

When he wanted to step away, the woman immediately reached for his arm. “Yah Seungyoun! What did you say? Looking for another rent house? ” she asked, shocked by the young man's sudden decision.

"Let me go!" Seungyoun pulled his arm from the woman's grip. “More than yes, I really want to find a rent house. Don’t worry! I will promote your rental house. ” He said with a smile.

The woman's eyes were already glowing with hope. "Really?”

Seungyoun tilted his head accompanied by an evil smile. "I will promote to other people that this rent house is actually not good for rent because the owner is a liar!" he quickly fled the scene with a successful smile.

"Hey, Cho Seungyoun!" The woman's voice growled. She stomped her feet repeatedly.

Seungyoun looks stressed as he scrolled down and up to his twitter account. Busy looking for a new rent house. Suddenly his eyes caught something. Quickly he took his phone to his face. "Skylight Paradise Residence?"


As he comes into Skylight Paradise...

“Hey baby boy. Have you eaten yet?” Slowly he cupped Seungyoun’s chin.

“Hey cutie.” He winked at Seungyoun before he fled the scene to the bathroom.

“I can help you work out.” He said as he touched Seungyoun’s skinny arm.

“Seungyoun ah!” he grinned happily as saw Seungyoun.

“Youn.” He cut off Seungyoun’s name shorter.

“Don’t forget come to cheer me up.” He whispered directly into Seungyoun’s ear.

“Hyung!” he hugged Seungyoun tightly.

Seem like all of them are really attracted to Seungyoun! But who are they? When a young man rents a house that is already occupied by 7 mysterious men, what will happen to cho seungyoun?


GasPS HELLOW THERE! This is my first fanfic! Do support me okay? Fyi english is not my mother language so you will read my story full of grammar error . I hope you understand my storyline and enjoy!



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