Over Our Heads

Colour My Soul and Paint It Black

Some days it almost felt as if his Ji was back. And then Seunghyun berated himself for thinking that way. He loved him anyway. Always. No matter in what headspace, or emotional state Jiyong was in, he loved him but it hurt to see him look so lost.


Somehow this time had been worse than the other times. He watched as Jiyong lay awake longer, paced around the island pointlessly, and clutched at fabric as if willing himself not to tear it apart. He watched, and stayed. Not hovering, but within reach at all times, if ever needed. 


And then… And then on a Tuesday, as unassuming a day as any other week day, when Seunghyun’s alarm rang, he felt the other man move behind him and as an arm sneaked around his waist, he felt a kiss to his back. And Seunghyun smiled.

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Chapter 9: This is a great fic! I really love the unique setting and the canvas being so funnily sentient! One of the most unique works, keep writing! :D