When The Show Airs

Hug Me

After the shooting ends, the girls thanked the staffs and the MCs. Then, they leave the studio and back to their car.


“The “hug me” segment earlier was fun! But I’m really curious about what the questions are!” Eunha said excitedly as we enter the car.


“Then let’s just watch it together when the show airs.” Sowon said.


“But it’s too long! It’s still about a week to our comeback and we’ll be very busy promoting our new album unnie!” SinB protested.


It looks like Sowon thought about it for a bit before saying “You’re right though, then let’s just spoil the questions now.”


“YEAY!” The members said.


“So who want to start first?” Sowon asked.


“Me. You guys got it right earlier.” SinB states.


“Someone who has a face like an apple?” Umji said and SinB nods.


“It means someone pretty right?” Yuju said.


“Yup! You all agree with me right? I mean Sowon-unnie is Korean Top 3 Prettiest Women!” SinB said and the members laughs.


“Okay okay stop teasing me. My question is ‘what should I do with you’,” Sowon said.


“It mean SinB is super cute today with her hairstyle and you don’t know what to with that brat?” Yerin asks Sowon but she gets a kick from SinB for calling her brat.


“Yah! It hurts!” Yerin shouts. The members laugh seeing their antics, except Yuju, she’s jealous because after the show, Yerin didn’t even spare her a glance. Is it all an act? Yerin hugged and touched her a lot when they’re in the same team for the game before. Yeah, maybe it’s all an act. Yuju is still deep in her thought that she didn’t realize that the Umji and Eunha already said what their questions are.


“Hey Yuju-unnie, what’s your question? What did you choose me?” SinB asked.


“Huh? It’s just ‘if you keep doing that, I’ll cry’.” Yuju said.


“Aigoo, that explains the hint you gave.” SinB said, but the members seem to not really get it.


“What is it that you do SinB? Did you bully Yuju until she cried?” Eunha innocently asked.


“Yah! Hwang Eunbi! Is it true?” Sowon shouts.


“Don’t need to shout Sowon-unnie! And no! Why would I bully my beloved Yuju-unnie? She’s hurting enough.” SinB accidentally said.


“Hurting enough?” Yerin finally spoke.


“Why is Yuju-unnie hurting?” Umji asked, the members also look at SinB and Yuju for explanations.


“A-aniya, my head often hurts because I can’t get enough sleep these few weeks preparing for our comeback.” Yuju stuttered, but the members seem to accept her reasons. They’re feeling really tired these few weeks because of the comeback, and Yuju is one of the composers and also the main vocal, so they understand why she’s burdened.


“Next! Yerin-unnie, what’s your question?” Eunha finally said.


“I won’t say~” Yerin smiles playfully.


“Unnie! It’s not fair! We already said all our questions.” SinB protested.


“I don’t want to~ The timing is not right now.” Yerin replies.


“Whyyy?” The members protested again.


“Is it that bad until you can’t say it now?” Yuju suddenly said and the members went silent. The mood changed.


“N-no, it’s a good one, I promise.” Yerin said, but deep down, she really didn’t really know if it’s good or bad loving her member.


“Okay then, I trust you unnie, we’ll just watch it when the show airs.” Yuju said with a monotone voice. Yerin just smiled and the members can feel the awkward tension between them. SinB who understand Yuju’s love toward Yerin, decided to change the topic and after a while, the mood become cheerful again.


They never get the time to watch the show when it airs. They’re super busy with their comeback. Going to music show, shooting for another shows, and keep practicing to make sure their performance is 100% good. The other members seem to forget about the issue, but Yuju always think about it the whole week.




What is it? Why did she choose me? Why can’t see even tell us what the question is? I think it’s bad, maybe it’s the member that you’re awkward with? Or member that you don’t feel comfortable with? But why did she said that she didn’t really complimenting me and tell me I’ve done a good job? I don’t understand. Is she doing it for the show? But when she hugged me, I can feel that she’s sincere.


Unconciously, her tears start to fall again. She’s always like this if she thought about Yerin. Overthinking all the possibilities why did Yerin distanced herself from her. Thinking about what she did wrong.


“Unnie, you did it again.” SinB enters her room.


“Doing what?” Yuju wipes her tears away and faces SinB.


“Crying over Yerin-unnie. Don’t overthink about it unnie. The show will airs in 15 minutes, let’s watch together?” SinB yawns.


“It’s okay Sin-B-ya, I know you’re tired. I’ll just watch it by myself, you can go to sleep.”


“No unnie, I want to accompany you. Who knows what the questions were. But I think it’s a positive question since the show won’t ruin their guests’ reputation right?” SinB said. It’s true, they won’t give us questions that are ruining our images or whatelse. The show will also watched by the company first before it airs to make sure nothing is wrong. Maybe it’s nothing. Maybe it’s just someone who enjoys her life fully? Or just simple questions like someone who is the weirdest? Well, it might be something like that, but why did Yerin-unnie didn’t want to tell us before?


“It’s okay, they won’t give us bad questions. I think I can handle it as long as it is not a bad one. Just go to sleep, SinB-ah. You already yawns for the tenth time in the last 5 minutes. Now shoo~” I shooed SinB away while SinB just whines about she wants to accompany me, but she’s walking to her room too. This brat.


After SinB enters her room, I sigh. I go to the kitchen to get some snacks and water for the show. I walk back to the sofa and turn on the television. The show starts with the poem thing. They edit it into funnier than it was. Aigoo~


The ‘hug me’ segment is very fun too. They did really cut a lot of our whining and shouting. I think it’s because they need to keep our images hahaha. Our buddy will get a heart attack if they watch this in their laptop with earphone on. I smile a lot while watching our show. I don’t really watch our shows when it airs, I even watched more G(I)-DLE shows than ours. That’s why the members, especially Yerin-unnie, nags a lot. But maybe I’ll just watch our shows more to see Yerin-unnie’s eye smile. She’s really cute with that. Since the Fever era, I think Yerin-unnie is trying hard to change her image into a y one. When performing, she always tried to look y and I must admit that she looked irresistible. She’s so y that sometimes I want to dive deep into her gaze. But honestly, I love her cute self more. Her eyesmile, her cute cheeks and her cute voice. I really love it more. I was deep in my though thinking about Yerin-unnie until a voice startled me.


“You really watch it, you’re such a curious puppy Yuna-ah.” Yerin-unnie said while taking a seat beside me.


“U-unnie! You shocked me! Please make a sound next time and don’t just appear like this!” I whined. My heart almost dropped because of her. It’s because she just sits casually besides me and say my real name. I don’t even remember when is it the last time she called me Yuna. Maybe it’s years ago, before she distanced herself from me. My heart hurts thinking about it and I try to hold back my tears. I don’t want her to question me.


“Yah! Choi Yuna!” Yerin-unnie shouts.


“W-wae? What is it unnie?” I look at her.


“You’re spacing out aigoo~ I’ve call you for ten times already. Come on, let’s watch, it’s already my turn. You want to know the question right?” Yerin-unnie said sweetly while hugging me from the sides.


(I couldn’t say this to you, but…)


“That’s the question Yuna-ah. Did my explanation on the show satisfy you?” Yerin-unnie said after the question is being revealed.


“I don’t think so unnie, I still didn’t get it. I mean I know you’re not like Eunha who like to compliment us a lot, but your action showed that you love us.” I said.


“I just feel like I compliment you the least among the members, Yuna-ah. I want you to know that I really love you.” Yerin-unnie said sincerely. I don’t know why but when she said that she loves me, I can see sadness in her eyes.


“It’s okay unnie. I get it.” I smiled at her.


“I’ll tell you about it when we watch the shows together later.” Yerin-unnie from the show said. Yes right, she said she’ll tell me about it when we watch the show. What is it? Should I ask her? Or is it already all that she want to tell me?


“Yuna-ah” Yerin-unnie suddenly said, disturbing me from my thought.


“Yes unnie? What is it?”


As if she can read my mind, she said “Don’t you curious about what I want to tell you?”


“I-I’m really curious unnie, but is there anything else that you want to tell me?”


“Yeah, it’s a secret Yuna. I want to complete the sentence of the question. The question has an open ending that I want to complete the sentence.”


I’m really nervous now. She couldn’t say it to me, but what? She couldn’t compliment me, but what? A thousand of things are running in my mind right now.


“I couldn’t say this to you Yuna-ah, but I don’t think I can hold it anymore.”


“H-huh? What do you mean unnie?” I’m confused. She couldn’t say what? Compliment me? why can’t se hold it anymore?


“I’m sorry I did lie about the explanation. It’s half lie though. It’s not about complimenting at first. The first time I read the question, it’s not about complimenting, but it’s another thing. The complimenting part is true too, but it’s not my first reason to choose you for this question.” Yerin explains.


It’s not about complimenting? So what is it? Until she can’t hold it anymore?


“I should not be saying this to you Yuna-ah. You couldn’t know about this. But I’ve been keeping this to myself for 6 years. I don’t think I can hold it anymore. I keep distancing myself from you because I don’t think I could hold it if I keep having you beside me.” Yerin-unnie said while her head hangs low. She doesn’t even look at me in the eyes as usual. The show is long forgotten, I think it’s already airs until the flipping apple segment.


“Do you really want to know about this secret of mine Yuna-ah?” Yerin-unnie finally lifts her head to look at me in the eyes. I don’t know why, but I can see sadness in her eyes and she’s tearing up.


“I-I don’t know unnie. I’m not pressuring you. If you don’t want to say it, it’s okay.” I said. I think she’s pressured to tell me about it.


“Aniya, I’m not pressured. I just want to know if you really want to know this.”


“Yeah, I really want to know about it unnie.” I can’t lie to her. I’m dying to know what is it and why did she keep distancing herself from me and what can’t she hold if she’s near me? Did she know my feelings? Did she get disgusted with me so that she can’t keep it anymore? I should think of positive things but all the negative thoughts just come to me.


“Promise me, nothing will change after this. We’ll still be friends, right?” Yerin-unnie said.


“Of couse unnie, we’ll still be f-friends.” I don’t know why I stuttered. It seems like all my nightmares come true. After she said to me that she’s disgusted about my feelings, that she didn’t like me the way I like her, she wants us to be friens. Nothing more. She wants us to be friends for the sake of the group.


“I-I love you Yuna. I’ve been keeping my feelings for 6 years, since our trainee days. I keep distancing myself from you these few years because my feelings is getting deeper. I don’t want to ruin anything, we’re still a developing new group. I want us to reach our dreams. I don’t want to ruin my dream, your dream, and our members’ dream because of my selfish feelings. I know it’s wrong, to fall in love with you, we’re girls and probably you’re already disgusted by me after hearing this. But I beg you, please, we can still be friends, right? At least, for the sake of the group. Even if it’s only for fan service, please, can we still be friends? I know I’m selfish Yuna-ah, but I can’t bear if you don’t want to see me anymore, I-I…” Yerin-unnie said everything in a rush and now she’s crying hard. I’m still shocked from what I’ve heard. I can’t say anything. Yerin-unnie love me? Is it a dream? Am I hearing right? I thought that she don’t like me, but it turns out otherwise. I’m still processing everything in my mind when Yerin-unnie suddenly say something again between her sobs.


“I-I understand if you need time and you’re disgusted. I’ll go and give you some space. I’m sorry, Yuna-ah.” Yerin-unnie gets up and ready to leave so I pull her wrist that she fell into my lap.


“Who said I’m disgusted unnie?”


“Aren’t you? You’re straight after all.”


“Am I? The last time I checked, or maybe all the time I checked, I’m never straight.”




“No buts, unnie. I’m not straight and I’m not disgusted by you.”


“Thankyou Yuna-ah. I’m sorry.. I’m really sorry” Yerin-unnie said between her sobs.


“Why are you saying sorry?” I wiped her tears away.


“I’m sorry for confessing to you. I really couldn’t hold it anymore. I really want you to know and I know I’m selfish. You don’t need to return my feelings and please don’t be pressured by it.”


“Why are you sorry, unnie? I’m not pressured by it, I can say I’m happy.” I smiled at her. She’s so cute right now but I don’t really like seeing unnie cried.


“H-happy?” Yerin-unnie shocked.


“Unnie, are you really that slow? Did Sowon-unnie rub off you? I’m happy that you confessed to me. I’ve been dying to hide my feelings and I’m jealous everytime you’re being touchy with SinB. I even thought that you two are girlfriends before.” I chuckled.


“Y-you? Hide y-your feelings? Jealous with SinB?” Yerin-unnie stuttered, she really didn’t expact this. Yerin expect Yuju will feel disgusted by her or at least won’t talk to her anymore after knowing her feelings. But she gets a opposite reaction. She should be happy but she can’t say anything right now.


“Yeah unnie, I love you.” I said before closing the space between us and locked our lips together. Her lips are so soft, like how I always imagined. I can’t believe I’m kissing Yerin-unnie and she’s kissing me back. After a while, we break our kiss because we need air. I lean my forehead to Yerin-unnie’s and stare into her eyes. We stare at each others’ gaze for some minutes until we heard a cough.


“What are you two doing?” Sowon-unnie suddenly appear with a glass of water in her hand.


“Get lost in Yuna’s eyes.” Yerin-unnie replies Sowon-unnie. Her answer made me and Sowon-unnie shocked. I shocked that I backed from her and look at Sowon-unnie with ‘please it is not what you think’ eyes.


“Geez, you’re such a flirty brat Yerin. Stop it before you get yourself into trouble.” Sowon-unnie just let it pass like that because she thinks Yerin-unnie is being her usual flirty self.


“Unnie, why would you say that?” I protested.


“Wae? I’m honest though. Yuna-ah, do you want to be my girlfriend?”


“I’ll think about it.” I decided to .


“Yah! You don’t know how many courage do I have to collect to say that?” Yerin-unnie pouts.


“Aigoo~ Cutee~” I pinched her cheeks but it just made her sulked more.


“Of course I want to be your girlfriend unnie. I love you.” I sincerelyl said.


“I love you too, Yuna-ah, my Yuju.” Yerin-unnie kissed me again. We kissed until the show is long forgotten and just cuddle in the couch. Who cares about Sowon-unnie’s nagging tomorrow because we don’t turn off the television or our backs will hurt because we slept on the couch? I have my Yerin-unnie now as my girlfriend, I don’t need anything else. This is the best night ever, I don’t need to get jealous anymore and cried everytime I think of her. She’s mine now, she’s really mine now.


“Yeah, I’m yours.” Yerin-unnie laughs.


“Huh?” I’m confused. Did she just read my mind?


“You said it out loud, Yuna-ah. I’m yours now and you don’t need to get jealous nor cried anymore. I’m sorry that I’ve made you cried. I really didn’t know that distancing myself from you could hurt you that much. I’m really sorry.”


“It’s okay unnie, it’s all in the past. Now let’s just open a new page of our story unnie.”


“Aigoo~ Such a poetic dongsaeng.” Yerin-unnie ruffles my hair and burries her head in my neck.


“Good night, unnie.”


“Good night, Yuna.”


We slept on the couch that night. I know we have a lot of explanations to make tomorrow. But who cares about it?

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Kang_Seungmin1997 #1
Chapter 3: Im so excited for the next chapterrrr uwuuuuu
MesXI05 #2
Chapter 3: umb confessions next?? ^-^
good luck author! my shipper heart YeJu!!!
hahaxixihehe #4
Chapter 2: Yeju ❤
Chapter 1: This is so cute... This is not complete yet, right author-nim?
hahaxixihehe #6
Chapter 1: Cuteeee hahaha authornim it will be great if you include other variety show their guesting this comeback like in dingo or kbob etc